Zeroing. NLP technique for solving difficult situations.


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There are several ways to perceive a situation. You can be inside and see everything with your own eyes (association), or you can look at yourself in this situation from the outside (dissociation is a breakdown of the state).

Choosing a situation

Please select some difficult situation for you in which you cannot decide what to do. Maybe you cannot choose from some options, they all do not suit you with something. Maybe you have no options at all. This can be a situation of emotional or intellectual impasse. When you have already tried everything that you knew, but nothing new is somehow invented. At corporate trainings, we usually write down some common problems: difficult negotiations, sales, firing subordinates, hiring new ones ... everything that is stressful, everything that is important and difficult at the same time.

Please do not take on highly traumatic experiences, moments of life that make you cry when you remember them. After all, this is, firstly, only a book, and secondly, it is about decision-making, and not about depth psychotherapy. Take something important enough, but at the same time something that doesn't work. Do it now.

So the association:

Attention: please, for the first time, read the description of the exercise to the end, without doing it. And re-read the second time already in the process.

So, in order to “associate” (first, just read!), You will need to take the same posture in which you were or will be in this situation. If you usually stand there, stand up. If you are sitting, sit down. Make your usual facial expression in this situation. If you want to cross your arms in this situation or cross your legs, do it. It helps in visualization, you can try it somehow for experiment without it and you will notice the difference.

Then imagine a very vivid and detailed picture. What do you usually see when you are there? Where is it? At home, in the office, on the street, in the club? Make the picture big, vivid, panoramic, really like reality. If there needs to be movement, make it move.

Turn on the sound. What do you usually hear there? Conversation with someone, music, noise outside the window? Think back to your inner dialogue. What are you saying to yourself within yourself? In this situation? Reproduce intonations, shades. Notice the bodily sensations. Don't try to change anything at this stage, just notice. Breathing, palpitations, tremors, internal movements, tension? Run your mind's eye over the body. Take a small internal inventory. Don't try to change anything, just notice.

Finally, if you have a name for these emotions, name it silently. Just tell yourself, "I am experiencing this and that." And come out.

Once again, in order to associate with a situation, you need to recreate:
  • Body language: posture, facial expression
  • Picture
  • Sounds
  • Internal dialogue
  • Notice sensations and emotions

State breakdown

1. We will need to physically go to some place other than where you were just associated in an unpleasant situation. Take two steps to the side.

2. Then take a deep breath through your nose and shake yourself well as you exhale. Shake your arms, legs, whole body. Imagine yourself as a dog shaking off water. For a special effect, you can make a constant sound on exhalation, something like “Aaaaaaa ...” or “Oo-oo-oo-oo-oo ...”. Do this 3-4 times. I know it looks very funny. This is so that your bad condition is not carried over to the exercise. And this should ALWAYS be done before performing any game.

It is said that it is very difficult to taste ice cream when you have steak in your mouth. Likewise, it is very difficult to change a state when your body is occupied with some other state. We are shaking ourselves to leave the old state behind.

Wine tasters rinse their mouths with water when moving from one wine to another. Perfume shops in France have pouches of coffee that you can sniff. They are needed in order for our receptors to “zero out”, to be ready to perceive the new. For “zeroing” the sensations, it helps to shake things up. You can take a shower. But it's easier to shake things up.


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NLP: Emotional Fitness, or How to Teach Your Body to Feel in a New Way​


This article is addressed to NLP practitioners looking to expand their counseling experience with a new technique. It contains a technique aimed at working a consultant with a client. In addition, an NLP practitioner, and even more so an NLP master, can use it for independent inner work with their own emotions.
The inner world of a person can be imagined as a vast space. Physically, a person has a body, various processes take place inside him. The metaphor is this: the planet Earth consists of the earth's crust and atmosphere. There are zones of different pressure in the atmosphere, somewhere the pressure is high, somewhere it is low. There are zones, for example, the equator, where the pressure is almost always very low. Somewhere the pressure changes according to different rules. Likewise, emotions change in the human body: there is a kind of "atmospheric pressure" inside us. Emotional "pressure" is so important that a person can experience different "leaps" of emotions, which will determine success or failure in business.

Scientists studied the reasons for the difference in pressure in the atmosphere, how it changes in different parts of the Earth and at different times. As a rule, there are clear patterns there. They are scientifically explainable, familiar, repeatable. There are also “emotional” patterns within a person. How, by what rules do they work? How do you manage them? What are the reasons for their formation? Why do we feel bad, "emotional pressure" drops in some situations and why can we feel bad for a very long time? Many people can be depressed for a long time due to familiar situations in life - just as there are zones on Earth where there is always desert, unbearable heat, or it is known for sure that a drought will come at a specific time.

For me, the answer is simple: a person has learned an ineffective strategy, and he urgently needs to retrain. The brain plays an old record a thousand times, according to the same pattern. A pattern that has been anchored many times seems to be difficult to interrupt the first time. Therefore, pattern interruption training should be done methodically and persistently. You can make smooth transitions to other strategies, emotions. For this it is necessary to create conditions where these emotions can be imagined and felt. An NLP consultant can easily create these conditions during the session.

Another aspect: how do we get an overview of our "emotional" field? How to see the "map" of emotions and learn to manage emotional strength, take control of your power? The social panorama model proposed by Lucas Derks can significantly help us see the space of our emotions. For example, to visualize within your space yourself with various emotions. Chances are, you, who have the most commonly used emotions, will be especially distinguished by submodal and distance differences. Further in my article will be a description of the NLP technique, which uses spatial anchors. I want to note right away that this kind of technique can be done using the social panorama model. The secret is that steps in this technique, as well as movements, can be done in "volumetric space" - the systemic space of one's personality using visualizations, changes in submodalities.

Just as we can see the pattern of the movement of the winds on a map of the Earth, we are able to visualize a "map of emotions." It makes sense to assess these emotions, set new goals, develop new "routes" of emotional "voyage"! Few people like to vacation in the Arctic in the summer, even if they live in the north not far from it. I would like to explore new corners of the planet. So it is enough for us to sit out in the "province" of our emotions - it's time to see the world in all its diversity and versatility! Or maybe fly up many kilometers (by plane or go into space) in the bright hope of understanding who controls the Earth's atmosphere ... Exactly just as gracefully we can "look" from above, from a bird's eye view, at our emotions. And then the next goal is to love these flights, to learn to fly easily and to different distant countries - where there are many resources. There is freedom in this freedom to choose your reaction. In this metaphor, the freedom to choose emotions.
Before the NLP technique that I suggest, information gathering is necessary. In general, it is designed for systemic work with emotions and works at the logical level of strategies.

Emotional Fitness Technique​

1. Creation of a space for managing emotion.
1.1. With the help of spatial anchors, the operator invites the client to define the "coordinate system" of emotions on the floor. An axis of increasing the intensity of emotional arousal can be located in front, and an axis of its decrease in the back. On both sides - two axes, on the right - the axis of emotions that are suitable in this context, on the left - not suitable in this context. The client stands in the center of this coordinate system (conditionally, this is a state of calm or level 0). The operator anchors the client into a state of calm. You can make the axes in the form of sheets with arrows, with divisions from 10 to 100. Note. To control a system, you need to measure it. For this, a coordinate system is created. This is a kind of "sea level" that is found on every map of the Earth. Any changes are compared to him. Just as the pressure on Earth changes, the intensity of emotional arousal increases or decreases in the human body.
1.2. The operator offers the client to choose 5 - 10 of his emotions. Among them can be joy, calmness, confidence, humor, admiration. Likewise, the other pole of emotion - fear, irritation, hatred, sadness, envy. On these sheets, the client himself sketches a symbol of emotion, briefly writes its submodal characteristics, can give a metaphor of emotion and write it down.
1.3. The operator specifies what new emotions the client would like to learn to experience. The goal is to add new emotions to the coordinate system to work with in the future. Also, during the technique, such emotions can be added at any time. Note. Each item of technology can be adapted to the goals of a particular client. If your client claims that he has no vivid emotions in his life and he often falls into a non-resource, you should ask him to come up with and describe new emotions. It can be a dozen emotions that can be developed in this technique. For each, you can make a sheet for placement in the system of emotions.
1.4. The client independently determines the appropriateness of the emotion in a particular context. With this in mind, he lays out the sheets with each emotion in the given coordinate system.

2. Setting a goal regarding an emotion, choosing an emotion.
The operator clarifies the client's goal
associated with this emotion. For example, a client wants to learn how to maintain a state of calm. The goal is specified by 5 points of the model specification. Note. There can be different goals here. If the client just wants to get rid of some emotion, then, in any case, he wants to feel something instead of it. This technique is aimed specifically at training and holding emotions that are appropriate in a given context. Emotions that are not appropriate in this context, you can invite the client to write on a piece of paper and place it on the floor. But they are taken with the aim of moving from them to others, suitable. Also, sheets with these emotions can be placed as spatial anchors.

3. Emotion fixing training.

3.1. The client feels the emotion in the body, standing on the sheet, associated. As soon as the client, according to subjective criteria, understands that the emotion has arisen and is experienced quite intensely, he makes a hand gesture to the operator. At this moment, the operator fixes the time of entering the emotion - this is the time from the previous emotion to 70 - 80 percent of the new one. Reducing the time to enter the emotion. Metaphor. Learn to quickly inflate the balloon. We inflate, tie, so as not to be blown away, we protect from external influences, we control the constancy of shape and pressure.
3.2. We exit the emotion to point 0. The operator fixes the exit time. Reducing the time it takes to get out of emotion. Metaphor. We learn to quickly deflate the balloon, as if it had never existed.
3.3. Repetition of points 3.1, 3.2 with repeated time control. The goal is to shorten the time it takes to enter and exit an emotion. 3.4. Repeat points 3.1, 3.2, 3.3 for different emotions. The goal is to learn how to quickly enter different emotions and quickly get out of them. The client chooses emotions himself.

4. Change in the intensity of emotion.
The client chooses an emotion that he would like to learn to increase or decrease. The operator asks the client for a percentage of the intensity level. Then the client, moving back to point "0", inside himself, with each step, decreases the intensity of the emotion. After that, he increases the intensity, moving forward. After reaching the maximum intensity, the operator offers the client to take the sheet with the inscription "emotions" and move it forward, in order to then step on it and further increase the intensity of the emotion. If desired, the client can thus "prolong" any emotion. This will make it possible to experience an emotion in a form of rare intensity, for example, 150 - 200 - 300 percent of the emotion. Also, the client can "reduce to 0" any emotion, respectively,Metaphor. Step on the gas pedal, release it.

5. Training of changing the level of intensity of emotions.
5.1. The client leaves the sheet with the inscription "emotions" to point 0, gets used to arbitrarily change the level of emotion. Attention! The operator not only calibrates the client, but also asks questions about how clearly his condition changes as he moves. It is important that the emotion changes in strict accordance with the direction and speed of movement along the line.
5.2. The operator marks the time of the change in intensity, that is, there are two parameters - the time of "decrease in emotion", the time of "increase in emotion". For each emotion, the client presents a clear, measurable scale, such as a 100-point scale. It is now possible to reduce the time it takes for the intensity of one emotion to change, for example, from 10 points to 70, so that the client can quickly change the level of the emotion's strength. We learn to quickly increase the intensity of emotion (the client specifies the initial and desired levels of emotion himself, in points). Metaphor. How long does it take to inflate a balloon from a diameter of 10 cm to a diameter of 50 cm, 80 cm? We learn to do it quickly. Another metaphor.How quickly the car picks up speed, how long it takes to slow it down. We learn to quickly reduce the intensity of emotions. Metaphor. How long can you take to blow off a ball from a diameter of 100 cm to a diameter of 50 cm, 10 cm? We learn to do it quickly. Different clients may have their own difficulties here. For example, someone may increase the intensity of a positive emotion faster, while a negative emotion can be difficult to reduce.
5.3. We repeat paragraph 5.2 with different emotions. The goal is to learn how to quickly change the intensity of an emotion to the required level.

6. Exercise to hold on to emotion.
6.1. Choose an emotion, associate with it, standing on the sheet. The client states the level of intensity of the emotion. The operator measures the time during which the client can keep the emotion at a given intensity. Different emotions at different levels of intensity can be held for different times. You can train the holding time of an emotion, for example, at 50, 70, and 100 percent of its intensity. Train more those emotions that cannot be held for a long time.
6.2. We create more difficult conditions for holding emotions. For example, you are speaking in front of a large audience and you need to keep a certain emotion. The operator measures the time the emotion is held in such a situation. This is done several times in order to lengthen the retention time and learn how to retain emotion in several new situations.

7. Training the speed of transition from one emotion to another.
7.1. Timed the transition from one emotion to another. We pass from one to another sheet in our coordinate system.
7.2. It is important to understand what level of intensity we are going to. Therefore, you can train the speed of transitions from one emotion to another at different levels of their intensity. For example, with joy of 50 points, we switch to confidence of 100 points. This may take different periods of time.