Carding brute PayPal accounts


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The administration closed the broadcast for us. Although the site was foreign and completely unpopular. Patifon went to kill the earring, but the earring stupidly did not hear the alarm clock. In a hurry, I did not manage to adequately explain everything (with the realization of an early broadcast ban, I had some confusion, I tried to explain everything at once), so keep the manual, which, believe me, I wrote myself.

By the way, PayPal is doing something incomprehensible in the last. Now everyone has returnes, I think temporarily, I will write about this in the same way.

So, for driving, we need:
  1. Mediator or drop.
  2. Brutus PayPal account
  3. RDP

Naturally, they will not send us to ru. There are practically no such shops anymore, so you have to get a little worn out. I work with intermediaries, but you can with drops or stingy. The intermediary can easily lock your parcels and ask for a scan of your passport, and possibly also burn you. Therefore, you can work with a drop service. It may be more expensive, but your pack is not deployed on the first terpile. I work with intermediaries, I recommend The intermediary advise you to apply for a friend. If it is registered for you, then the possibility of a visit by the valiant police officers is not excluded, and you work at least with Tails, are you ready for this? Do you need it?

There were as many as 2 articles on intermediaries, I think there will be no problems, there is nothing complicated there.

Brute PayPal accounts
Naturally, we need material for driving. The success of the drive depends on the accounts. For example, if the accounts were brute-force cheap proxies, then there is a high probability of activation or sc (I will explain later what it is).

We are interested in brute PayPal accounts with transactions

The best material so far in these 2 shops:

Never buy anything on - the accounts are lousy. 1 old transaction for 1 dollar and then a transfer from the bank, how can such accounts be sold at all?

There is, of course, an option to drive from Knox (there was an article already) or from a virtual machine, but still, let's start with Dedicated Server (RDP). I drive in from the Amazon Dedicated. I tried it from home, but I really didn't notice a big difference with the Amazon.

We buy Amazon Dedicated here with a 2-day guarantee. We take naturally under the country of accounts of pp.

Brutus PayPal UK - Amazon RDP UK. I think it's clear.

As soon as you logged into the Dedicated Server, go to and check your anonymity. It should ideally be 100%, but definitely not lower than 90%. If something is wrong, then click on the anonymity indicator on the site and a window will pop up, where troubles will be shown. But usually on Amazon Dedicated devices it is always at least 90% (- 10% for the time difference on Dedicated Server).

Install CCleaner and clean up the Dedicated Server.

Now everything is ready for driving.

Working with Brutus PayPal accounts
So, we have accounts and we have already connected to the Dedicated Server. You cannot log into your account from the main PayPal page (they say the other day there was a way to do this, but more on that later). Authorization will be done through the merchant.

This is how it looks:
We need a shop with a merchant pp, for example
We go in and select any product, for example

Click add to cart


Next, we see the yellow button:


Click on it and enter the data from the account: login and password. Further, different options for the outcome of events



Security Check. You just let your account sit for 24 hours and try again.


Activity. You throw out such an account. Can't do nothing.



Rethurnes, as I have said very often lately. Even on the stream on April 1, you could see him. Throw in for a couple of hours and try again.




If you see the review, then everything went great.

Further after the review:
Open a new tab and enter "paypal" in google search and follow the first link, you will be immediately added to your account. You can drive

Now about the drives themselves:
In shops, there may be a merchant with a yellow button (you saw a screen above). Don't touch the yellow button, click proceed to checkout. Enter the name for which you have a registered intermediary, indicate your mail (preferably yahu, etc. foreign mail), indicate the phone number of the holder, but change 1 digit. Enter the address Line 1 and Line 2. If you do not see these lines, then look for the enter address button manually. Then you pay. Again, there may be a mid-range (then you throw it away), there may be a retirn (try less amounts or throw it into a lodge). If everything is ok and you see a review, then check the address, some shops pull out the billing address, then you can try adding your address. It may also be that PayPal made a payment, but the shop itself gave an error, in which case, hit another shop or try again.

You don't even have to log into your account, you can just enter the data when paying, they say it is better.

Vidos will be later, how to solve the problem with these returns.


Reaction score
The best material so far in these 2 shops:

Never buy anything on - the accounts are lousy. 1 old transaction for 1 dollar and then a transfer from the bank, how can such accounts be sold at all?

can u update the shop. all link are down
Updated: Seem he leaked them from old thread in 2019 on google
all site are down
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