
  1. CarderPlanet

    How to set up NFC in a Samsung phone in a few minutes

    NFS technology is a contactless communication. On Samsung smartphones, you can use this module to transfer data or make payments from a linked bank card. The main thing is to set up NFC correctly. Content How NFC works in a Samsung phone Mobile payments Wireless data transfer NFC tags How to...
  2. CarderPlanet

    NFC doesn't work on your phone. Solving the problem.

    Users sometimes encounter problems when paying via NFC. The most common problem is that the built-in module has stopped working. There may be several reasons for the breakdown. It happens that the owner of the smartphone simply forgot to enable the NFS in the settings. But sometimes there are...
  3. CarderPlanet

    What is a SIM card with NFC and how is it useful?

    Mobile operators offer customers SIM cards with NFC. You can use these devices to make contactless payments. You just need to install such a SIM card in your phone and link your bank card. Content What is a SIM card with NFC? How to use NFC on a SIM card Which carriers issue SIM cards with an...
  4. CarderPlanet

    Does contactless payment via NFC work without the Internet?

    Some smartphones have a built-in NFC module. You can use it to transfer data or make purchases. Communication with other devices is contactless. The system can work without the Internet. However, in this case, limited functionality is available. Content What is NFC? Does NFC work without the...
  5. CarderPlanet

    3 ways to pay for purchases with your phone without NFC module instead of a bank card

    NFC technology on your smartphone sends money wirelessly. You don't need to get a bank card. This feature is not available on all mobile devices. In this case, you can install the NFS manually. Content What is an NFC module? How to pay for purchases with a smartphone without NFC How to add NFC...
  6. Carding Forum

    3 reasons mobile operators love NFC technology

    In many countries, recently, the technology of contactless mobile payments NFC has become mainstream, terminals for paying for goods with built-in NFC devices appear in stores. The world's largest mobile operators AT&T, T-Mobile and Verizon have signed an agreement with the NFC Forum and are...
  7. Carding Forum

    Analysts predict a boom in NFC payments

    A recent study by Juniper Research predicts that only 3% of mobile NFC users will be served by mobile carriers in North America by 2025. Based on the latest market developments, Juniper analysts predict that mobile operators will reassess their NFC commitments and may largely exit the market...
  8. Carding Forum

    5 alternative ways to use NFC

    Most often, Near Field Communication (NFC) is used to make payments. However, there are many other equally useful use cases for the technology that go beyond financial services. The range of operation of NFC devices is from 4 to 20 centimeters. This limitation makes this data transmission...
  9. Carding Forum

    7 myths about NFC technology

    Have you heard about NFC technology, or are you actively using it? We are in a hurry to dispel popular myths associated with this technology. NFC technology is gaining popularity. Near Field Communication (NFC) technology has become quite widespread in the past few years. You can use a smart...
  10. Carding Forum

    Developing NFC Payments: 3 Steps to Mobile Wallet Success

    The contactless revolution is in full swing. For those who want to join the trend and develop NFC payments, we publish a series of recommendations. NFC technology is gaining popularity. After analyzing the various use cases for the technology, Gemalto, a provider of digital security...
  11. Carding Forum

    EMV vs. NFC: reliability versus speed?

    American users are very often dissatisfied with the speed of payment with chip cards. Which is more convenient and secure, EMV or NFC? Since October 2015, all bank cards issued in the United States are equipped with microchips. Their number at the beginning of the third quarter of this year...
  12. Carding Forum

    NFC ring and bracelet: TOP-7 gadgets that will replace a credit card (photo, video)

    PaySpace Magazine has collected the most popular gadgets with NFC. Among them - NFC ring, bracelets, watches and more. According to the consulting company Gartner, by 2020 the world's population will have 20.8 billion devices with Internet access on hand. This means that people will...
  13. Tomcat

    NFC protocol and its use in cell phones

    Today, the cell phone is the most widespread electronic device in the hands of the population of our planet. The number of cell phones in the world is more than 2.5 times the number of Internet users and about 3 times the number of television devices. In addition, a cell phone is a general...
  14. T

    NFC EMV X2

    Have some of u tried to burn track 2 with the EMV x2 software? Thanks.
  15. Father

    NFC can be used to steal passwords over relatively long distances

    Checkmarx specialist Pedro Umbelino demonstrated a new method called NFCdrip, which allows small amounts of data (passwords or encryption keys) to be transmitted over relatively long distances using NFC technology. The NFC protocol allows two devices to interact with each other at a distance of...
  16. Teacher


    В последних двух статьях мы собрали несколько вопросов наших читателей о RFID и RFID-чипах. Сегодня мы продолжим подробно рассказывать о RFID, EMV и NFC. Для начала мы определим эти три технологии. Что такое RFID, EMV и NFC? Что такое RFID? RFID означает радиочастотную идентификацию. Эта...
  17. R

    Cash out EU

    Возьму в работу NFC MoneyLion 75-80% Brex ( без рег лока) >65% Sesame 70-75% Daylight 70% Sable 75-80% Mercury ( Мерч / NFC ) >65% LiLi ( Мерч / NFC ) 70-75% Passbook 70-75%
  18. CarderPlanet


    EMV® и NFC - это аббревиатуры дополнительных технологий, обеспечивающих безопасные бесконтактные платежи. EMV был назван в честь первых организаций - Europay, MasterCard® и Visa® - которые создали новый стандарт безопасности, требующий встраивания чипов безопасности в кредитные карты. Платежи...
  19. River Death

    Настройка pos под вбив

    Как правильно настроить pos терминал под вбив. Какой лучше использовать , какой банк лучше подключать . Как избежать блоков За любой ответ, буду признателен
  20. Lord777

    Что такое платежи EMV и NFC?

    В наши дни используется множество аббревиатур, связанных с финансами и финтех, два из которых - EMV и NFC. Хотя на первый взгляд они могут показаться довольно похожими, есть некоторые различия в том, как выполняются эти два типа платежей. В этом сообщении блога мы исследуем, что они из себя...