
  1. Tomcat

    Carders rob PayPal wallets through unknown vulnerability

    Cybercriminals have discovered a vulnerability in the integration of PayPal with Google Pay and are actively exploiting it for illegal money transfers. Starting on February 21 of this year, users began to notice unknown transactions in their PayPal payment histories made through Google Pay. User...
  2. Brother

    ATM attacks brought pennies to carders in 2021

    ATM attacks that use special malware and jackpotting techniques no longer generate normal income for cybercriminals. In the first half of 2019, ATM gangs raised less than € 1,000 per successful campaign. In total, banks across Europe have reported 35 incidents involving ATM malware and...
  3. Brother

    How and where to find strong and valuable friends of carders

    Is it hard to find people you would like to surround yourself with - smart and those who really do something meaningful and useful? We think it's not difficult, but it takes patience and practice. The people you surround yourself with and spend most of your time with greatly influence your...
  4. Brother

    Three types of friends of carders in carding

    Have you ever felt that you are surrounded by the wrong people who do not inspire you to new achievements, do not support you in moments of weakness? And have you thought about how you yourself are a friend, do you inspire others, do you make them happier? Let's discuss this very interesting and...
  5. Brother

    Skills and qualities of successful carders

    Each successful person has a unique set of skills, but if you analyze each separately, you will notice certain patterns of behavior and actions that allow them to reach the top. We have compiled a list of skills common to many successful people and will try to find out why they work for the good...
  6. Lord777

    Black and white hackers and carders: criminals or engines of progress?

    Black and white hackers: criminals or engines of progress? Hackers in media stories can be super-spies, as in Mission Impossible, where Ethan Hunt comes down from the ceiling to hack into a CIA computer system and steal information, and lonely reclusive teenagers who just want to have some fun...
  7. CarderPlanet

    Who are carders

    An introductory article that will tell you about what will happen here, what we will talk about and why do you need it in general. To begin with, I will introduce myself, my name is Vlad (for Gaby's friends!) I am 25 years old, I have been doing carding for more than 2 years, before that, as...
  8. CarderPlanet

    Carders in the world labor market

    Introduction The relevance of the study of carding issues and its consequences is due to the following circumstances: Firstly, this is due to the very emergence of free employment (carding), which has developed only in the last six to seven years, in contrast to Western Europe and the United...
  9. CarderPlanet

    Features of carding for new carders 2021

    Remote work, which used to be something unusual and seemed to many to be nothing more than entertainment or part-time work, is now firmly entrenched in its special segment in the market. A high-quality carder can earn an order of magnitude more than his office colleagues, while taking advantage...
  10. CarderPlanet

    Features of carding as a form of distance employment

    Annotation: The article reveals approaches to the definition of carding, highlights its features, concludes that carding is something more than a form of employment, carding is a lifestyle and lifestyle in general. The relevance of the topic is due to the fact that the concept of carding in...
  11. CarderPlanet

    Carders stuck in a routine

    In our life there are people whose lives seem to be frozen and who themselves do not understand that every day they are living “Groundhog Day”. These can be good, kind, prosperous people in their own way, but most likely not happy enough, since they do not realize the value of every moment...
  12. CarderPlanet

    The most demanded desires of carders

    And I give you the opportunity to choose those desires that you intend to realize in the new year. And this time I decided to simplify your task by presenting a list of the most demanded desires of mankind, and you will only need to choose the three points that you prioritize in the coming year...
  13. CarderPlanet

    Self-healing carders

    Cleansing the body is the first step to healing. It is impossible to talk about conscious healing, if you do not consider cleansing the body. I want to share with you the simplest methods of this critical process. Pay special attention to them if your body is slagged, there is a dependence on...
  14. CarderPlanet

    Personal realization and success of carders in carding

    ❗️How to achieve OVER-REALIZATION of your soul in this world If I tell you that you can work in your favorite business for only 2 hours a day of pure time and ensure that any of your needs are 100% covered, how will you take this idea? Let's decipher the 3 most common misconceptions about...
  15. CarderPlanet

    Karma of carders in carding

    Have you ever wondered how the very energy of fulfillment of desire - Mana - is generated? What determines the level of your individual Mana? I'll tell you now! The first criterion that will determine a high level of Mana achievement is KARMA. This is the very first and most important thing...
  16. CarderPlanet

    Carders who have no desires

    "I have tried so many different things, but in the end, my heart does not lie to anything. Nothing can seriously captivate me, interest me." Why? The roots of the problem, as banal as it may seem, are in childhood and upbringing. Interest in life, curiosity are inherent in every baby...
  17. Lord777

    The truth of carders and carding in general is different for everyone

    Once, in the course of a very amusing discussion at the Info-Forum, I came across the fact that not all people who use the term "truth" clearly understand what it is ... Long enough argued with one wonderful person, and suddenly he gives me: "By the way, why do not you consider your views to be...
  18. Lord777

    7 characteristics of psychologically resistant carders

    The psychological stability / instability of people is indicated by their personal characteristics, expressed in actions and perception of the world around them - the proportionality of stability and their variability. Sounds complicated? Then let's skip the prelude and move on to the facts. So...
  19. Lord777

    How to identify promising carders?

    The importance of the environment is obvious. However, how to find useful people is an open question. We offer a selection of speaking behavioral signs. 1. They are not pulled down by their surroundings and desires. They are independent and reluctant, adhering to priorities intelligently. 2...
  20. Lord777

    How carders lose their intellectual shape

    Why is the mind of one person sharp, brilliant, full of creative ideas, while the other "breathes a little"? There are two main reasons for this: differences in the requirements that certain circumstances impose on us, and a difference in the usual ways of thinking. A bricklayer doesn't need to...