
  1. Lord777

    Thinking differently from others carders

    Fragment of the book by M. Mikalko. Hacking creativity. How to see what others do not see. - M.: Mann, Ivanov and Ferber, 2016. The book will reveal the secrets of non-standard thinking of famous people and tell you how to apply them in practice. Leading Creativity Expert Michael Mikalko shows...
  2. Lord777

    Clip thinking: how do “screen carders” differ from “carders of the book”?

    The first thing that comes to the mind of most people when the word "clip" is a rapidly changing video sequence from MTV or MUZtv, most often with loosely connected images. And in this view, we have not gone very far - "clip" comes from the English "clip", which means "to make clippings from...
  3. Lord777

    How smart carders communicate with people they don't like

    How great it would be to live in a world where mutual understanding, harmony reign and everyone understands each other perfectly. Alas, life is arranged a little differently and some people annoy us very much - as we ourselves, perhaps, annoy someone. 1. They admit that they may not like...
  4. Lord777

    7 types of carders at risk

    Each family, perhaps, is unhappy in its own way, but in the misfortune of individual people, psychologists clearly see the scenarios most often laid down in childhood. Feel like your life isn't going anywhere? You may be one of these types. Double Combo Dealer This is the type who is obsessed...
  5. Lord777

    Want to fight brain aging - learn like carders

    One day, our brains won't work the way they used to. It will become more and more difficult for us to learn new skills, and at some point it will become completely impossible - and nothing can be done about it. "Not so," say Rachel Wu of the University of California, Riverside and her colleagues...
  6. Lord777

    Why carders, in principle, cannot understand each other

    It is easy to deal with the situation “you misunderstood me” - thesis, antithesis, scuffle - and it's in the bag. It is harder to accept the position “you don’t understand me,” but a bottle of strong plus heart-to-heart talk will restore order here. The option “no one understands me” is already...
  7. Lord777

    Choose carders of your value level

    I used to think that a person can be anything: even a thief, even a boor, even a deceiver. This means that this is how his life in the family developed, this is how his parents brought up, or the spirit needs to go through just such lessons. I understand this even now, but I want to have...
  8. Lord777

    Why creative carders are not like everyone else

    Without a doubt, creative people are very different from most. They seem to live in another world, in another universe. And their ingenuity and originality amaze and cause the rest of the question: “How? How did they come up with this? " Creative personalities are constantly in the clouds...
  9. Lord777

    10 methods used by vile carders

    Study the methods of vile people in more detail in order to better understand who is who in the world around you and be able to overcome them. A punch to the nose is straight, obvious, and heals quickly. But a blow to your self-esteem in the right way and at the right time can cripple you to...
  10. Lord777

    Carders rarely succeed if they are busy doing something that does not give them pleasure

    We are taught from childhood that the most important thing is to find our way, as if it were the simplest thing in the world. By the age of 25, many already understand what they would like to do all their lives, but doubts do not torment only rare of us. You can do the work of your life at any...
  11. Lord777

    7 parenting mistakes that keep carders from becoming leaders

    Unlimited love for your own carders is not a guarantee against mistakes in his upbringing. Excessive affection and unwanted help often hinder the development of an independent personality. Leadership expert, author of 25 books, founder and president of Growing Leaders, Tim Elmore from the USA...
  12. Lord777

    ⌚️ Time trouble: why do carders fail to do anything in carding?

    Paradox: we live in the most comfortable conditions that humanity has ever seen. The whole life was taken over by technology, everything you want is delivered to your home, the answer to any question can be obtained in one click. Why, at the same time, we are regularly covered in the evening...
  13. Lord777

    ? Why do carders get nervous all the time

    Each of us has acquaintances who may start to worry about trifles. And even if they solve another problem, they immediately start to get nervous about other trifles. I would like to help such people cope with their worries on their own. A famous philosopher once said that you need to live in...
  14. Lord777

    ? The fear of carders is an illusion

    Most of the things we fear will never happen. But even if they do happen, they often turn out to be not as bad as they previously thought. For many of us, fear is the worst thing that can happen, but in reality, reality is not so bad. There was one person, Richard Feynman - one of the creators...
  15. Lord777

    ? Influence of words on the thinking of carders

    The same event can be described in different ways. However, the meaning conveyed by the words we use to describe the event will be slightly different in each case. Speech, which carries a great emotional charge, makes a different impression on listeners or readers than a more moderate...
  16. Lord777

    ? How carders change

    Many people think that personality is a combination of innate and unchanging character traits, and in order to achieve success, you need to accurately determine its type. In fact, the personality is constantly changing: today you are not the same as a year ago. At the same time, the label that...
  17. Lord777

    5 features of the brain in anxious carders

    Increased attention to threats A person begins to see threats where there are none. Relatives and friends can say that a person “winds himself up. Other people do not quite understand how one can look for problems and danger even where they do not exist. And the most anxious person does not...
  18. Lord777

    Shyness of carders

    Shyness is the internal digestion of future awkwardness. Shyness is the ego's response to being shy and uncomfortable in the near future. In contrast to shyness - a person's tendency to painfully scrupulous about negative assessments of others at his expense, to fear of social interaction...
  19. Lord777

    ? Neuroticism of carders: how to get along with your anxiety?

    Many of us have signs of neuroticism, that is, an increased sensitivity to negative emotions - life is full of stress, and it can be really difficult to cope. Check yourself if you have these features: - Since childhood, you quickly get tired of noisy parties, too bright lights and loud sounds...
  20. Lord777

    ? Roots of psychological problems of carders

    So, all difficulties and problems, the cause of which is in the mind, and can be solved by psychotherapy, have one of the following categories of "roots": 1. "Hidden Benefits" in Problems Yes, the problem can be annoying on the surface and lead to whining - but deeply, and not particularly...