
  1. Tomcat

    Why carders steal: looking into the depths of psychology

    Why do carders steal? This is not only a matter of morality, but also a frankly psychological mystery that requires deep understanding. In this article we will go into the depths of the human psyche and try to figure out what motivates carders to steal. The content of the article: 1. Why...
  2. Tomcat

    The French talked about how carders break bank chip-and-pin cards

    French researchers from the École Normale Supérieure (Ecole Normale Supérieure) have published details of their investigation into the 2011 incident. Then a group of hackers managed to steal more than $680,000 from users of French banks by deceiving the security system of EMV bank cards...
  3. Tomcat

    How carders can and cannot hack NFC payment in your smartphone

    Scientists have calculated all the risks of technology. Just a couple of decades ago, paying with a credit card in stores was exotic. Cash was so familiar, reliable and seemingly unshakable... But just a decade and a half brought not only credit cards into our lives, but also wireless payment...
  4. Tomcat

    About carders and people

    Bank fraud has become part of everyday life. Attackers methods are becoming more and more sophisticated: often the victim does not immediately understand what happened. We've collected several publicly available stories from victims and looked at them from the perspective of attackers. We also...
  5. Tomcat

    Interviews with top carders

    (TN): How long have you been doing carding? Tell us about how and why you got involved in this? What was the first case you pulled off? Carder 1 (C1): Seriously engaged in clothing carding for about a year, quit 4 months ago. The first thing they sent was a simple digital camera. I was as happy...
  6. Tomcat

    Never trust carders

    At the age of 18, Maxim’s technical skills were not working out - he had to join the “party” with an excellent knowledge of English and “soft skills” and the ability to manipulate. I was engaged in cashing out money from cards through American stores, the scheme was “duffel bag”. But a year...
  7. Tomcat

    How carders work in 2024

    I recently wrote a post about working in the “k” department, and now there will be a post about working as a carder (those who steal money from cards). I will write where they get the material for the work, how they drive in the CC, shipping things for drops, and how they catch such individuals...
  8. Tomcat

    In Russia, carders stole 1 billion from citizens cards and 1.5 billion from legal entities accounts in a year

    In 2024, attackers stole 1.5 billion rubles from the accounts of enterprises and banks themselves. Over 1 billion more disappeared from citizens cards. Regulators expect that GOST for the protection of banking information will help reduce the damage from cybercrime. Cybercriminals catch Over...
  9. Tomcat

    A gang of carders who stole more than 20 million from Russians bank cards has been arrested

    Employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and representatives of the company BI.Zone, which works in the field of cybersecurity, caught a gang of hackers who stole more than 20 million rubles over five years. from bank cards of Russians using the Faketoken malware. The organizer confessed...
  10. Tomcat

    American intelligence agencies are actively recruiting carders

    About a quarter of all carders in the United States work for the FBI or Secret Service as informants. The authorities are able to easily recruit employees from within the hacker community, threatening long prison sentences and other penalties. The FBI and US Secret Service are so active in...
  11. Tomcat

    A large online gang carders was blocked: 100 shell companies stole money from credit cards

    The US Federal Trade Commission managed to stop the activities of Internet scammers who, with the help of 100 shell companies, stole money from Americans' credit cards and then transferred them to foreign accounts. The US Federal Trade Commission (FTC) announced that it has stopped a...
  12. Tomcat

    Romanian gang carders stole $1 million from Australian ATMs

    Five Romanians carders have been arrested in Melbourne on suspicion of using skimming to produce counterfeit bank cards. According to local media reports, scammers managed to steal more than $1 million (apparently in Australian dollars) using just one of the “infected” ATMs . Experts from the...
  13. Tomcat

    Carders recruit schoolchildren to install malware

    Carders are trying to lure schoolchildren into cyberattacks by offering to make extra money from illegal activities in the digital space. In particular, teenagers have the opportunity to participate in carding, hacktivism with a political bent, and the distribution of malware. According to Oleg...
  14. Tomcat

    Outlaw: the most famous carders

    In the previous issue we talked about what carding is and how it is punished. Special forces, fraud charges and years in prison are the price for the most famous carders for stolen billions of dollars. Today we will talk about the most famous carders and what happened to them. Content...
  15. Tomcat

    Pickpockets of the 21st century. Carders steal money from cards in public transport.

    Visa has announced new rules for contactless payment. Now, without a PIN code, you can pay for purchases up to 1000 rubles with an NFC card. But from mid-April the limit will increase to a respectable 3,000 rubles. Contactless payments are always convenient. But it's not always safe. Life talks...
  16. Tomcat

    Can you tell me your phone number? Carders have learned to steal money from bank cards, knowing only the victim’s phone number!

    Experts from the antivirus company ESET have identified several cases of money theft through online banking applications. At the same time, the scammers did not even need to find out information about the victims’ bank cards - they gained access to the account by creating duplicate SIM cards...
  17. Tomcat

    How carders steal money from your bank cards: 11 main schemes

    Approximately every fourth bank card holder is at risk of financial fraud. As a rule, attackers use social engineering methods, and Russians transfer money to them and give out personal data voluntarily. Forbes talks about 11 common methods scammers use In July, NAFI experts found that every...
  18. Tomcat

    Carders have learned to decipher PIN codes

    Experts continue to be amazed at how hackers manage to begin the practical use of methods that a year ago were considered only theoretically possible, and only in a narrow academic environment. Now they have learned to remove PIN codes from our cards without directly entering the ATM we use. To...
  19. Tomcat

    Carders stole a billion rubles from four banks using a bot

    The intelligence services uncovered a group of cybercriminals who defrauded Promsvyazbank, Trust, Uralsib and the credit institution Zenit. 16 people in Moscow organized a cybercriminal group and engaged in online fraud. The group started working with an amount of one million rubles, gradually...
  20. Tomcat

    Carders stole card data through fake ATMs

    Employees of the “K” department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, specializing in crimes in the IT sector, caught a gang of fraudsters who installed fake ATMs. Three residents of Udmurtia bought decommissioned ATMs, updated them and placed them in crowded places in Moscow, the Moscow region...