Ways to communicate with different types of people


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The famous psychologist James Borg in his book The Power of Persuasion. The art of influencing people ”identifies five main types of interlocutors, respectively, each of these types of people need to apply their own communication methods, this is the key to successful communication.

1. “What do you have there? Hurry up! "

Fearing to miss new opportunities, this interlocutor is ready to give a chance to anyone who can interest him in something. But don't count on a royal welcome. For him, time is money.

Periodically glancing at his watch, he will speak quickly and study you carefully. It is very important for such a person to keep the situation under control. So don't try to seize the initiative in the conversation!

Communication tactics.

Please note: when inviting you to a meeting, he is initially set for a positive ending. So get down to business right away. Be direct, concise, and to the point. Extensive speeches will disappoint him instantly. If you manage to present yourself correctly, you will find a real "treasure". Do not miss your chance!

2. "And what is the benefit to me?"

Representatives of this type accept any proposals only in writing. They prefer to communicate through secretaries, and agree to a meeting as if out of grace. Dialogue with them resembles torture - they find fault with your words, challenging every statement: “You are mistaken. Far from it. I know ". Don't give in. This is just a tactic of" knocking out "a better deal. In fact, the opponent does not know a lot, having only a set of preconceived opinions. However, don't expose him !

Communication tactics.

Looking down on the other side of the table, he feels superior. Change the alignment of forces. Ask him to sit next to you on the sofa. Say it is necessary. Any excuse can be: your back hurts, you need an outlet, and the laptop cord is short, etc. Be assertive, slightly aggressive and don't take your opponent's attacks personally.

3. "Corrosive and meticulous"

Traits: Thinks and speaks slowly, drawing out words. If you are ready to communicate, it means that you have already collected as much information as possible regarding the topic of negotiations, you and your company. Therefore, the subject of the conversation must be known thoroughly. If you have warned that the dialogue will last 30 minutes, then in exactly half an hour he will stop listening to you. Saying goodbye, he will ask you to write and send him a list of the discussed issues. At the same time, keep in mind: everything that you spoke about, he can forget. But the content of the letter will be remembered for a long time. Before making a final decision, he will take time out to think it over again and ... get the approval of a third party. This will require a few more meetings. Perhaps with the involvement of specialists from him and your company. So please be patient.

Communication tactics.

Become his full reflection: speak at an average pace and only to the point. Answer the questions clearly. Never interrupt him or be late for a meeting. After the negotiations, pay special attention to the final letter!

4. "Let's discuss everything in person"

They listen to you attentively on the phone and offer to arrange a meeting. You arrive, and the good mood of your interlocutor only intensifies: he quickly abandons formalities and asks you to address him by name, is interested in you, actively gesticulates, creating a relaxed atmosphere, and invites you to discuss all matters in an informal setting ... If a representative of this type is interested in your proposal, then he will not play cat and mouse with you and will immediately inform you about it.

Communication tactics.

Dealing with such a person is pleasant, easy and mutually beneficial. Therefore, try to be as honest and open as possible, without overusing his sincerity and cordiality.

5. "Let's switch to you"

In demeanor, he resembles the previous type. However, there is a significant difference between them. If a representative of the fourth type acts completely disinterestedly, then this "character" hopes to use you with the help of ostentatious friendliness. At the same time, he will never leave his table. He will carefully study your business card, trying to determine the status of its owner. Most likely, he will ask several lengthy questions, trying to win over to a frank conversation. If he decides that he is an important person, then for tea you will also be offered cookies. Otherwise, your conversation will be very short ...

Communication tactics.

Throughout the dialogue, be vigilant and do not rush for a couple of nice smiles and agreement to accept your offer to tell all the latest office gossip and a summary of the meetings held with the competitors of the interlocutor. Don't lose control. Remember: you are being watched closely. Be prepared to stand up for yourself. For people of this type, this behavior commands respect.