Trying to start carding


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I have been interested in the topic for about a year now and I have only done some very beginner research on it, I know the basics like VPNs, Proxys, Tracks, dumps and that stuff but I just have a few question just to properly clear it up.

For the equipment you need, I know you need the MSR magstrip readers which I already have (MSR206, thank you chushpan) but I have also seen that you need this software called like the X2 smartcard I don't know the full name but I've been told you need that to copy info from your dump to an actual CC. Is this true? cause the software is like 1500 and I haven't seen anyone mention it in this forum.

Also seen something about HID omnikey to re code the chips, is this a must have? or only if im trying to re code the chip for atms

say for example I wanted to use a CC and go to an ATM and take out cash, can I do that only if I get a dump with track 1 and track 2 and a pin?

In dump websites it says BIN then there is some numbers, would do those numbers mean? same goes for the code, like 201 and 101, what do they mean?

When you get the track 2 what do you actually do with it? does the track 2 tell you 16 digit card number on the front and the cvv on the back?

Thank you for reading and replying if you do
(massive thanks to chushpan and Tomcat)
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With the MSR206 you can only write 101 dumps onto the magnetic stripe of a blank card.
You can cash out such cards only at old ATMs and POS terminals that do not support the EMV chip and only access the magnetic stripe.

101 dump is card data without an EMV chip.
201 dump is data from a smart card with an EVM chip.

To cash out a card at an modern ATM, you need 201 dumps.

Dump decryption:
101 dump:
1 (used worldwide, no smart chip)
0 (normal authorization, normal use)
1 (can be used for anything without a PIN code)

201 dump:
2 (used worldwide, has a smart chip and requires its use)
0 (normal authorization, normal use)
1 (can be used for anything without a PIN code)

Let's look at the first "2"
Yes, a card of this type can really be used all over the world, but it’s not so simple, because regardless of this, the owner of the card (cardholder) himself could set the region lock, for what purpose and why he did this is known only to him.

Second "0"
Normal authorization means that when you use it, you can simply pay; if the numbers were different, you would need to contact the bank before making the payment.

Third "1"
Not quite correct description of this service code number
After all, you can’t use it for anything without a pin.
It all depends again on the settings that the card owner has set.
To withdraw money from an ATM - a PIN is required, to pay for something inexpensive, it may not ask for a PIN.

Using OmniKey or, for example, ZCS160, you can record 201 dumps.
In order to write an EMV chip 201 dump, you need unique IST files, without them it will not be possible to write the chip correctly and correctly, and accordingly the card will not work.

The track 2 data format is as follows:
START SENTINEL = is 1 regular character (";" )
PRIMARY ACCOUNT NUMBER (PAN) = regular card number (370373660206152)
SEPARATOR = regular symbol (=)
VALIDITY DURATION = in YYMM format (2511)
SERVICE CODE = three-digit code (101)
DISCRETIONAL DATA = which may contain PIN VERIFICATION KEY (this is not an ATM PIN), Card Verification Value, CVV (18023328700000)
END SENTINEL = regular character ("?")

From valid track 2, you can generate track 1 and write this data to a smart card if you have IST files.
If track 2 has a PIN code, then you can cash out the card at an ATM or use it to purchase expensive goods by paying through POS terminals.
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With the MSR206 you can only write 101 dumps onto the magnetic stripe of a blank card.
You can cash out such cards only at old ATMs and POS terminals that do not support the EMV chip and only access the magnetic stripe.

101 dump is card data without an EMV chip.
201 dump is data from a smart card with an EVM chip.

To cash out a card at an modern ATM, you need 201 dumps.

Dump decryption:
101 dump:
1 (used worldwide, no smart chip)
0 (normal authorization, normal use)
1 (can be used for anything without a PIN code)

201 dump:
2 (used worldwide, has a smart chip and requires its use)
0 (normal authorization, normal use)
1 (can be used for anything without a PIN code)

Let's look at the first "2"
Yes, a card of this type can really be used all over the world, but it’s not so simple, because regardless of this, the owner of the card (cardholder) himself could set the region lock, for what purpose and why he did this is known only to him.

Second "0"
Normal authorization means that when you use it, you can simply pay; if the numbers were different, you would need to contact the bank before making the payment.

Third "1"
Not quite correct description of this service code number
After all, you can’t use it for anything without a pin.
It all depends again on the settings that the card owner has set.
To withdraw money from an ATM - a PIN is required, to pay for something inexpensive, it may not ask for a PIN.

Using OmniKey or, for example, ZCS160, you can record 201 dumps.
In order to write an EMV chip 201 dump, you need unique IST files, without them it will not be possible to write the chip correctly and correctly, and accordingly the card will not work.

The track 2 data format is as follows:
START SENTINEL = is 1 regular character (";" )
PRIMARY ACCOUNT NUMBER (PAN) = regular card number (370373660206152)
SEPARATOR = regular symbol (=)
VALIDITY DURATION = in YYMM format (2511)
SERVICE CODE = three-digit code (101)
DISCRETIONAL DATA = which may contain PIN VERIFICATION KEY (this is not an ATM PIN), Card Verification Value, CVV (18023328700000)
END SENTINEL = regular character ("?")

From valid track 2, you can generate track 1 and write this data to a smart card if you have IST files.
If track 2 has a PIN code, then you can cash out the card at an ATM or use it to purchase expensive goods by paying through POS terminals.
So to be clear if I only own a msr206 can I buy 201 dumps and just make my chip unreadable? Or should I stay away from 201s completely until I have the proper software? I want to start in store carding but only have a msr206 at the moment


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With the MSR206 you can only write 101 dumps onto the magnetic stripe of a blank card.
You can cash out such cards only at old ATMs and POS terminals that do not support the EMV chip and only access the magnetic stripe.

101 dump is card data without an EMV chip.
201 dump is data from a smart card with an EVM chip.

To cash out a card at an modern ATM, you need 201 dumps.

Dump decryption:
101 dump:
1 (used worldwide, no smart chip)
0 (normal authorization, normal use)
1 (can be used for anything without a PIN code)

201 dump:
2 (used worldwide, has a smart chip and requires its use)
0 (normal authorization, normal use)
1 (can be used for anything without a PIN code)

Let's look at the first "2"
Yes, a card of this type can really be used all over the world, but it’s not so simple, because regardless of this, the owner of the card (cardholder) himself could set the region lock, for what purpose and why he did this is known only to him.

Second "0"
Normal authorization means that when you use it, you can simply pay; if the numbers were different, you would need to contact the bank before making the payment.

Third "1"
Not quite correct description of this service code number
After all, you can’t use it for anything without a pin.
It all depends again on the settings that the card owner has set.
To withdraw money from an ATM - a PIN is required, to pay for something inexpensive, it may not ask for a PIN.

Using OmniKey or, for example, ZCS160, you can record 201 dumps.
In order to write an EMV chip 201 dump, you need unique IST files, without them it will not be possible to write the chip correctly and correctly, and accordingly the card will not work.

The track 2 data format is as follows:
START SENTINEL = is 1 regular character (";" )
PRIMARY ACCOUNT NUMBER (PAN) = regular card number (370373660206152)
SEPARATOR = regular symbol (=)
VALIDITY DURATION = in YYMM format (2511)
SERVICE CODE = three-digit code (101)
DISCRETIONAL DATA = which may contain PIN VERIFICATION KEY (this is not an ATM PIN), Card Verification Value, CVV (18023328700000)
END SENTINEL = regular character ("?")

From valid track 2, you can generate track 1 and write this data to a smart card if you have IST files.
If track 2 has a PIN code, then you can cash out the card at an ATM or use it to purchase expensive goods by paying through POS terminals.
Thank you for the reply

I'm still a little confused on the process of actually being able to buy goods online, so when I get the track 2 will it come in the form of this below?
at the checkout of a store what number would I type as the actual card number? would it be the 370373660206152 part of the card?

For taking money out at ATMs you said about unique IST files, what are they and how would I go about getting them?

Also am I able to buy USA dumps but use them in the UK to buy stuff online? or should you just stick to dumps in the same country as you.

My fault for another question, but where can I get the MSR and x2 software?

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Thank you for the reply

I'm still a little confused on the process of actually being able to buy goods online, so when I get the track 2 will it come in the form of this below?
at the checkout of a store what number would I type as the actual card number? would it be the 370373660206152 part of the card?

For taking money out at ATMs you said about unique IST files, what are they and how would I go about getting them?

Also am I able to buy USA dumps but use them in the UK to buy stuff online? or should you just stick to dumps in the same country as you.

My fault for another question, but where can I get the MSR and x2 software?

I'm in the same boat, there's a bunch of software needed (X2, ARQC_GEN, BPTOOLS, IST Files, Cardpeek, MSRX) for example and the problem is that there's a bunch of people 'selling' them but either the files won't work, have a bunch of viruses on the files or charge an absurd amount. It's pretty hard to find a legit vendor and legit software for this.


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When you buy track 2 with a pin code, you must make track 1. Then write the dump to a smart card with an EMV chip.

IST files need to be generated by certain software or taken from a dump seller, but none of the ones I have tested and known to sell IST files. The kit includes only a dump, which consists of track 2 and a pin code.
Unique IST files can be obtained from the guys who install skimmers.

You can buy US dumps and use them in any country, as long as the cardholder or acquiring bank has not restricted card payments with regional blocking.

Finding a working EMV software for recording 201 dumps on an empty smart card with an EMV chip is a big problem, but you can use free software such as cardpeek, BPTools, Card Format, ARQC GEN, but it will only write 101 dumps, and cannot write 201 dumps .

The numbers before the "=" sign are the card number; it must be indicated in the EMV software when recording the card, like other data.