The market of criminal cyber services. Demand is THREE times higher than supply.


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Nihau, running in the shadows! Hello, random subscriber. Shadow Run provides an answer to the main question: "Is there any money on the Internet?"


Got it! And a lot! So much that the schemes are muddled, laveha is spinning, the sucker is not translated. In this article, I will tell you why the fuck we are studying all this rubbish in my channel. So, if you have eyes, you will see; if you have brains, you will understand; if you have a desire, you will act.

Positive Technologies experts examined more than 12,000 offers of the shadow market of cyber services. The analysis revealed that the demand for malware creation services is three times higher than the supply. The most expensive available on the criminal cyber market in the form of ready-made, "package" offers is HPE for ATMs. The analysis also showed a tendency to complicate the attribution of attacks in the future.

Experts studied 25 Russian-and English-language darkweb sites with a total number of registered users of about 3 million people. The analysis assessed the completeness of the presented tools and services, their sufficiency for conducting a real cyber attack. This allowed, among other things, to assess how necessary a cybercriminal is. wide range of specialized knowledge, or to implement any type of attack, it is enough to contact representatives of the shadow market.

Experts estimated the minimum and average cost various tools and services that are sold on such sites. For example, hacking a website with full control over the web application will cost an attacker only $ 150, and the cost of a targeted attack on an organization may exceed $4,500, depending on the complexity. The most expensive software was used for conducting logical attacks on ATMs (this scheme will be discussed in this channel a little later). Prices for ready-made HPE of this class start from $ 1500.

Experts found out that in the market of criminal cyber services are widespread cryptominers (20%), hacker utilities (19%), HPE for creating botnets (14%), RAT (Remote Access Trojans, remote access Trojans) and ransomware Trojans (12% of each), and the main demand is naturally for services related to development and distribution HPE (55%).

The study showed that the demand for services for the creation of higher professional education today exceeds the supply by three times, and for its distribution-by two times. This state of affairs allows us to speak about the demand for new tools among cybercriminals, which are becoming more accessible thanks to partner programs, HPE rental services, and "as a service"distribution models.

According to experts, most of the requests for hacking in the dark Web are related to finding vulnerabilities on websites (36%) and obtaining email passwords (32%). Among the services offered, hacking of social media accounts (33%) and email accounts (33%) are leading. Positive Technologies analysts attribute this data to the desire of some people to gain access to the correspondence of others. On the other hand, these hacks require less technical skills from the attacker than others.

«The activity of the shadow market demonstrated by this analysis forces us to constantly adapt the approaches used to investigate cyber incidents - said Alexey Novikov, Head of the Positive Technologies security expert center. - The results of such monitoring are taken into account in a detailed analysis of the techniques and tactics used by the perpetrator in each specific case. A deep understanding of the attacker's tools is impossible without its detailed study, including by studying the trends of the shadow market, that is, before the relevant artifacts are encountered during the investigation. It may even allow you to understand what attackers will target in the near future, depending, for example, on the frequency of buying a particular tool.».

Gentlemen, cyberstalkers! I hope you drew the right conclusions. The darknet is full of money and schemes to help you get it. To do this, you just need to work hard, sitting on your own sofa and learn a little more. The loot won't drag itself to you. Your task is to take this money. Our goal is to help you do this with our articles, diagrams, and training.


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shadows! Hello, random subscriber. Shadow Run provides an answer to the main question: "Is there any money on the Internet?"


Got it! And a lot! So much that the schemes are muddled, laveha is spinning, the sucker is not translated. In this article, I will tell you why the fuck we are studying all this rubbish in my channel. S

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