PayPal limits and bypass antifraud (how not to catch)


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If by the nature of your activity you come across Paypal or eBay accounts, then what I will write below is for you. Even if you do not practice either a PP, it will still be interesting enough, and so on, for general development. I ate the dog on these self-registers. Do not lie, I had more than a hundred of them and 90% sooner or later caught the limits. But I came up with a formula according to which the limits will not affect you. Unfortunately, one topic that I am currently testing is not yet fully ready (as it will be, I will create an article), so this article will not be able to deprive you of the limits 100%, but it will help you to minimize them.

Each PayPal and eBay self-registration must be created on a new IP address, which has not previously been black and white either in the PP or in the eBay. Also, there should be no other accounts on this IP address. You need to remember the rule - only one corresponds to each IP address! PayPal and eBay account (maybe later I will tell you how to link two eBay accounts to 1 PayPal account without a ban). Unfortunately, it is very difficult to find such an address (but this will be my future article), so it remains to use Dedicated servers at your own peril and risk. Because here it is 50/50 - either they did something with a PP, or they didn’t.

To understand how not to get PayPal limits, you need to understand how they work and how they generally work. Firstly, PayPal limits accounts because of too suspicious activity, which has a high risk of fraudulent activities and in order for PayPal to minimize losses - they limit such an account.

The status “You account is now Limited” is assigned by robots, scripts that analyze the behavior of the account and when certain lights are triggered, immediately limit the account. Those. the main thing to understand is that the limit is assigned to the account by the robot, not the person. Accordingly, this robot must act according to some specific scheme so as not to limit all users in a row. It turns out like:

You do an action that is suspicious for the robot (for example, you just created an account and immediately received $ 1000 for it and right there you are trying to withdraw the entire $ 1000 to another account. Yes, no one (I hope) does that, but for example it will do) , which he regards as a light bulb that came on.
The robot will immediately limit your account.

PayPal asks for additional verification (usually a bunch of documents. Even if at first they ask for one document, after sending it you will have to send several more).
You send documents.

PayPal employees make a decision - to remove the limit or restrict access to your funds on your account for 180 days, or even forever. I also forgot to say that the bulbs are taken as an example. PayPal does not have such a "joint" and "not a joint", their robots also somehow have a Fraud Score. You can screw up a little, but if you have the rest, ideally, you will not get the limit. Another thing is that no one knows where the line is when robots turn on limits.

I hope everyone learned how this works (or knew before reading it), now you can talk about how to secure your accounts from limits.

1. I wrote above, 1 (one) IP address should belong to only one PayPal and eBay accounts. The same is with banks / bank cards / phone numbers / and addresses - they must be unique for each account. Also, if you click on a button on a website, then your website should only be used for one PayPal account. I mean, if you had a website and there was a PayPal button there, but the PP account was limited, then when you try to link a new account to the same site (domain), your new PayPal account is locked either immediately or after a short time (and it seems as if on purpose, the paypal locates the accounts exactly when receiving or withdrawing money).

2. In addition to the first point, I want to add that the IP address must be constant, or there must be 1-2 of them (but you must accustom the PP to the fact that you have 2 IP addresses at once - you sit on one day, the second day on another. Either during the day on one, in the evenings on the other. That is, there must be a sequence). And do not forget about cookies - the PP loves them, this is not a rumor.

Below are some errors that lead to the limit:
  • Using Proxy, TOR, or IP addresses that had other PP or eBay accounts or that were seen in fraudulent activities in PP.
  • Using one IP address for two or more PayPal / eBay accounts.
  • Money is moving too fast on a fresh PayPal account. This is one of the most common reasons, after the ones I mentioned above. A simple example: you received $ 100 and after 5 minutes you try to send it or any other amount to another account or buy something or withdraw it. From the point of view of the PayPal robots, moving money too quickly is suspicious and you get a limit. The solution is very simple - when you receive money into a new PayPal account, let it sit in the account for 2-4 days before you withdraw, transfer or spend it.

Another reason for getting limits is that you are making too much money in one go. Judge for yourself - your PayPal account does not have a history of the movement of funds, or you always received $ 50-100, and then suddenly $ 1000 or more fell into your account at one time. Of course, this seems suspicious. Here the decision depends on many factors - firstly, do not accept more than $ 100 at a time on a new PayPal account (more at your own peril and risk) and (here attention) - do not keep more than $ 500 on your NEW account. When your amount is close to five hundred dollars, withdraw part of the funds or transfer to another account. Of course, the older your account gets, the larger amounts you can accept and store in your account.

I would also like to say about one point. I don’t know for sure (or rather, I don’t want to look in the paypal help), but the paypal asks for the SSN number when a certain amount has passed on your paypal account in a year, about 20-30k bucks. And they also ask for SSN when there are too many transfers on your account, about two hundred. But if you are accepting payments too quickly or they are large, they may do so much sooner. The best way to deal with this is to get paid to different accounts. Are you not sure that John O Connor, whose name you chose when creating your PayPal account, does not have his own account in this system?

The next mistake is the withdrawal or spending of the exact amount of money - the one that was received. For example, you have $ 490 on your account and following the rule I wrote above, you want to spend this money somehow. And transfer all $ 490 to another Paypal account, or buy something for an amount that is just about $ 470-490. And oh, I give 90% that if this is your first spend or withdrawal of money on a fresh account, you will receive a limit. The solution is very simple - Always leave 10-30% on the account, the more the better. If you no longer plan to use this account, then withdraw almost 90% of your funds (but not exactly, let it be 89 or 88.5%). After a day or two, remove another 80%. If you plan to continue using your account, remove 70% and after a couple of days remove another 80% of the remaining thirty.

It so happens that PayPal gives an error when sending money to another account - “Add funds in your PayPal before sending money”. Writes that before sending money, you must add it to your paypal account. But you have money in your account. The mistake of many is that they start trying to send money over and over again, sometimes even change the recipient's account, then try to pay for something in the store. Don't do it. The only thing you have to do is leave your account alone for 2-3 days. After receiving such an error, do not try to send or withdraw money a second time, but just let your account rest for 3 days. In most cases, the error will disappear after 3 days. If it has not disappeared, wait until 21 days, after 21 days it will disappear with almost 100% probability.

There is also a mistake “We can't send your money right now”, it happens much more often. In this case, I also advise you to wait a little. And the last thing - sometimes the stick asks to verify you with a call. We poke to cancel and then they will ask you to confirm your other information - in particular, a bank card (even if you linked it, they will write off one dollar again and you will need to enter a verification code) or a bank account. After that, the restriction is automatically removed from the account.

Now a little about eBay. Basically, the basic rules are the same as PayPal.

So let's start right away with the errors:
Error MC999 - most often dropped when you are a new user on eBay and try to list an item for sale. It happens that it drops out immediately, it happens after the placement of the product, after a few hours, and the product is removed from sale. Do not panic, this error occurs not only for “not good” or “hidden” sellers (after all, we are, in fact, hidden (since the only thing that distinguishes us from ordinary sellers is the left data), the buyer after the purchase will receive our product. And how we got this product - he should not worry). Solution - a day after receiving such an error, call the eBay company (you can ask the dialer) and ask why this happened. Most likely they will say that this is done in order to protect buyers from fraud and ask for some information. Questions like this: “Is this product yours” - YES, “Did someone help you to place the product” - NO, I DID EVERYTHING BY MYSELF, “Are you a reseller or do you have this product in stock” - EVERYTHING IS AVAILABLE. They may also ask where this product comes from, etc.

Therefore, it is advisable to first come up with a legend. You can't say “I found it on the street” or “I bought it cheap from drug addicts”. Everything must be legal and believable. After your call, there will be three options for the development of events. On eBay, goods are divided into three internal categories, which, in fact, only eBay people themselves know. there will be three options for the development of events. On eBay, goods are divided into three internal categories, which, in fact, only eBay people themselves know. there will be three options for the development of events. On eBay, goods are divided into three internal categories, which, in fact, only eBay themselves know.

These are low, medium, or high risk categories:
  • If you are selling a low-risk item (not branded clothing or specific items), then you will be able to list items for sale.
  • If the product has a medium risk category (branded clothing that is often counterfeited, or products that customers most often complain about (open disputes)), then most likely you will periodically receive the MC999 error.
  • And the third option is if you are putting up a product and high-risk categories for sale. They will ask you to verify your identity by providing documents and a contact phone number. It's up to you to decide whether to spend money on renderings that won't work 70% of the time or not.

If you want to sell items that are in a high-risk category (for example, Adidas gear or Monster Beats headphones), then there is only one solution - to sell items from the low-risk category first. These are the products that are least counterfeited (not very popular) and for which there is the least open dispute. When your eBay account receives a certain amount of positive feedback from buyers (namely from buyers), then you can move on to more expensive, liquid things from the high-risk category.

That's basically all, I hope someone was able to read to the end and I helped this person.


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I appreciate your dedication. Few people can share knowledge with you now, you are the best