PayPal Carding Manual


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PayPal Training

Lecture N1​

  1. To begin with, we will buy the material: 1) Dedic under the state 2) Bank account 3) Fullz under dedic 4) Google Voice 5) VCC (Card)
  2. Checking the dedic ( Very important!)
  3. Register your email to ; ;


Registration process


039522697 MARK D CHARTIER USA 7 HIGHLAND ST LINCOLN RI 02865 4017278253 1970-01-12 [email protected] [email protected] - Senior1!

MARK = First Name
CHARTIER = last name
USA = country
Address = 7 HIGHLAND ST
SSN = 4017278253 (We only need the last 4 digits)
Date of birth = 1970-01-12

Register a PayPal Account​

  1. Go to the official website
  2. Click Get Started, Select Personal Account ,click Continue

Registering a PAYPAL
  1. Confirming your email address
  2. Confirming your phone number
  3. We link the card (if it doesn't link, then click it again)

Go to Summary​

Then click on add money and enter your Bank Account details
There is a choice of bank, choose Chase.
Next, we are trying to add $ 70 from the bank, if there is an error, then do not touch it again

Now we will learn how to save cookies​

Firefox-press win + r and write %APPDATA% \ Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\
We save this folder to your computer
Google Chrome - C:\Users\\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default файл Cookies
or C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Cache
Did you find the files? They need to be saved in case dedic is a pussy, just then go to the new grandfather and throw the files into his browser root.
Answers to questions:
1. What are the chances of getting rejected the first time?
Big. We need to rock it, we'll get to that
2. Reduce the chances that the owner will set fire to you on the grandfather is simple-register hidden account, but then the chances that the PayPal will give
3. error: problem with adding headstock.
4. If the phone still couldn't be verified, then should I try using a different vois after a layup? Yes
5. "sorry we couldn't confirm it's you" - won't it help? You don't need cookies from them?
No, you can forget about them.
6. Another question a little ahead of time. Are we going to withdraw money to some kind of left-hand card?
Either stuff carding, or to cashiers.
(21:33:59) luciferdennica: Stuff carding in that case, if you do not let depnyk on a PayPal
(21:34:12) luciferdennica: Either you don't want to give a big % to cashiers

About stores: -fucking great accounts bank shopping mall. replenishment with kiwi is instant, very rarely not valid akki, you can say that never. So I buy data from bank akkov only there. -here is everything you need to register a PayPal. Fullz, vcc and vois. The best quality here of all and the operator is normal, I threw screenshots. If you add funds via Qiwi, the order will be sent to any messenger you specify. Other methods like instant.
@foxrdp - telegram of seller dedics. Very good, I advise you to take it there, if you do not brutalize yourself. The price of a regular one is$ 6, with an admin panel$ 7, with an admin panel and a receipt for a PayPal $8. -by the way, here on the site not all VCC spread, write to the manager in the cart and she will do everything there.

luciferdennica: So now you will buy the material yourself from your own resources. So who has it, then register a PayPal, you know two ways. If something is unclear, then in the BOS. And now about the buildup.
On all prowse comes out $ 15 on the register PayPal.
In what order to take:
First dedicated. See in the store what fullz there are (states) and ask the seller from these states for a dedic. After dedic fullz and after fullz google voice. On the bank ACC fuck when, the location of the bank holder is not important.

Ways to pump up PayPal​

1. Refund. When you change the priority of "PayPal balance" in the PayPal to "bank acc" and buy through the PayPal in the store with bank account. Then you make a refund and hope that the money will fall on the PP. This happens more often than they fall back into the pot.
Now it's better to take Bank Chase. If he gets fucked up, Wellesfargo. If he becomes shit, then back to chase itl
2. Method. It was the PayPal that gave me the chance to die right away. Everything is simple here. You drive in the store to Fullz address. Drive-ins are no more than $20. Then deposit more and merge the balance from the bank. But carefully.
3. Method. This is a buildup of trusted clients. But very carefully, as they can ban the acc with your money. The Sends are small. Back and forth. Then we try to deposit. After 2-3 sessions. It doesn't work. We continue and until it gives. The main thing is not to overdo it with sends and deposit.

Answers to important questions​

(11:36:49 AM) luciferdennica: There are about 400 bach on account bank, the goods are sent to 50, the rest is drained, correct math?
It takes 60-100 bucks to build up, then everything merges. You can pour it on your clothes and order it to yourself, or you can pay cashers for 50%. Banks can be taken for$ 1000 and $ 5k, they are just more expensive and while you are new, it is better not to take them.

Where does the priority "PayPal balance" change to "bank acc" ? in gear?
( 1. Where the bank writes.)
Go to any store that accepts a PayPal?
Do you want to get rid of Fullz or BA in it?
3. From fullz
How much money to buy? and how to make a refund?
4. Maximum of $20

The Sends are small. Back and forth. Then we try to deposit. After 2-3 sessions.
How small are they?
How often? after 10 minutes in each direction?
every 2-3 days

Pour it on another PayPal? Carefully - how? equal parts 20%-20%-20%...? step 10%-20%-30%-40%?
Either in the shop you beat the product, or cashers on another PayPal. There's already looking at its conditions. It all depends on the method. More on that later
If a PayPal burns your transfers to other PayPals , it can block them as well?

How much should I give to a PayPal in days?​

3-4 days.
After each operation? Or just the key ones?
Key. Sendy, accepting money, deposit.
Register-resting-shopping on address fullz-resting-accepted payment from verified-resting-deposit - resting so approximately?
Something like this, there can be many options. Ideally, use all the following methods:


What are we going to do?- We will buy the product , then make a refund on ebay. And you need the money to fall on the balance of the PayPal.
First, we need to change the priority in PayPal "PP balance" to "bank acc".
In the PayPal will be "wallet", click. There will be PAYMENT METHODS. Click on the bank. There will be an asterisk. Like "Make it preference". We are waiting and that's it. Now we pay from the bank.
Then we go from dedic to Ebay and register.We enter the data from the Full page that PayPal registered to . If it asks for a phone number , we give it from Google Voice.

Now we need to buy a product to make a refund.
The product is random. Don't give a fuck. But no more than$20!!! 10-15 is better.

From time to time, we check the status of the payment - it should be paid.
After 20-30 minutes after the purchase, make a next.

In general, at the top will be My eBay, hover there with the cursor and select Purchase History. You are looking for your product. The product will have "more action" click there and then choose "Cancel something there". That's it, wait for the money on PayPal. You should have it like this(I threw the screen into the cart)


It should be the same shit as me. The money will arrive after some time.

After refund the account, it is better not to touch it, it will take 2-3 days to recover! It is important.

Another method with exchangers​

You need to spend your money, it's important!On bad PayPals do not do. You risk to fuck up your blood money if the PAyPal.
There are exchangers, they have the status of verified and it is also good to accept deposits from it.
(5:06:59 PM) luciferdennica: In the exchanger, use the left wallet, from which you change your money to money PayPals in dollars
You also need to check with the exchanger what kind of PayPals they have. Verified or not. If not, it's not suitable for us
(5:07:40 PM) luciferdennica: The exchange is such a thing where you exchange some money for others. For example, Qiwi rubles to Yandex dollars. Bitcoin to Qiwi.


  1. You can enter it in any shop in the USA and hit the intermediary or immediately send it to <url>.Better, of course, is EBAY ( the account from which you made refunds is suitable for you). WE CAN DRIVE ANY PRODUCT in ABSOLUTELY, this requires money on the balance.
  2. Your shop that accepts PAYPAL, you can pay for yourself and then withdraw the net amount, but you need to dilute the traffic so as not to cause suspicions.
  3. You can change through exchangers \ offices of Bitcoin \ Ba, in general, any sites where payment is a PayPal and you can benefit from it.

Answers to questions​

1. What to do if after the ref is still being pended( as if they haven't returned the money yet).
To wait. At least three days after the ref. Then you need to do another ref, either through the exchanger. Then only deposit and purchase.
(11:59:53 PM) luciferdennica: The question is - how many sends and refunds do you need to make that would then eventually merge the full balance from the bank account?
You make refs, then try to deposit. But it is better to do first two refs or through exchangers, and then deposit. To save time. You need to merge the balance in parts and not all of it at once. At$ 80-100, there will be a good. After the deposit has arrived, we also make refs and accept sends from trusted clients (ref is the reception from trusted clients). Then another deposit, and so on until the balance runs out or is banned.
(12:03:34 AM) luciferdennica: And in what cases do you have to contact support?
If it was possible to refund or the PayPal did NOT write to you "We can not confirm wasbalblablab", then you can make documents. And write/call support, it is better to call.
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