Malware allows hackers to control devices on macOS without the owner's knowledge


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Guards researchers have discovered a new threat to computers running on Mac operating systems. The use of malware allows a hacker to gain full control over the device without the owner's knowledge. The Guards team warns about the risks in their blog.

The tool will be offered at one of the Russian cybercrime forums from April 2023. This is the HVNC (Hidden Virtual Network Computing) utility-connecting a virtual network that works in hidden mode. VNC is a legal tool for remote control of another computer on the network, for example, for performing necessary manipulations of the IT service on the computer of an employee of another division of the company. However, in the case of HVNC, the owner of the device does not know about its use by a hacker.

Malware can be run on the device without obtaining any permissions from the user. It can be used for macOS versions from 10 to 13.2. Hackers who want to use the option on the forum are invited to purchase HVNC for 60 thousand dollars. For another 20 thousand dollars, you can add additional functionality for attacks. Guardz noted that cases of using HVNC in real attacks have not yet been detected.