Lecture: Work with PayPal + self-registers (carding education 2021)


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Lecturer: Infinity

I welcome everyone!

Today I am your lecturer, and the topic of our conversation is the main ways of working with the electronic payment system PayPal. At the moment, I would divide this direction into 3 categories - working with self-registers, logs and brute accounts.

I also wanted to warn you that I have this first lecture through this service, so if there are any problems, I ask you not to swear too much, even if I bring you back in a couple of minutes. In short, I hope for your understanding.

I would also like to immediately address the participants who came to repeat lectures and some points are obvious to them - no need to write this. The material was written specifically for those who are just mastering the material, so I chew on some points in more detail.

I will break the lecture into several parts, and at the end of each you can ask questions by putting a question mark (?). If there are no questions, let's move on. During the lecture, I ask you not to write anything (!)

So, what is PayPal and how, in theory (and in practice), can you make money with it?

Paypal, or, as it is more often called "stick", is the largest (in usa, for sure) electronic payment system that allows you to pay various bills, make purchases in online stores, receive and send money transfers to various countries. Like our QIWI or WebMoney

After registration, PayPal allows you to connect a credit card (abbreviated - CC) or a bank account (abbreviated - BA) to our account, with the help of which purchases are made in online stores or money is sent to other accounts of the PayPal, if in kration.

Now let's move on to a more detailed study of the "insides" of the PayPal account. In this photo we see the main menu, quickly go over it from left to right from the top:


Summary - this is the main menu that we are looking at now
Activity - all activity for the account is collected there from the moment of creation
Send & Request - through this function we send money to other emails (we make a send)
Wallet - here information is collected on which payments are available for the account - credit card, bank account, PayPal balance
Offers - various discounts that take place in online stores

Help - help, online chat

Magnifier Icon - Basic Search

Bell icon - various notifications, most often that your account is blocked (limit) :)

Settings icon - there is information about the account itself, name, mail, phone, ssn, etc.

Below we see PayPal balance or simply "balik". This is the internal currency of the payment system. It is easiest to merge, but not so easy to get. Below are the lines for the last activity on the account, on the right are the cards or bank accounts available for use

As you understand, the account itself is not a complex and incomprehensible mechanism, otherwise so many people around the world would not use it (is it logical?). Therefore, there are a lot of loopholes for people like us.

I will not indicate all methods of monitoring here, because there are really a lot of them, we will focus our attention on the 3 most common and currently available types of work with a stick - logs / brute / self-registers

Logs are data from the owner's computer, which contain various login passwords, browser cookies (cookies), files from the desktop, information about the hardware, etc. This data is obtained by infecting the victim's computer through various files with a virus

If we are talking about working with a stick obtained from the logs, then we mean that you found a seller who sells logs, and asked him for a log in which the login and password from pp. This will already be a ready-made account, which you can immediately try to drive into a shop or make a send, we will talk in more detail about the methods of work just below

A good log will also contain cookies from the account owner. Thanks to cookies, we will increase the confidence of the anti-fraud stick in us and we will be more likely to make a successful drive. A nice bonus is that the log may be full of other interesting things - eBay \ Amazon \ Walmart, etc.

Brutus accounts are an old topic that is no longer accessible to most. Why? Because brute accounts are difficult to get now, but they are. Extracted through brute programs, they have a different look, but in general they contain the same information - name, mail, country, phone, base / cc and transactions, if any

It also represents a ready-made account, ready for work. But the downside is that here you will not have cookies that may be in the stick from the logs. But here the price is completely different, it is several times less.

[email protected]: f03191996j
Holder name - shellie klotovich
Address - shellie klotovich | Po box 160 || CROCKETT | CA | 94525
Primary e-mail: [email protected]
Limited: - False
Country - US
Phone - 19253415833
Balance - USD | 0
Card - CC 5805 | 09/18
Bank 8134 | J.P. MORGAN CHASE BANK, N.A.

150.05 USD-Bank account 30.06.2018

Here, in general, everything should be clear without knowledge of English, but I will explain briefly. At the beginning there is a username and password from the PP itself. Further full name (Holder name), address, mail, phone, limit (if it is in the limit, it is bad, you cannot buy anything from it), account country, phone, balance, credit card, bank (BA) and transactions that were made by the owner from this account.

Ask questions on the above part (!), If any, if not, we will continue


I somehow had a log, it had a credit PayPal balance

What it is??

This is a loan from a PP, often also called BML, an internal loan, in fact, is similar to the balance of a stick, but it is more difficult to drain it, you can try to hit the address in the middle and pay them in the shop, but you run ahead, then it will be

all good go on

Regardless of whether you work with brute or log, you will come across the following types of accounts:

The account has transactions (activity) from cardholder, linked ba \ cc
The account does not have transactions, or it does, but they were long ago, linked to ba \ cc
The account has no transactions, is not linked ba \ cc
The account has \ does not have a transaction, whether there is a ba \ cc or not, there is a limit on it (account restriction for use)

This knowledge will give us an understanding of what needs to be done with this or that account. If with the first type everything is clear, there you just need to take and beat, then with others it is more difficult. If there is a ba \ cc in the PayPal, but there are no or no transactions for a long time, then you will hardly be able to drive in goods for $ 500 at once (although anything can happen). Here you need to start with small amounts, it is advisable to lie down a little and fill cookies for it.

If the account does not even have a ba \ cc, then here (if there is such a desire), you can try to link the ba itself and merge into shops \ services. And if you went into the stick, and there you saw a notification about the limit, then .... it's sad, I heard that some people limit such sticks, but I usually just throw out such accounts. If you are just, or have recently learned about Paypal, I advise you to do the same, your time can be spent more productively

Self-registers - self-registered account. The topic is truly extensive and rather complex, so you will have a separate lecture on self-registers in the future.

If you buy logs and brute accounts as a ready-made "product", then with self-registers you will have to give everything yourself. Purchase of consumables, registration, buildup, driving, limits and other delights await those who try to work in this direction

But unlike the first two options, self-registers give in the future more space in terms of profit, because here you can not only drive into shops, but also get a pipe balance, which merges into the same iPhones many times easier, unlike driving iPhones from ba \ cc, make sends on your "gaskets" and much more

Next, let's move on to the things on which, if not a large, then a significant part of a successful drive depends. I mean the choice of material for work. Here, as they say, there is everything for every taste and budget.

I won't talk about which method is better and which one is worse, because I don't really see any sense in this. Because if there was such a system that allows you to buy iPhones on the fly, no one would just leak it to you. This needs to be soberly understood

But what matters in my humble opinion is security. Now more and more often I see guys who work from the basics, or even straight through the socks, I do not approve of this, but I do not insist either. It's up to you to decide. We will analyze the material for work that is common and available to us

You can start your work on - Dedicated servers \ Virtual machine \ Basis You can connect to your account via - SSH (tunnels) \ socks-proxy (socks) \ OpenVPN, Pptp (configs)

Dedik (RDP) is good because it can be considered a ready-made system. You can go in and hit right away by adding the necessary components for your account (for example, cookies). Can be divided into several types, which can significantly affect the success of the drive

The most expensive are the so-called homework. That is, this is a car of a real person, with a good IP address. Then there are server-side Dedicated servers and the cheapest - Amazon (they cost 64p each). Here, of course, you need to look at your requests and understanding of working with the material. For beginners, I would not advise any Dediks to begin with, tk. you can drain a lot of money

When working from a virtual machine or the basics, you need to think about how we will connect to the account. Tunnels / socks are good because they are generally inexpensive and it is relatively easy to find a good IP, it is not surprising that they are very popular with stick insects

Openvpn \ pptp configs are good because they generally live longer than tunnels \ socks, but they also cost many times more. The average price for 1 config is $ 10. That is, if we have a log for 10 sticks, you will have to spend a tidy sum for one IP. But if the log \ brut is good, then ... I think you understand, there will never be a definite answer, you need to look at the situation

You can also include a public VPN here, some also choose them for their work with a stick. Cost a penny. I can't say about the passability, there are different legends. I don't work with them

Ask questions about the above part, (with an icon?) I will answer and run on


Is it possible to merge pp bucks not into a thing on a pp, but on something else? Like a crypt or something?

How does it go? Af will approve of it or not very much and it is better in a thing?

pp balance directly to the crypt? this is possible, but this is more of a private topic and so no one will burn it for you, therefore, either look for or buy a method from someone yourself, the most realistic options for draining are clothes \ plums \ send to your own and display on ba \ vvc


When you create a self-register and warm it up, do you need to know in advance which country you will bind there? how critical is it

well, you will buy this CC somewhere, buy it for the country of self-registration, which you will rivet, it is logical)


About merging or sending on your own? Will you be detailed? Or is it not your topic?

there are drains on the forum, if you have a balik, you write to them, they give you or the mail to which you send a send, or vcts / ba that you link and merge the balance there, or more difficult, you make your output accounts, and through the gasket (the account that berween acc from which the grandmother leaves and to which they will come) you deduce yourself


I hope I'm not getting ahead of myself, because I don't know what's ahead :)

Should the name in the BA be the same as the name of the PP holder?

As for self-registers, I do not even need it for driving, but rather for convenience, the American PayPal, on which they will simply throw white money. What limits in the United States can I face? What kind of verifications do I need to be prepared for? The Russian PP is banned very easily for 180 days even without crimes) Is the same situation in the USA?

As far as I heard, the option of withdrawing to a crypt in the USA appeared in the PayPal? that is, you can throw a PP directly from the cut down log of the BTC? Or it seemed to me?

Not necessary, but if it matches, then I think it will be better. 2. Well, I think you already understand what to expect from pp. she just can throw you a limit for an unknown reason) with a takism question it is better to contact the white forums, I didn’t try to drive money in white through pp. 3. They did it cleverly, so you can buy a crypt, but you can't bring it out, for example, to an independent address of the cue ball, they recently made it, I liked it, I managed to merge from acc that they hadn't given for a long time, but this crypt, I haven't I realized where it can come in handy, it takes time


What to do with the fact that Ba is almost unable to bind to the PP self-regulation? For the last months such a problem

Some people have problems I know. I link without problems to new regions, maybe on old ones this problem is more common, but I did not notice any problems on new regions, if you don't link to them either, you need to change the approach and system, apparently the person is firing strongly for AF


What kind of system do you have? the foundation?

it's just that, in my opinion, the PP generally moves away from using BA in its system

I DO NOT work from the base not when, Wirth

well, maybe it moves away) will remove the ba will be something else

ok let's move on

Now that we have roughly decided what we will work with (self-registers \ logs \ brute) and configured the system for driving (bought a Dedicated Server \ installed a virtual machine \ bought tunnels), you can think about what kind of product we will beat

The simplest, and therefore the most effective, is, of course, physical goods from shops, which you can later send to a drop service or to your own intermediary. The type of product also matters, because a stick is much more willing to buy a stroller for $ 500 than a Samsung charger for $ 10 (a conditional example). The same goes for electronic products. The antifraud has been increased for such goods

Therefore, if we are talking about you as a beginner, then first of all, I think you need a result, albeit not the greatest in terms of profit. Therefore, if we are talking about driving in, then beat shops \ eBay for small amounts, you do not need to beat liquidity, I think you get my point

Take the address for delivery from the intermediary company in the country in which you intend to work. Shops can be chosen from different countries (except for the CIS), the main thing is that there is delivery to the country of your intermediary / drop. Most intermediaries have a lot of information on the forum, read and choose the one that suits you

Next, I will describe how, on average, a product is purchased using a PP account, it does not matter if it is self-registration, log or brute account. The most "classic" driving a stick into a shop looks like this:

1.You take any online store you like that accepts payment through PayPal
2. Choose an item from the shop and put it in the basket
3. Go through the registration stage, where you indicate your name, billing / shipping address (drop or middle), mail, phone number and etc.
4. Next, choose a payment method - PayPal
5. You are thrown into a stick where you enter your username and password and log in to pay
6. You pay for the order

This is perfect. Most often, of course, this is not how it happens. I mean that after authorization, the stick may not allow you to pay from the ba, as often happens with people working with self-registers.

Or SC may pop up (a security check is a check, roughly speaking), where you will be asked to receive an SMS to the specified number, but you have this account from the log and of course you do not have access to this number. Or, in general, it happens that the stick allows you to pay from the ba, and the shop does not accept payment in any way, although you can pay from the stick there

I wanted to describe these and other problems one by one below, but then I realized that, in general, for most of these problems, there are universal solutions that really work. I'll start with the most effective one - rest. Do not jerk off your account, if your midrange jumped out or does not see payment from ba / cc, let your account lie down

You can try to log into your account (if it is a log or brute) and see what happens inside the stick, perhaps there is a limit hanging there, which makes any purchase impossible. If you have self-registration, you will enter it calmly, but if it is a log or brute, then it is already more difficult. I do not advise you to go into a stupid one through the PP page, unless it is a bold log with a large number of cookies

In other cases, you can enter your account through the purchase of any cheap product. And no matter what the PP showed you, after authorization (entering your login and password), enter paypal.com in the address bar of the browser, it should be transferred to your account (not always). Although the option with the usual entrance from the main page also takes place. See for yourself

The next tip will be about reducing the cost of goods and changing the shop - simple and logical (agree?). Then think about the system with which you enter the PayPal, perhaps you are so fired that it (the anti-fraud system) will not entrust you to buy even socks for 5 bucks

In general, if I tried to describe here all the problems that a stick insect has in his "hobby", then our lecture would last a couple of hours longer. Therefore, I would like to remind you (and who did not know, to tell) that the forum has columns for working with both self-registers and logs / brutus, where through the search you can find the answer to the most difficult questions

I advise you to look there from time to time. And until you get used to work, I recommend that you write down all your results (declain or just a purchased account is also considered) in Excel, who knows how you can use it in the future.

I will also immediately answer the question in the style of "there are rumors that the stick is no longer giving and the topic is dead" - if the topic had died, they would not have worked on it, but a lot of people work on a stick, go to the forum and see how many topics are in the archive , so try and succeed.

This was the final part, ask your questions, if they remain and we will finish the lecture


do you deprive or send?

if you send, how can you cancel the send so that it returns to the balance, and not to the ba? old links and methods don't work

Is it worth displaying a few bucks on the attached BA brute? before the send or depot. for better swing.

which decides more - an unfinished bank or a well-tuned system?

will you teach a lecture on self-registration?

which way to look in working with self-regulating, except how to knit a bank and go?

Is it worth it in the current difficult time (in terms of non-attaching BAs) to try to fix the instant? or onli minideposits?

I heard that some services for penetrating mines kill BA. Is it so?

and I try this and that, it immediately depends on the aka, one send will give, another dep 2. I don’t know, right now, or not like private 3. no, I don’t do that, it’s better to make a send for a dollar to different mail shops 4. I think more the second, but here the question is how do you understand a "well-tuned system" for me this is the system with which it gives good without dancing with a tambourine, respectively, if you ask this question, you do not have this system), a good system is stupid from a clean sock and antidetect you will not do 5. on self-registers blinkmi leads 6. but this is not enough? you know how many nuances, and besides, the stick is constantly changing, it killed a lot of links in just six months, killed the number of voip, launched the pn key, launched the crypt, etc. 7.Is worth it if it gives, I don't see the difference 8.Maybe, I personally didn't notice it


then what do you mean by a good system for pp?)

I can answer this question too)

I did not understand the answer to question 2. do you mean the topic of private, how to refund?)

yazh answered, with which he gives well without tambourines, beat it with hvnc, there you can immediately see the difference, when working with a large number of self-registration acc, I don’t know how to make a system without holes, you need to constantly donate something

or safety or factors affecting AF

yes, I meant a private topic


can you say something about KVNTs

I mean, I will advise where to buy either accs, or the software itself except amadeus

goldenbaum don’t even know how to describe hvnc, for the user it’s almost the same as connecting to a remote Dedicated Server, read it on the forum there will clearly write more accurately. gives him pp of course many times better, but it's not cheap either

goldenbaum about what accs do you mean to buy?


is it possible to buy access to one computer via hvnts plus all the things that are on the computer? although honestly nonsense question. no one will sell this ...

you mean logs and how to get them?) It seems too early for me to think about it, I don’t buy a botnet, I mine myself


some people talk about cashing out PayPal, what is this about? thanks

moment friend

PayPal has an internal currency, which if you enter, you can get real money. This can be done through input accounts or through special people on the forum, you can learn from them more about ways to withdraw PayPal money


And what is the difference between hvnc and the same homework? except that we can secretly work on hvnz.

or I do not understand correctly the concept of hvnc

it was in the context of "hit with hvnc" there was a question

I mean the registration of self-registrations and not by driving from the log

it is corny that there are differences and large corny in the price, then this is enough to conclude that there is a difference. I can’t go deeper into the technical specifications, not my profile, I just took it into use. I do not advise you, there is no experience yet, and if there are no sms, there is no money to buy, it's just that, we discussed it for development


I just don't see the difference from the technical point of view. and homework and hvnc - both computers of the real holder. convenience only in terms of use

so I don’t understand what is better than homework

in terms of working with logs, of course

but again, if the log belongs to the one whose hvnc

well, yes, I'm talking about self-registration)

if the instant didn't let you bind the BA, do you try the minideposits right away?

any ways, the main thing is that the ba bl is linked)

okay, let's finish

thanks to everyone who came

tomorrow you will have a more accurate lecture on self-registration, think in advance, write down questions if you are interested

Blikmi is a good lecturer, will explain everything

all the luck


Lecturer: blinkme

Today we are starting a lecture on PayPal, and we will touch upon such a topic as PayPal Self-Registers.

I have been working with a stick for more than 5 years. Basically a bunch of self-reg + ba.

A bit of theory.

What is PayPal in general. This payment system was created by one geniuses of our time, Elon Musk (God bless America !!!).

It allows us to participate in charity, pay for goods and services.

Now I will explain the abbreviations to you and tell you in detail how to work with it.

Self-registration (self-reg, self-registered) is the PP account itself, which you or you registered.

Fullz is given to the holder, the more data we have, the better (DOB + SSN, sometimes they require a background when calling).

BA (BA) - the bank account from which money will be debited (may not coincide with the holder) Two types of Checking (regular expenses) and Saving (savings)

AN RN - account number and routing number are the details of the ba

Mini-mini deposits are sent by PayPal to confirm the ba to the bank that we are trying to link, this data can be viewed either in the online office of the bank, or through the offices that show the account statement

Instant binding - no mini deposits, instant binding with self-registration (before, all ba almost knitted like this)

GV - mail for self-registration and a phone number to which you can receive SMS and calls (you can also use textnow, but there the rental conditions are different and you need to send SMS at least once every 2 weeks)

Send - Sending funds to another stick from the balance, BA, with CC (two types as a friend (no hold) and as a product / service (hold from 3 to 21 days)

E-check - request for money from BA to your PayPal for a product / service / send (takes 3-5 working days)

Instant - instant payment (essentially the same e-check, only the antifraud trusts you to pay before the e-check arrives, EVEN IF THERE IS NO MONEY ON BA!) (Http://prntscr.com/rtk4qp)

Deposit - a request for money from BA to your PayPal (it takes 3-5 days, in fact the same deposit, only they fall to your balance) http://prntscr.com/rtk3mx

Pending - This is the status of the transaction that it was sent (when requesting a depot, it also falls into the pending http://prntscr.com/rtk5vm)

Suspension - Leaving the account for a while so that the AF is reset and it starts to please us again)

Limit is an account limitation, they are divided into 2 types, the first is that you performed some kind of fraudulent action where you can still draw everything or receive SMS. 2nd where they give you to understand that you have been exposed and are given 180 days without the right to appeal (after 180 days, if the ba holder did not burn you, you can withdraw the money) Example of a plate http://prntscr.com/rtk7tm

Balance is what we are here for) From the balance, we can pay what we want, the product / service, post to the withdrawal account, to our BA or VCC (Virtual Credit Card is a regular virtual YUSA card, if the YUSA self-register (not qiwi, not poison )) (http://prntscr.com/rtk8n4)

The next way to get the balance is dead, but as we know from our not easy business it can come to life at any moment

Ref (Refund) is an alternative way of depositing, for example, we pay in a shop, which is either instant, write in those. support of the store that changed your mind cancel the order and they cancel the complete transaction and it goes into a pending transaction for 3-5 days, upon the expiration of the funds in your account, if the holder did not burn

But now all refs are falling back to BA, be they send, purchases, donations.

CS - Credit Score credit rating of a fullz

BML - bill me later this is a credit from a stick, if the holder has a high CS to whom, then they can issue large credit (http://prntscr.com/rtk995)

Case - a dispute or complaint about a transaction. Each dispute has its own conditions (rights, product documents, transaction explanations)

The first part is over, if you have any questions, ask.


what is the meaning of the ref? did not drive

ref canceled transaction, Refund = refund


how to get BML and how difficult is it to merge ??

2 options, the stick itself offers and the second in the search for Google you enter BML Paypal and throws the offer on the stick to receive


do you deprive or send?

if you send, how can you cancel the send so that it returns to the balance, and not to the ba? old links and methods don't work

Is it worth displaying a few bucks on the attached BA brute? before the send or depot. for better swing.

What to do with the fact that banks are not tied and the error sorry we cant pops out?

Which system do you think is the most suitable? base + configs?

Depay 2. yes they do not work for sure, so only depots and bml, well, and instant purchase 3. didn’t do this, it’s better when the balance is on the account 4. I had this restriction on pegging several times, although now they say that the supports have earned and you can try through them 5. Base + socks


So without supports do you have bindings? I have 1-2 bindings out of 10 at best

In general, an ass with a stick now. To brutus and logs, I still heard that BAs are hooked, but with self-regs there is no life. Not bml, not with BA. sorry for wedging myself into your lecture. just yesterday's lecturer was a theoretician - and did not know the answers to questions

If our task is not to give false hopes to newcomers, but to discuss the current situation, then it looks like I wrote

gives on old accounts, but it is not difficult to drain in principle, you need to start with small purchases, immediately 1k + does not give now

it gives all the rules, the main thing is the basis and socks, in general, each approach is different for someone on the configsof the rules, for some reason I have no luck with them, but the socks of the rules, but there is someone with vpn Nord still working)


If our task is not to give false hopes to newcomers, but to discuss the current situation, then it looks like I wrote

the stick will always work, here the most problem is in the mat and its price lately


base + portable browser + socks based on English language?

English is better, but there is a friend who works for ru and gives everything, the main thing is that the port is English


I just today regal new ones and tied them to old 19 accounts. nothing is really attached ..

write in one message plz, otherwise the eye is already blurred) I realized, try to change the ip, I came across this when the ban on the link was in the bank itself, I immediately knit ba to the stick

ba gets attached to fresh accs without problems


I use real sim and clean open vpn configs. considering that it's all based on (poppy) - I don't know the bundles better. and where the ip can be cleaner. If you tell me what the problem is, it will be great. But I see that the problem of linking banks is now for everyone, regardless of their system, banks, etc.

I didn't work on a Mac for long, try the usual base and portable ff


Should the name in the BA be the same as the name of the PP holder?

As for self-registers, I even need it for driving, rather for convenience, an American PayPal, on which they will simply throw white money. What limits in the United States can I face? What kind of verifications do I need to be prepared for? The Russian stick is banned very easily for 180 days even without crimes) Is the same situation in the USA?

Now let's approach this 2. We are talking about self-registrations registered in the name of a resident of another country, you can throw any money on it. For any action you don't like, a limit can come, it's all the will of the stick, from id, to state, proof, about activity, etc., sometimes it even asks for a screen from the antivirus. Yes, it happens after the donation flies by 180, I explain this, for example, by the fact that 10 sticks are loaded on the holder and the stick is shocked by such a number and stupidly bans.


Is it expensive to work with a stick at all?

I've never really wanted to, but I think

What is it spent on?

It is expensive to live in general) but now it has become more expensive, before the ba was handed out up to 5k for nothing, now the price tag is from $ 40, we will talk about the last question now

well let's go, you still have time to ask questions

Now that we know at least a little bit what PP is, I'll tell you the juice itself.

Self-registration PP, if we carry out a projection with CCs, it’s like a roll with a known balance, with which we can buy whatever and wherever we want, and even display wherever we want.

In order for the PP to start giving, we need to make several transactions from the ba. It can be donate, send, dep, or a small purchase. The more such operations we perform, the more confidence we have with AF.

It looks like a fullz (fullka, full info)

First Name Hose | Last Name Sidoro | Address 2000 RiverWoodLn | State AZ | Location Roswell | ZIP 30075

Unique number of a citizen (in the CIS this is TIN) SSN: 632-46-5361 Date of birth DOB: 03/08/1965

When registering, do not use a phone from a fullka, only gv or textnau or real sim

The bank account represents this:
Login: pass

ahcobalt1: Vienna594
Checking 325046533465: 121000358
$ 33,778.24
Bank of america

Accounts can be called by different names College, Core Checking, House, names of holders, etc.

No matter what kind of knitting, everything depends on the holder individually!

The stick doesn't care about BA Holder!

Now there are 3 types of connection to sticks

Regular socks (preferred)

SSH tunnels (too wired for me)

OVPN (configs) - VPN connection from an American router (preferred)

I must say right away that the stick does not care about your location and you can hit from any point, the main thing is that you liked the ip and gave you purchases, donations, sends, deps.

To create self-register, we need

Fullz is any important thing to be valid (so that ssn and dob are a real person!)

BA any, so that you can tie and with the desired balance

SS is possible, but it's better to roll with punched out DOB and SSN (but a charge can come to SS!)

on the SS I will say almost did not work right away, I use this function only for VCC, for withdrawing funds

To get started, take a ba up to 5k and try to donate to help fight the virus.

It is better to take a stick in the amount of 1 account per ba = 1 self-registration

GV or textnow, sometimes for operations you need to receive SMS, or send. Real sim is of course preferable, but they are all basically at one time.

1 phone = 1 self-registration No need to knit everything by 1.

Recommendations after buying GV, changing passwords, backup mails, if there are any secret questions, we change everything, everything that succeeds, and, if possible, we put 2FA, because they can hijack and get access to self-registration, and then who knows what goals the hijackers have.

Mail can be used with guards or your own, it doesn't matter. (AF does not react to the mail domain in any way, but I DO NOT RECOMMEND to use mail on USA self-registration .ru)

The second part is over, if you have any questions, ask. According to the material you need.


It is better to take a stick in the amount of 1 account for ba = 1 self-registration. What's this?

by this message I meant that you don't need to knit 1 ba account for 3 self-registration, before the chase was knitted like that and the shops sold it in several hands

quantity, you don't have to pray for 1 self-registration yet, but make 20 and test their behavior


what data the shop sees when ordering goods through a stick,

He sees the holder's full name, full name and delivery address, amount


that is, he does not see the BA data?


sees the holder ba) because during the transit the stick in the state ba writes the name of the holder pn)


what is postal code?



Real sim during registration should be on the same side as self-registration?

of course!


Recommendations after buying GV (Google Voice) here I did not understand a little

if you are afraid that the seller GV will steal your accounts


This is when I buy a ready-made self-registration

GV is GOOGLE VOICE, I repeat, it contains mail and phone number, if someone gets access, then it will take 5 minutes

Do not be alarmed if the GV died, the main thing is that the mail is alive, the account can be easily restored by mail


if the order in the shop goes through the stick, how critical is the name of the holder PP = name of the recipient of the goods

Depends on the account, if the stick is pumped, then I had 15k staff flying to the middle to another name. From the balance, try 200-300 to start with another name.


why did you choose the PP direction for yourself?

good question) I will describe the pros a little later at the end of the lecture


what does it mean from the balance ???? balance PP or BA

balance pp, with ba such transactions are called instant or e-chek, described above


Well, here, as well as in ru, the account download works, that is, a small purchase on cardholder, then you can replenish the balance with your own money for a small amount to make a send

Yes that's right


I have a friend on cardholder rubber dicks sent

socks, shawls whatever is like

We drove along the navigation in a PP

The PayPal menu of the self-register http://prntscr.com/rtjr65

Summary - the main page of the self-registration, there we see the balance, linked ba and CC, allergies, the last 3 transactions

Activiti - list of transactions with filters

Send & Request money is for sending sends, requests for money and sending invoices

Wallet - this is a page that shows you information about the balance, banks and cc that you link, or are already attached to the self-registration

And an important button is a gear (http://prntscr.com/rtjqga) where we can change the data on self-registration password, address, gv, 2fa, etc.

Here is another equally important add money page

Here you confirm that your full account is valid and make an attempt to deposit on you self-registration

Dep is done only with BA! I repeat!

I'll tell you a little about BML

It's kind of a loan from the stick. He has a separate balance sheet. You need to download it in small trances, so that it can be pumped in the same way, for large transes.

In general, I advise you to get it when the stick itself offers you to take it.

I will also tell you a little about the negative side of what the limits are and how they look.

180 days (permach) - this is a non-appealable limit, but if you have money left there, you can withdraw it after 180 days to vccor ba http://prntscr.com/rtjoja

Regular or Light limits are when you can limit your account with the help of renderings, usually they are considered from 2 business days. Here is an example they are different with 1-2-3-4-5 + points http://prntscr.com/rtjv0g

A clear example of what docks it asks for

Well, at the end I want to analyze the pros and cons of working with this system.

That is why I work with her just) although the truth is tired of the infection, for 5 years already, after all)


We know the approximate balance

Roughly like a roll, that is, if there is a balance on the pp, then we can send the goods anywhere in the world.

A relatively easy conclusion, even on "Mother's bank". (I do not advise doing this xD)


Sometimes fraud will fall and you can receive such gifts http://prntscr.com/rtkcel

Long charge, even if the bank holder made a charge, and the seller gave you a track, then 99% that the goods will be with you.


1. Flexible fraud system, today one topic works, tomorrow another. That is, today the depots are given, tomorrow the instant can be driven in eBay. You should always adjust to these moods.

2. Account boost, if you can drive the entire balance from cc (but the holder charge will be done, then you and your staff cried), then you have to donate, send a send so that there is more confidence in your self-regulation.

All my lecture has come to an end, I hope you enjoyed it and I look forward to your questions!)

and so why do I work at all, there were free fullz, I started to trade them, and then the topic got caught by the eBay and the depots, and then I decided to set it up for a trial and delayed)


I worked with a stick for a year, I wonder how much you can earn now)

I can say so last year about 100k was spent on the ba, this year is not over yet, I did not think)


Is this the only direction in which you move, or develop in other topics, but without spraying? I just want to understand how much you need to beat in one place in order to break it)) HOW it is important to pump one skill and only then the second)

this is the main topic, but sometimes, so that jelly does not form in my head, there are a couple of topics on which I work successfully


this is a waste on a mat) I wonder how much I took into my pocket) whether I should continue working in this direction or change the course of work

it is better not to spread such information)


iPhone \ Android with the application with the correct distribution of the Internet does the PP like more?

The question is about life, there were already a couple of years ago moments when everyone was howling, all the stick tightened the nuts, let's go from here and going through the period was everything normal? can this be said about all other areas in this area?) litter that the question is vague)

It didn’t work for me, I’m an old believer) 2. Sometimes it tightens the nuts, that’s to be honest, three weeks ago all the balances were up, I thought all the hardware needed to be changed, this Monday they removed the evil eye


what is real sim?

example from life, what sim do you have on your phone?


Are there services for providing real sim in USA?

of course, my friend who seeks will always find!


do you think the country of registration of mail matters?

wrote above, better .com

Did you answer all the questions?)

Thank you too. Happy learning success, patience and profit!)


Reaction score
Thank very you for this lecture,really helped. But i want to know, with the self-register,do you register with fullz and GV?


Reaction score
Yes, just buy valid fullz and GV. And you can do it easy!
Then change the PayPal to cryptocurrency.


Reaction score
Briefly, our task is to bind the ba (Bank account) to the account we created, and pump out money from it.

What do we need?
1.we need proxy soks5
2.fullka (the higher the credit score, the better),
3. BA (bank account with a balance of at least $ 1K) All BA sellers have their own format, for example, my seller gives login data and AN (account number ) and RN (Routing number)
P.S. Better buy such popular banks as chime, chase, etc.

4. Virtual number (I use Google voice, because when I buy GV, mail is also given)

VCC (VCC - Virtual credit card) and document rendering.

How to set up the system?
As for me, the most ideal option is a Separate laptop + windows 7 ENG + Disabled webRTC + portable browser (chrome / fire fox).
I do not recommend working with self-righteous tracks through the spheres, I do not know how from anyone. But the stick gave me worse

1. connect to the proxy, go to whoer.com and check, it should show 100% anonymity (if it suddenly shows not a hundred, then check the webrtc, dns, system time and language)

2. Download the session and fill in cookies, go to various popular USA sites (Shops, banks, amazon, etc.), fill in cookies in general.

3. Go to the PP, click to create a Personal account and fill in all the fields from our fullz, enter the TEL number and mail (SMS with a confirmation code will come there, so do not write the left data there).

4. After the reg will ask for the BA or card bindings, you select "bank account"
A list appears and at the bottom there will be a button (I do not see my bank in the list), click on this button and enter the AN / RN of your BA. Then the stick will send 2 microdeposits (Mini deposits) to your BA.

5. You need to break through these 2 microdeposits.

6. Then you enter 2 of these microdeposits and the BA will bind

P.S. Some banks will bind instantly (without requiring a microdeposits), it depends on the BA

7. Let your account rest, just forget about your self-burner. (minimum 2-3 days)

If from this moment someone will spam me in the LAN, I throw a report and an emergency. tired of fucking)) wait until the end of the webinar

Step 8 is the most important! read more than once!
After the shelter, go to your self-burnt and try to send a small amount (Less than $ 40) to the self-tapping account from the attached BA account and then there are 2 options, 1 money will come to your account, then you again give the shelter to the self-tapping and try to send a little more amounts for example $ 80-70, etc.
And if you were not allowed to make 1 dep, then you need to download your self-reserve and then try to make a dep, you can download it in small tranches, buy various cheap things at the fullz address that costs $ 1-2 (You can pay through the attached BA), donate to some companies have small amounts, send small amounts to pumped PayPal, and so on. I think everything is clear here

BUT STRONGLY DO NOT jerk off a PP, otherwise you will catch the limit and cunt MINUS ACCOUNT!

9. After you have pumped out the amount that you need from the BA, you can already drain the balance of the PP.

Please note that your BA seller should be normal and not sell accounts in 1-2 hands, if you tie 1 ba to 5 sticks, take credits from it and shove the dick still knows where. Then this BA won't give money.

Where to merge the balance?
1. Go to any shop, warm it up and you can drive in some kind of product
2. There are people who accept send from a PP under %
3. Give cash

Answers to the most frequent questions.
1. When paying, requires a card link.
- Then you can buy a VCC and tie it to a PP, BUT after that the PP may still not allow you to pay, or it may try to pay through a linked card (VCC)

2. What to do if the proxy is dedik (RDP)?
- buy a new proxy for ZIP fullz and work further))

3. What to do if the bitch doesn't let you do anything.
- forget, because here how lucky. Out of 100 samorёgs you won't get everything))

4. Where to buy the material?
I will not say, everyone will find a seller himself and no one will tell you his trusted people

5. What to do if, when linking a BA, it says "This BA is already linked to 5 accounts"?
1 ba can only be linked to 5 PayPal accounts, here you need to write to the seller about the replacement

6. What should I do if it requires uploading documents that I do not have?
Contact the renderer, 1 rendering costs about $ 10

7. How do I know how much to deposit?
Here it depends on the BA, if the ba balance is around $ 300, then you will not be able to deposit even $ 10, so take a BA with a large balance

If you forgot something, then please do not offend me in PM, but just remind me.