Lecture: Work with Facebook (carding education 2021)


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Lecturer: maxwell

So. Begin

Moments to touch on:
1. Small dictionary
2. Getting started
3. Warming up
4. Creation of BM
5. Process of binding and filling
6. Chips
7. Verification of BM

Today we'll talk about Facebook and touch on all the main nuances of working with this platform.

Let's touch on such issues as: terms that you will need to know, where to start when working with Facebook, warming up your account. How to make sure that he is not banned, Creating BM, the process of linking our finances, chips.

Everyone in his life has come across such a moment that there is a product, but there are no customers, in USA it is accepted that even an old grandmother of 50 years old does not post ads on our usual bulletin board, but goes and promotes her product through FB.

For us, this gives a big plus so that we do not tighten all the nuts in this "fun", if I may say so, the system.

Now it's not a secret for anyone that every student whose height allows them to reach the keyboard is pouring on Facebook. The situation is of course moving and changing very dynamically. Old approaches die away, new ones are born.

This is not good and not bad, it has always been that way. Not just Facebook.

The first thing a carder should learn is the basic information when working with this platform in the context of our shadow activities.

In our context, PP (Affiliate Program, aka PP) - it will also pay us money if we pour not for ourselves (stealer, hvnts and others), but for the offer.

You can find a bunch of affiliate programs just by typing kindly into Google "affiliate traffic arbitrage"

What does the affiliate program give us?

The ability to make money on deposits, registrations, subscriptions and a bunch of other tinsel. OR if we don't want to work with our uncle and want to work for ourselves, then we can pour ourselves onto the stealer or other malware, traffic with the right choice of target audience (TA) is just excellent.

Minideposits (miniks, miniks) are not a large amount that Facebook sends most often up to $ 2 to make sure that we are the owner of the card.

CH is the card holder.

CR - conversion. Example: 1d10 downloads the prilu, 1d20 makes a deposit, and so on.

Lead - Roughly speaking, this is the client for whom we will be paid. It is written in the offer itself.

Creo is also creative. A picture, gif or video that a person will see when scrolling through the feed, viewing history on Instagram, and so on

DeepLink - roughly speaking, this is our referral link that is embedded in the attachment or at the stage of adding advertising by which the PP will be able to track that the traffic came from us

Our AntiDetect settings are the most standard https://prnt.sc/s6x2tc

When choosing socks, pay attention to their type. FB is more loyal to mobile IPs than to residential ones. FB fit absolutely any socks of the country to which the account owner, but using socks that are closer you add confidence to you and your actions.

Now let's go through the account itself

Go to Google and google our Facebook. We do this process in order for Facebook to see that we are not following a direct link, but through a search engine, the so-called ref transition.

We look at the date of registration of the account and the asset. https://prnt.sc/s70dhf

I recommend taking accounts not younger than 2017, because if you take younger accounts, additional checks may take off that will interfere with us and slow down our work with you. https://prnt.sc/s70dul

In the example, a 2009 account with a good asset

Next, go to the settings and turn off all notifications. This is necessary in order to protect yourself from changing your password and losing our valuable time. https://prnt.sc/s70ebe

First step

Second https://prnt.sc/s70esb

Warming up

Everything is simple here, sometimes we like posts, watch videos from time to time we go to Instagram, YouTube, google news today, read news, watch the weather, and so on

I want to draw your attention to the fact that FB reacts very positively to how we send reports for violations of the rules

This has a very positive effect on trust.

We heat for 1-2 hours no more as it is less effective I strongly advise against using scripts and other automation tools!

The next day we will create a Business Manager. He's BM

Correct creation of BM

After 30-50 minutes of warming up, we proceed to creating a BM.

Copy and paste it into the address bar business.facebook.com and press the blue button to create an account nothing complicated no we fill in the data I advise you to enter the name of the company as the name of the account owner, since the account owner can assume that the FB himself created a BM for him. All other data except for the soapbox (we will receive a letter there that should preferably be confirmed) we take from here https://www.fakeaddressgenerator.com/usa_address_generator in my example, the owner lives in the USA, you take it under your country.

Next, go back to the main Facebook in the ** Advertising on Facebook ** tab after the transition, click Create an Ad and create a group, fill it with a photo, invite a couple of friends, turn off notifications in the group itself in the settings> notification section

You do not need to create a group if you already have one on your account.

We give a rest from 12 hours to a day.

The next day comes the fun part. Linking process and choosing an offer for the bay

We warm up the account 1-2 hours after we go here http://business.facebook.com/adsmanager/manage

At the top we see the https://prnt.sc/s70fh6 panel. We poke on the gear

Go to the Ad Accounts item

Look in the Ad Account Setup

https://prnt.sc/s70g9h. We put NO everywhere so as not to fill in VAT and not pay% to the state, sometimes a notice may come out that you still have a business purpose. We put a point in the first paragraph of Advertising Purpose, after which we will be asked to enter the address. We still refer to the site ** fakeaddressgenerator.com **

Let's move on to binding. I will knit CC. https://prnt.sc/s70gu3 click here

Before linking, it is worth remembering a couple of points that there is a pre-payment - when we pay before the bay and post-payment - when we pay at the end of the month.

Also, do not forget to turn off notifications in billing

I recommend working with CC, as you may not have time to merge from the same BA account, since all other methods except CC are almost always prepayment, except if, as an example, a card is attached to the chase account and similar cases

There are 3 outcomes during map binding

First: https://prnt.sc/s70h87 The map was just spat out

Second: https://prnt.sc/s70hjz Spit out due to the fact that it was tied many times 3-4 +

The text may differ. If we see the familiar word ** Bank ** we call. Sometimes there are moments that FB themselves do not know why they blocked your account and calmly remove the block, or just after the first contact with support with the words "Hello, what's the problem?"

An example of a response from the support https://prnt.sc/s70hx2

I just wrote “Hello! what is the problem? "

Third exodus: https://prnt.sc/s70i8y Beauty. Success

Before the beginning of the strait, I advise you to spend a small amount of $ 1-5 to promote the post in our group. As practice shows, because of this, checks of various kinds, throwing out of the account, etc. fly out less.

Go ahead. We gave the Id pk (look at the address bar. Example:? Act = XXXXXXXXXXXX &) to our PP, we were given an add-on and we want to shed traffic on it.

We go to http://business.facebook.com/adsmanager/manage and select the place where we will pour. We set up, we must register deeplink.

We load creo necessarily video 1080x1080 or 600x600, you can get worn out and do it for each format (pc, tablet, phone, tape, post, etc.) but this is a universal option.

After checking our advertising, after a while we receive a minicar. https://prnt.sc/s70isb, and with it the deactivation of the account before confirmation

Sometimes a non-standard minicam comes in as in the example above. We are not afraid and enter the first 4 characters. https://prnt.sc/s70j3b

In our second example, 4 characters after ** FBPAY ** namely F15O


We check minideposits without ringing or rollers. We go here purchasealerts.visa.com shove our card there, if it starts up, it will be possible to see the minideposits. How do we know if our card will fit? We take 5-6 symbols of the card we want to buy before buying. (We need 9 to check). and add random 3-4 digits. If the map comes in, we can look at it minideposits.

It happens if the maximum amount for which we can spend a daily (aka daily budget) is weakly warmed up is $ 50, and if everything is really bad then $ 20-25. Do not despair and go to the panel itself where we have a spillage (Ad Sets)

Click on the budget (pencil) and edit it a bit. Let's say it was $ 20, we bet $ 40-70, and so on, using this method I was able to increase the daily budget to $ 700 maximum. Carry out these frauds only after 1-2 Spends!

You can also buy ready-made bms with daily 250/350 / unlimited

It is also not necessary to make spreads for small amounts, this is a gross mistake and the bank does not like this.

It is best to spend up to the maximum amount. Example: your daily $ 50, you make a $ 40-45 spread to prevent the FB from writing off the money itself. From the side of the bank, the tranza should not be more often than 3-6 hours

Minideposits shouldn't be sent on the same day from all accounts either. This also counts.

If you write off manually, it's more trustworthy than just letting the fb write off on the machine.

Let's see why ads were disabled for us Open our Ads Manager https://www.facebook.com/adsmanager/manage, right-click, select View Code https://prnt.sc/s70k8b

We do a search for the phrase accesstoken or access_token and find the token: https://prnt.sc/s70klj

Go here http://maskfb.ru/ and insert our token. Important! Do not insert the token if you have NOT been disconnected or is being unscrewed, since the token is used to log in from the bot, after which the account may fly off

We spy on other people's ideas for creatives. We look at the text. Go to https://adheart.ru and create an account there https://prnt.sc/s70kxr choose what interests us. you can simply ask the support for a direct link and paste it here and watch the text, creo specifically from this PP from our competitors

Further, if there is a desire to expand on a large scale, it will be possible to verify the BM to further expand the number of pk to 30-80 pieces! We can start advertising initially with the help of a personal advertising account, and the BMA that we created (after several spreads, the number of advertising offices will increase to 5 BM that we create. We follow the rule of one pk per one adset so that when we are banned one pk where we have all the offers lie, we did not bother with the transfer to the next pk.

We proceed to verification, go to https://business.facebook.com/settings/security. We check if the verification button is active. Most likely not, and we need to activate it. To do this, we carry out the following actions.

We start registering Choose ** Developer ** then we also choose Developer. We enter random values, we will not use the application itself, it is only needed to activate the verification button. https://develope.facebook.com/apps, where we choose Audience Network as a source of monetization start. We choose our BM. The soap is random, any country, the main thing is that there are docks. I advise you to choose Ukraine.

Next, we write a random name. After creating the monetization object, go back to https://business.facebook.com/settings/security and see that the button has become active! We start confirmation. Screenshots: https://prnt.sc/s70lra> https://prnt.sc/s70mb5> https://prnt.sc/s70mmg> https://prnt.sc/s70mwb> https://prnt.sc/ s70nik

Further https://prnt.sc/s70nwf> https://prnt.sc/s70o5t> https://prnt.sc/s70ohq> https://prnt.sc/s70p2w> https://prnt.sc/s70pd6 > https://prnt.sc/s70pny

There is also a second way of verification directly without docks via corp mail

which at the moment is more relevant and not so fucked up. We take corporate mail, take a domain and go to it. the domain of the mail corresponds to the information on the site looking for the address, phone. take and go to google maps check there what's what

We take the data and enter it into the fb. We write the company from the domain, click to continue. If it throws it to the docks, then we take the next mail and look for the address, enter it again. Next, we select the item of registered mail, it is very important that the site itself was in the list, we select and move on

Then enter the domain and send the code

no matter what address, the main thing is that the domain matches

then comes the code

we enter this code into fb

and everything is verified



I am not familiar with the topic at all. It is possible in three words the essence of the scheme

I described it at the very beginning of the lecture. In short, traffic is the gold of the 21st century. You can both get money by advertising a product or by advertising your software with an animal and so on


“Next, we select the item of registered mail, it is very important that the site itself was in the list, we select it and move on

Then enter the domain and send the code

no matter what address, the main thing is that the domain matches

then comes the code

we enter this code into fb

and everything is verified "

here did not understand. We check some kind of corp mail in Google, enter the domain and mail in the fb. the code comes - where?

The code comes to the corp.



so we create it ourselves with a website and a domain, right?

buy corp mail with access to soap


From where

take accs FB

Mostly logs. And in general, logs are better since there are cookies and fb has a better attitude towards them. Sellers of logs are on our forum in the appropriate section


"Minideposits shouldn't be sent on the same day from all accounts either. This is also considered" that is, one CC can climb into several BAs?

we are talking about the BA antifraud relationship when we write off the card. You just need to keep in mind that transactions should be no more than 1 time in 3-6 hours. Better at 6 o'clock


great lecture.

What if the people don't buy your affiliate program? lol

Since affiliates don't pay you with bitcoin / BTC after people buy their products, how will we receive the money from them? Such as Clickbank.

1 FB business account = 1 credit card? or we can use more?

If the card is reported as fraud, does the full account get banned or only the material / credit card?

This is such a great lecture. I used to work as social media advertiser, and this is like you said Gold. Is there a private group for this type of work on the forum?


They will buy. When they don't buy that's bad and in most time old offer. And People will not see him like "ad blindness" 2. If you give much traffic he may pay btc, most PPs have CIS roots and understand this. You receive pure cash. You can receive for example to webmoney wmz and after buy btc from him. 3. How much he give. Maximum you may 3-4 not more. After this you receive declines from bank 4. Only card, but after hard link. Yep, My group traffer's corn


In short, do we advertise for a client on carding grandki? Che, then I also did not drive, why drive cc to some type of usa, let's say.

we drive into fb, it gives us traffic. And there we are already sending him in the right direction


1 FB Business Account = 1 Credit Card? or can we use more?

I didn't understand the answer to this question of Yarakha

while she gives to knit. how much do you knit


Does AF see that I'm using a translator from google for example? 2) Will the akkod come in for this business or do you need a more serious blood pressure?

fb doesn't care. But the one who will read vryat will be glad that it will be written in broken English. This envelope reduces


in the sense if the auto-translation from Google works in the browser

He already sees this =)


you said that when it comes to the possibility of verification, it is better to do the company with geo of Ukraine. Did I understand correctly? and when linking CC FB there will be no conflict that the company is Ukrainian and CC USA?

No. Various sections. tried to choose for the country of sox and for the country of ss. The difference was not noticed. But it is better to use the second method, since the first one is more likely to freak out.


You talked about other ways of using the traffic that you get from the Ads instead of affiliate to make money, I think you talked about spreading malware / trojan if I understood correctly?


any what u want

like CC sniffer, etc.


monetization and ease of working out the material is it easier in the clothes all the same or by means of FB?

In your opinion

Everyone has a different mindset and everyone chooses how to work. Each area has its own pros and cons.

Specifically here you devote a little time every day and everything is okay, you can't sit down for a day under an energy drink like in a thing, and beat packs


what affiliates do you use. share the list without any lace!

and what are you pouring on if you pour


Specifically, at the moment, my work is direct without intermediaries. Offline let's say so. You go and ask who needs it, you make a small business card website and offer, for example, payment for 50% of the merged

FB is more for gambling. Google for adult.


CC manages to squeeze the limits to the fullest? or dies more often before the limits have reached the limit? from whom do you take the CC? say the name of the shop. and which bins are better to take, if it matters?

I like to merge from rollers more. For some reason, it comes out more from them. It is not always possible to merge to zero, but it is real. I take a little from everyone. Except for the joker, it is unique. We have a list of sellers on the forum as well. I won't tell you about binaries, if we talk about VPA I showed you how to find them. Really find 10 bins per hour.


What. If you have no questions. Thanks for attention!