In Komi, employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia and the police of the republic identified a teenager who sold malicious software


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In the Komi Republic, employees of the Department for Organizing the Fight against the Illegal Use of Information and Communication Technologies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, together with colleagues from the republican police, as a result of operational search activities, tracked down and detained a 17-year-old resident of Ukhta, suspected of distributing computer programs intended for unauthorized destruction, blocking, modification and copying of information, means of its protection.

As previously established by the police, the teenager created a channel in the popular messenger, where from August to October 2023 he sold malicious software that allows you to remotely control someone else's computer equipment. So, the virus program allowed you to get screenshots from the monitor screen, all information about accounts in social networks, including usernames and passwords, data from crypto wallets, and even information about the keyboard keys pressed by the user.

As a result of a search at the minor's place of residence, police officers found and seized his laptop, cell phones, a router, an electronic data carrier and bank cards.

The Investigative Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Komi opened a criminal case against the suspect on the grounds of a crime under part 2 of Article 273 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. For the duration of his investigation, the minor defendant was released on his own recognizance and proper behavior.