How to start in carding

Carding 4 Carders

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Once again, I looked through the topics of the beginners forum and realized that many questions remain unanswered. And they do not answer them not because there is no desire to give information, but because there is no time to answer often frankly stupid questions. Therefore, I decided to write a specific message to everyone who is just embarking on this difficult path of the carder. I don’t know how useful this article will turn out, I do not pretend to be "incorruptible of the year."

So, you've come to the scam carding website. Unfamiliar words flash before your eyes - "dumps+pins, enroll, warp, dropы, claim for $ 3000", and you understand that this is something you have never seen before, but, apparently, brings good money "Easy money! " - you will say. And you will be very wrong. Once upon a time, carding may have been an easy way to get rich, but now it is hard, highly intellectual work that not everyone can do. And if you decide to get rich in a matter of months, and buy an apartment, a car, a summer house, then I will immediately disappoint you.

I see Carding as a business and not otherwise. And what is the essence of business? It consists in the combination of material, financial, labor and information resources in order to produce goods intended for obtaining benefits. Such a connection can be short-term or long-term (this is connected with the stability of demand, and with the possibility of diverting resources and other aspects).
That is, without these components, the business will not work. And the more of these components you have in quantitative and qualitative terms, the more benefit you can get.

You will think: "What resources do you have now?" The answer is, at least material and labor. After reading the topics of the forum, you will add an information resource.
And then the matter will remain small - to find a financial component.
So here we go: The first thing you need to do is read the forum. ALL. From “Beginner Questions” to “Black List”. Get yourself a text document, and throw all the information that seems important to you there. And remember: information is the currency of the 21st century. This information is right under your nose, but many do not notice it. A simple example: after reading the entire blacklist with nested logs, I found two banks that flow very well).

Have you read it? Have you read everything? Have you understood everything?
Then it makes no sense for me to write further, you already know a lot.
We pass to the stage of accumulating financial resources.
It all depends on your abilities.
If you know English at the spoken level, get a job as a dialer, you will receive $ 5 for every call you make, plus you will learn how to get out of unusual situations, and most importantly, you will find out the list of slutting shops and pouring banks.
Place an ad that you are ready to work as a hammer for a nominal fee. You will get your hands on the drive in cardboard, get acquainted with various billing systems, and again, if someone tells you that something needs to be driven somewhere, then it brings him money. Read everything about this site and understand the way this person makes money.

So, you earned your first pennies with carding. Now the main thing is to spend them wisely: buy credit cards, socks and start carding. I advise you to work on several fronts:
1. Register in Affiliate programs and drive a little there. It still works. Many articles have been written on this topic.
2. Find a drop or take it from a drop guide and spike an inexpensive stuff on it, which sends it to an address other than billing. Most often, such shops ask to ring, but you already know how to talk.
3. Place on auctions and forums advertisements for the sale of Steam, Skype, Rapidshare, etc. accs.
You can also buy 10-20 mb of logs from sellers. Of course, you won't find good bank accounts there. No matter how we all swear and swear, we look through ALL the logs for the presence of several links, which we don't want to go public. But, nevertheless, there is a lot of useful information in these logs. If you are lucky, you will find several bank acconts, paypal, ebay there. I advise you to sell all these accounts immediately, and do not try to poke around in them or cash out. Now you need stable money. And the risk is useless.
And now 2-3 weeks have passed, and you have a certain amount in your wallet that will allow you to move on. This is where you should think about what suits you best. I will outline the main directions, with pros and cons.

1. Stuff carding
Pros: if you do it for a certain time, it can give you a high percentage of income at a low cost. If you make friends with the drop guide and he agrees to accept not only electronics, but also other stuff (50x50%), then you will have a lot of interesting and useful things at home that you would never spend money on in ordinary life.
Cons: a lot of problems with the delivery of the parcel. It is important not only to get the shop to send the product, but also to receive it. A drop can be thrown, a drop lead can be thrown, an adjustable drop can refuse to accept goods in someone else's name, the police can come to him, a postman can carry two parcels with the same address, but with different holder names, and not give them out without presenting an ID, etc.

2. Carding Transfer
Pros: the main thing is the amount. Even with a 1k gulf, you will get $ 400, which is very good. It's fast money - 1-3 days and you get your payout.
Cons: There are a lot of them. Account price: at least an account costs $ 40-50. An unclean seller of accounts can sell an account in two hands, the holder may notice unauthorized access to the account, the bank may suspect a fraud transaction, the drop may throw, the account may be locked at the drop, the drop will not be able to issue information about the transfer, holder or provide an invoice, and etc.

3. Carding Casino
Pros: It's interesting. You can make very good money. Unlike shops and banks, a casino cannot die completely, but it can simply tighten the rules, but, nevertheless, you can work at 2-3 well-known rooms and continue to earn.
Cons: You need to be able to play. It will take a very long time to find the balance of the game. To pour money into kazi is a whole art. You will need a large amount of your money to deposit clean accounts, and there is no guarantee that the casino will not lock your account. And it will be very difficult to get through to them, sometimes they just ignore your messages. As a result - a costly process of verification of a clean account.

4. Zeus. Creation of a botnet
Pros: “It's nice to own a small zombie army” (c. Bender). A lot of them. You will have many bank accounts, you can try to pour them without any special financial costs. You can sell akka bank, various accounts, sell logs. You get your own socks.
Cons: requires constant investment. Payment for traffic, hosting, crypto, purchase of new bundles. They can pour bad traffic and you won't get normal accounts, they will constantly lock the domain with a bundle, bots die before they can send all the information.

5. Work in real life. Cashing dumps in the store
Pros: this is, perhaps, the only direction in which the principle of payment on a day-to-day basis works consistently. With one card, you can buy goods from 700 to 3-4 to $.
Cons: The main disadvantage is the high risk of being caught. Very large material costs, for a normal start you need a printer, holograms, embosser, signature tape, left documents. Dumps often "don't fire", which means you can stay in the red. Plus, you need to constantly travel to another country. Discussion of work on the Russian Federation on the forum is prohibited, and I do not advise you to do this. Many troubles can be found. And I'm not only talking about the idea of patriotism and our valiant police, there are also security services of banks and chain stores, which, if you are caught, to your great regret, will not turn you over to the police, but will resolve the issue on the spot.

6. Dating scam
Pros: fuckers will never run out.
Cons: terrible hemorrhoids. A very long time. You can promote $ 500 for a whole month. Militia's keen interest in this kind of swindlers.

On this, perhaps, I will end. And finally.
When you buy or sell something, work through a ESCROW SERVICE or with a protection code. Don't be fooled by a suspiciously low price or that the seller is in a hurry.
Always think about your safety: do not use your personal e-mail, phone number, icq when registering or communicating on carding topics. When entering the forums, clean your cookies.

Do not use the wallet you use for settlements with carders for personal purposes (paying for the Internet, replenishing your cell phone, buying goods in your own name).
And the last thing. If you really decided to make money from carding, then treat it like a job. Set a time for yourself, for example 5 hours a day, and spend these hours at work: searching for new sites, checking logs, looking for new ways to make money.

Good luck and success.


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How to start a newbie in carding? How to earn? The first steps. Action plan.
Hello, today we will talk about where to start if you want to immerse yourself in this mysterious, but very interesting world.
You see, a person is such a creature who can learn everything and if you have such questions / excuses as: "I won't succeed", "I don't rummage in computers, it's too difficult", "They'll put me in jail", "It's dangerous".
This is normal. Your brain is trying in every possible way, to fence itself off, from doing something new, from learning, because it is lazy, it does not like to leave the comfort zone, and there is no development without changes.
It is fair that you have questions about concerns, about responsibility for this type of activity.
As soon as I get the mask, I will immediately write you about this video and you will understand why I record voice over to a large audience, why I speak so openly about everything. You will immediately understand everything.

Where to begin?
So here.

1. Watch movies
"Hacker" - 2016 release. Alex is a young and cocky American immigrant from Ukraine. Fascinated by the idea of making money quickly and easily, he gets involved in a major scam and quickly learns how to rob other people's credit cards.
There they were engaged, real carzh. But at the beginning it is shown how he worked as a huckster of technology and everything else, it's all lamp-direct.

"PLASTIC" 2014 release. The film is based on a true story. A gang of friends managed to infiltrate one of the world's largest credit card companies. They manage to pull off one of the most daring thefts in British history.

2. Register on the forums and read everything
Not all of them are carder, but topics about carding can be found everywhere. A bunch of different services can be found on these forums. Punching, purchase of docks, drawing of documents. Hotels, Avia. And many many others.
I think the most important free carding.
Your task is to start absorbing information, you will want to run to do it, but you must cool your head and just absorb everything, comprehend.

These are the very basic first steps where you need to go.

I am preparing one piece for you, for a long time I have accumulated a lot of different trainings, manuals, guides, video lessons on carding, now I have a bot in development, into which I will upload all this and will constantly replenish the infe that gets to me. In one place, everything that I collected from all over the Internet will be collected. Cool, in my opinion, yes, if, when I started to slip such a thing, I would be happy. I have trainings from different people, I definitely have rubles.

I hope the coder will finish doing all this as soon as possible.
Thanks to all!
Hugged raised raised.

Do not skimp on the likes, I will be grateful)


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Should you start carding?

Point of no return.
To begin with, you should understand that you will start breaking the law even before you get your first iPhone. No, you will not be put on the wanted list by Interpol, and by and large everyone does not give a shit about you, so it will be. Of course, until you start stealing more than $ 10,000 a month, but you still need to come to that.
With all this, you should not frankly score a dick for safety, it is important to observe the necessary minimum, which we will talk about in the following articles.
Now I'll sketch out a few obvious pros and cons of the driving profession, and you'll decide for yourself whether you need it.

You work for yourself. I think it's understandable that once you start carding, only you will be the arbiter of your destiny. Here I will include the fact that you can work as long as you like and whenever you like. Unfortunately, many, having received the first profit, relax and work half-heartedly, we will analyze how to deal with laziness after the first money later, read on.
You are autonomous. With this, I think it's also clear, you work from anywhere in the world where there is Wi-Fi with only a laptop.
Free gear, gadgets, etc. You can sell the stolen goods to the buyers for a percentage, or you can send all the staff to your place and already figure out what to sell and what to leave. This also includes free travel.
Money. There is nothing to say, how much you put in, you will get as much. Let's get some simple math. Let's say we drove at least one iPhone for $ 1000 in the night, we sell it for 40% of the cost and get our $ 400. If you drive in even at least one pack for $ 1000 per day, then you can earn good money in a month.

You won't have a pension. Unfortunately, your seniority in carding will not be counted.
Law violation. Like it or not, we are criminals. Everyone who downloads movies from torrents and steals money from American banks.
The main rule of carding is not to work in your country. If feds can forgive your pranks over the hill (until you start playing high), then in front of his nose he will not allow this to be done. Never steal from your own people.

There is no need to shit on every corner that you are an elusive hacker and how you steal bucks from stupid Americans. How else can I tell you? Nobody should know that you are working in the shadow realm. You are not stealing gum in the supermarket, but money from banks. Before you start, I want you to realize this.
You will have money, good money, but in order to withdraw it, you will have to think over anonymous ways to cash out. You should not withdraw stolen money to your mother's card, you have to study what cryptocurrencies, mixers, and anonymous wallets are. We will also tell you about how to cash out honestly stolen money in the following articles.
Carding, as strange as it sounds to you, is a job. And you need to treat it like a job, otherwise you will not earn. There are many pitfalls here, this is a huge area of shady business, you must be in trend and have the necessary knowledge to start making good money. We will give you knowledge, but how you will apply it depends only on you.

Carder's Brief Dictionary.
The following articles will use words that you may not yet know. Now we will go through the most basic ones, without which it will sometimes be difficult to understand what is at stake. There are a lot of slang words and abbreviations in carding, we will only touch on Internet carding, especially our profession. I will try to be as simple and understandable as possible.
Carding - Stealing money from bank accounts using credit card details
Cardboard - credit card information used to buy various stuff in online stores.
Fulka (Fullz, Full Info) - complete information about the card and its owner.
Staff - Commodity
Pak - Package
Dedik - Remote desktop of someone else's computer.
Bin (BIN) - "Bank identification number" The first 6 digits of the card are used to identify the bank that issued the card.
Acc - Account.
Scan - a scanned identity document (successfully forged in Photoshop)
Drop - A person who receives parcels, or performs other "dirty" work. We will talk about drops in more detail in the following articles.
Stick (PP) - Payment system PayPal
CC - Credit card.
Scoop - A person who buys out carded goods.
Shop - Online store.
Enroll - Linking the card to online services with the ability to change data.
CH (Card holder) - The current owner of the credit card / account / account.
Billing address - address of kx.
Shipping address - delivery address.
Driving in - Entering data on behalf of kx for purchasing goods in online stores.
Socks (proxy) is a server between your computer and the final server of the site, in other words, an intermediary used to hide your IP address.
Chardjbek - Cancellation of the operation by the bank and return of funds from the cards to the holder.
Spam - Bulk mailing by Internet mail.
Mat (Material) - accounts, fullers, proxies, etc.
Seller is the seller of the required material.

If you want to get to us, then we have an inverse relationship, you can write to us and go through our "training".

James H

Reaction score
Should you start carding?

Point of no return.

With all this, you should not frankly score a dick for safety, it is important to observe the necessary minimum, which we will talk about in the following articles.
Now I'll sketch out a few obvious pros and cons of the driving profession, and you'll decide for yourself whether you need it.

You work for yourself.
I think it's understandable that once you start carding, only you will be the arbiter of your destiny. Here I will include the fact that you can work as long as you like and whenever you like. Unfortunately, many, having received the first profit, relax and work half-heartedly, we will analyze how to deal with laziness after the first money later, read on.
You are autonomous. With this, I think it's also clear, you work from anywhere in the world where there is Wi-Fi with only a laptop.
Free gear, gadgets, etc. You can sell the stolen goods to the buyers for a percentage, or you can send all the staff to your place and already figure out what to sell and what to leave. This also includes free travel.
Money. There is nothing to say, how much you put in, you will get as much. Let's get some simple math. Let's say we drove at least one iPhone for $ 1000 in the night, we sell it for 40% of the cost and get our $ 400. If you drive in even at least one pack for $ 1000 per day, then you can earn good money in a month.

You won't have a pension.
Unfortunately, your seniority in carding will not be counted.
Law violation. Like it or not, we are criminals. Everyone who downloads movies from torrents and steals money from American banks.
The main rule of carding is not to work in your country. If feds can forgive your pranks over the hill (until you start playing high), then in front of his nose he will not allow this to be done. Never steal from your own people.

There is no need to shit on every corner that you are an elusive hacker and how you steal bucks from stupid Americans. How else can I tell you? Nobody should know that you are working in the shadow realm. You are not stealing gum in the supermarket, but money from banks. Before you start, I want you to realize this.
You will have money, good money, but in order to withdraw it, you will have to think over anonymous ways to cash out. You should not withdraw stolen money to your mother's card, you have to study what cryptocurrencies, mixers, and anonymous wallets are. We will also tell you about how to cash out honestly stolen money in the following articles.
Carding, as strange as it sounds to you, is a job. And you need to treat it like a job, otherwise you will not earn. There are many pitfalls here, this is a huge area of shady business, you must be in trend and have the necessary knowledge to start making good money. We will give you knowledge, but how you will apply it depends only on you.

Carder's Brief Dictionary.
The following articles will use words that you may not yet know. Now we will go through the most basic ones, without which it will sometimes be difficult to understand what is at stake. There are a lot of slang words and abbreviations in carding, we will only touch on Internet carding, especially our profession. I will try to be as simple and understandable as possible.
Carding - Stealing money from bank accounts using credit card details
Cardboard - credit card information used to buy various stuff in online stores.
Fulka (Fullz, Full Info) - complete information about the card and its owner.
Staff - Commodity
Pak - Package
Dedik - Remote desktop of someone else's computer.
Bin (BIN) - "Bank identification number" The first 6 digits of the card are used to identify the bank that issued the card.
Acc - Account.
Scan - a scanned identity document (successfully forged in Photoshop)
Drop - A person who receives parcels, or performs other "dirty" work. We will talk about drops in more detail in the following articles.
Stick (PP) - Payment system PayPal
CC - Credit card.
Scoop - A person who buys out carded goods.
Shop - Online store.
Enroll - Linking the card to online services with the ability to change data.
CH (Card holder) - The current owner of the credit card / account / account.
Billing address - address of kx.
Shipping address - delivery address.
Driving in - Entering data on behalf of kx for purchasing goods in online stores.
Socks (proxy) is a server between your computer and the final server of the site, in other words, an intermediary used to hide your IP address.
Chardjbek - Cancellation of the operation by the bank and return of funds from the cards to the holder.
Spam - Bulk mailing by Internet mail.
Mat (Material) - accounts, fullers, proxies, etc.
Seller is the seller of the required material.

If you want to get to us, then we have an inverse relationship, you can write to us and go through our "training".
Am interested please