Future of Carding and Fraud


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Hello guys

i want to tell you guys something
this Forum is very bad
there is Lot of Incorrect Information have Been published here

carding is Still Live
yes is Still now in 26.05.21

but all the fresh Information Comes From Telegram and not From any Forum
Professinal Carder are now on Telegram because they Fell safe there
yes it cann be Closed from Telegram
but Telegram policy Dont care so much about Fraud Groups
There is telegram Groups have more than 50k member and have been running 3 years on telegram
we are in 2021
how the fuck gonna use Forum anymore

Russian, americann,german,franch,.... carder are all now in Telegram
this Forum is Dead and it will still be Dead because we are in 2021 not in 2001
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This is a common scammer who will never gain access to any private forum.

1. This thug used to have the nickname "FBI1", tried to create a reputation and scare everyone. He was asked to change his nickname. He so wants to be an agent-snitch that he chose the right nickname.
This fact will always have a refusal to register on any private forum. You have to be very stupid to come up with such a nickname and try to inspire trust and respect.
2. This fool deceived everyone, saying that he helps no one on all issues. In fact, he did not give any useful advice, nor did he give any recommendations or business advice. That is, he could not show the level of his qualifications and professionalism. We can conclude that this is an ordinary fool from Africa or India.
3. This asshole copied various information from the Internet and told everyone that he was the real author. When he was shown a link to the orininal in the chat, he simply fell silent and could not object to anything.
4. This slut said that all the others copy the methods, and when he was asked to provide a link to the originals, he could not do it.
5. This balaol claimed to be registered in the VIP sections of private hacker forums, but he was unable to provide screenshots or any method. He just deceived everyone once again.
6. This idiot wanted to sell dumps + pins, but could not pass verification and pay for advertising. He just wanted to cheat on a prepaid basis.
7. This cormorant has no reputation, no respect, and even more so does not have any guarantors on any carding forums. He confirmed to everyone that he has been working since 2019, but he could not show anyone his upgraded accounts or provide recommendations from other guys.
8. He doesn't know how to do anything and doesn't understand carding at all. He generally has no elementary idea of how to work properly.
9. This deceiver assured everyone that he was preparing a promo video for the forum, but he deceived everyone and could not do anything. This is a common rogue loser.
10. This redneck could not even pay for the cheap registration on other private forums, because he is very stupid and greedy.
11. This provocateur did not provide any evidence that someone had deceived him. In addition, I do not sell anything at all and do not provide any services. He's just a pitiful envious and asshole.

The forum does not need such assholes, deer and agents.
Their accounts should be blocked immediately before they manage to deceive someone.
Crooks never get registrations on normal private sites, they ignore requests for their payment.
This animal was denied registration on a private forum and he just got mad and began to freak out. He needs to heal his nerves and calm down.

12. You may notice similar communication style, punctuation and spelling of this scammer with scammer @dunkelh3it
- He, just like he asked for a private forum
- He, just like he did not have the money to pay for registration
- He just like he copied other people's methods and passed off as his
- He just like he wanted to sell dumps and cheat
- He, just like he does not have a reputation, positive reviews and guarantors
- He is just like he is a Turkish girl who was quickly exposed
- He appeared immediately as the fraudster was blocked
We see that this is just his fake and another clone that got out under a new nickname and tries to cheat.
13. I asked this bird to provide tracks of successful order numbers for the last week, he could not provide any numbers. We can clearly see that this is just a piece of shit that does not know how to work. She is nothing of herself and is a worthless pitiful blotter insect.
14. In the screenshot we see that the admin did not ask you for money and did not beg to pay him. You yourself wrote to him and tried to get an account for free. They just sent you where farther, so that you would not distract from serious work and would not bother you over all sorts of trifles.
If 10k is a lot of money for an Indian, then go and open your own business in real life, thereby you can earn a few pennies for milk and bread to feed your stomach and rotten mouth.
15. You continue to cheat, you cannot provide screenshots from the VIP section of the raidforum. You've deceived everyone by the insolent loser You cannot provide any evidence for your words.
16. The cost of advertising for the sale of dumps is $ 7777, but you do not have that kind of money, because you are a scammer and a poor man who is just trying to cheat on prepayment.
17. You are not from Germany, you are from Turkey, India or Africa. Germans communicate in a completely different way, they have a completely different grammar and speech. Perhaps you are a pitiful immigrant who came to conquer the country and you do not succeed and will never succeed, because your development and education leaves nothing to be desired.
18. Neither I nor Lord deceived anyone, we work with many guys and everyone is very happy. We have no claims, arbitration and complaints.
But you threw who plans to cheat on a dump + pin and you yourself admitted it and confirm it.
19. You wrote that you will no longer appear on this forum, but continue to write in this thread. Once again you have deceived everyone. Leave here once and for all and do not create new nicknames. We easily, immediately and quickly unmasked you by your hate words, phrases and statements. You write stupid sentences of the same type and cannot come up with anything new and interesting.
20. Your other nickname was quickly exposed and blocked and you could not continue to deceive people from this forum. For this reason, you were very upset, but created a new account, but we quickly figured out you again. Your attempts were unsuccessful and do not try to do it again - you will not succeed.
All scammers and assholes will always be blocked.
21. In the chat, you provided links to the original materials that you stole and passed off as yours.
In the video that you posted, the telegram indicated the contact of the author of the method, which has nothing to do with you and belongs to another person.
You could not provide screenshots of what you find in VIP sections on other hacker forums.
You're just a pathetic clown and a loser.
Go to bed and rest. The forum does not need your presence.
You will not sell anything here and you will not be able to deceive anyone.
Just get out of here and never come back. We will forget you very quickly as unnecessary garbage that needs to be thrown away urgently, as a person that needs to be immediately disposed of.

21. You are not on any private forum, including Mazafaka and others. You have never heard of admin names like Render or Le Minister. You've never heard of the Vendorsname forum. You do not communicate with the administrator of the cardiplanet "Script", as I do regularly.
22. You yourself said that you have been in carding since 2019 and you do not know anything, you are an ordinary fool. These forums have existed since 2005.
23. The only forum not available is the cardworld, but it was not private either. And the admin of this forum here was a moderator under the nickname Graf. And another admin under the nickname David has now problems with the law.
24. You don't even know "Verif" admins such as Emtiness and Minsk.
25. You are trying to assert something without understanding anything, not knowing the history and not understanding anything. You are a stubborn dumbass and a donkey who just steals information and makes a copy-paste.
26. You behave in the same way as the dump-seller and CC under the nickname Dunk.
27. Nobody knows you, you have no respect, you have no guarantors, you are an empty dirty place. You are an ordinary scavenger about whom you need to wipe your feet and spit in your face.
28. You stink and vomit words, but you cannot confirm them with anything. Negative and empty ringing comes from you.
29. You have no idea about carding and carding forums, you are a pathetic cowardly person who tries to find out private information, but always fails and gets rejected.
30. You are very illiterate and uneducated. You don't know how to make money and you always fail. You will never achieve success, but you will just rot and cook in your shit.
Once again, I ask you to leave this project in disgrace and not to dismiss.
Don't make serious people laugh with your 100 bucks that you are so proud of. Your best bet is to return them to those you cheated when you sold prepaid dumps and pins.

And now a very important and significant point.
Please note, this scammer writes the same words and phrases! And even the amounts are the same!
Everyone remembers how the fraudster Dunk offered the Hacker 100 bucks, and how he tried to find out about the VIP section and the private forum?
Now look how this cheap and petty chicken writes about 100 bucks again. Exactly the same phrases and expressions. Well, that's just nonsense.
This fool defined himself and got burned.
Stop creating different nicknames.
He was illiterate and this one is lagging behind in development.
And that Turkish fool and this fool are bragging to everyone that they can share 100 bucks. Well, you have to be such idiots. He doesn't even follow the speech. It's such an achievement for him to have $ 100. It's just a wonderful miracle.

You can keep your reasons and beliefs to yourself. No one believes your filthy words. You won't deserve any respect.

So let's repeat how he was discovered under a new nickname
- Same words and phrases
- The same show-off and yap about $ 100
- An attempt to sell dump + pin
- An attempt to get into the private section and the private forum
- Copying methods from the internet
- Lack of registration and reputation on other sites
- Not knowing elementary and banal information about the topic
- Lack of awareness and knowledge of history
- He wrote that he was leaving the forum, but he continues to write here
- Not knowing the main points, nuances and features of work
- Constant lies and deceit
- Not giving evidence to your words
- Conflicting beliefs
- Constant complaints that all are scammers, and he is one good and the best

He just repeats the same actions as the one thrown. There is no doubt that this is the same filthy, shitty face.

Please check it on the clone detection system. I think this is the same stupid scammer who has already been blocked.
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An attempt to sell dump + pin
if you give me One Proooof of that
i swear i will call my self moron every fucking day
and i will never come back here

Just 1 Proof
no speak---------- now is Action
if you are a Men
and your word is a Men word
then just 1 Prooooof please
just show me one proof and will will go forever

you are lying with everything not only with this


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Not giving evidence to your words
i gave you too much Evidence but you are acting like a child
only Speak
only Bla Bla Bla Bla Bla

if you are really men then Show us that im Dunk
than i was willing to Sell Dumps here


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How do you know about Dunk
you have been here only 1 week

@Hacker and Lord777 know Dunk
and Dunk was Scammer
but you wasnt with us you never talked to Dunk

do you know why?
because you are Lord777 and Hacker
you have No life only Posting shit
non Working Methods


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When the forum had 2 days of problems with the database this scammer post the topic of the next content "This is my last post on the forum".
When I gave all the evidence in this topic and substantiated to him who he is.
He started singing a song that he was willing to pay 100 bucks
This was seen by many guys who were able to get access.
The admin saw this and can confirm it.
That is, he set himself on fire and betrayed himself.

Unfortunately, all topics were deleted before May 23, as the database was restored before the hacker attack.

He really wrote it, exactly the same words!
Or will you continue to deceive that you did not mention 100 bucks, like Dunk threw?
You gave yourself away as a friend and must leave this forum.


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you not giving evidence you Cock Head

im not selling anything
Like you
you are not selling any thing too

im just Complaning about you dumm Methods
that Dosent work............
that Belong to Carderplant forum Time 2001


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1. You wrote that you want to sell dumps + pin. But you were refused, because he has no money to pay for advertising, and you will not be able to pass the test. Exactly the same deception as the fraudster Dunk.
2. You wrote about 100 bucks, offered them and ponted such a ridiculous amount. These messages have been seen by the admin and can be verified by other members.
3. You are exposed and you will not be able to deceive us under a new nickname, do not even try.
4. You created your nickname and started posting a similar trash can as soon as the last scammer was banned, and did the same.
5. You wrote that you are leaving this forum, but already every day you continue to mess with it. Take responsibility for your words and get out of here. All the same, you will not fool anyone, pathetic gasket.

We do not expect new topics and messages from you, you will receive a refusal to register on a private forum and a refusal to place the service. You won't get anything, just get out and never come back.


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1. You wrote that you want to sell dumps + pin. But you were refused, because he has no money to pay for advertising, and you will not be able to pass the test. Exactly the same deception as the fraudster Dunk.
i never sayed that
i told you if you going to show me a Proof
i will call my self everyday Moron and i will never come back here again
You wrote about 100 bucks, offered them and ponted such a ridiculous amount. These messages have been seen by the admin and can be verified by other members.
3. You are exposed and you will not be able to deceive us under a new nickname, do not even try.
4. You created your nickname and started posting a similar trash can as soon as the last scammer was banned, and did the same.
5. You wrote that you are leaving this forum, but already every day you continue to mess with it. Take responsibility for your words and get out of here. All the same, you will not fool anyone, pathetic gasket.

im so Laughing at you
you are really so Funny

could you please shut the Fuck up
and be only 1 Fucking time a Men
you are pussy like women..... you cann only Talk
no Proof nothing

show me anything
i begging you
just show the People that im scammer
dont talk like bitch

please i begging you please please please
show us Proofs that im scammer


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i will even Chnage my Username from 010101o to Moron


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1. You wrote that you want to sell dumps + pin. But you were refused, because he has no money to pay for advertising, and you will not be able to pass the test. Exactly the same deception as the fraudster Dunk.
2. You wrote about 100 bucks, offered them and ponted such a ridiculous amount. These messages have been seen by the admin and can be verified by other members.
3. You are exposed and you will not be able to deceive us under a new nickname, do not even try.
4. You created your nickname and started posting a similar trash can as soon as the last scammer was banned, and did the same.
5. You wrote that you are leaving this forum, but already every day you continue to mess with it. Take responsibility for your words and get out of here. All the same, you will not fool anyone, pathetic gasket.
you are sooo dumm
if i was you i will Put better excuses that im Scammer

but you are soo dumm i really dont know how you Think
are you really Human?
you really acting like monkey?
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Very strange and suspicious coincidences:
1. Identical cookies. How could this have happened? Do you work with him from 1 machine? Or are you going to deceive that you came to an Internet cafe and the same fraudster was working on the same computer? We don't believe in this. You are a liar. Learn how to clean cookies if you don't want to find all your nicknames.
2. The fraudster wrote that he was in Germany. And this eccentric wrote that from Germany. A wonderful coincidence again? Of course, there are many people in Germany, but usually no one writes or indicates which country he is in.
3. The scammer offered everything and ponted that he had as much as 100 bucks and the same clone wrote to everyone that he had 100 bucks to register on a private forum. Coincidence again? Well, this is just ridiculous. You at least do not disgrace pointing out such a small amount. Everyone understood that you were a hero and was able to earn a whole 100 bucks.
4. A fraudster opened a service for selling dumps without checking and without paying for advertising and this asshole wanted to do the same, but he failed.
5. The fraudster copied information from the Internet and this one deceived everyone that the author of the information himself. And when he was given a link in the chat from where he stole the information, he could not answer anything. It works in a similar manner.

Be careful, this is a common ripper and will be banned soon.


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1. Identical cookies. How could this have happened? Do you work with him from 1 machine? Or are you going to deceive that you came to an Internet cafe and the same fraudster was working on the same computer? We don't believe in this. You are a liar. Learn how to clean cookies if you don't want to find all your nicknames.
first of all
how you cann see my Coockies
this is Strange let me Guess
i told you guys from yeasterday
you are ADMIN,Lord777,Hacker
2. The fraudster wrote that he was in Germany. And this eccentric wrote that from Germany. A wonderful coincidence again? Of course, there are many people in Germany, but usually no one writes or indicates which country he is in.
there is 88 Million German in the World

4. A fraudster opened a service for selling dumps without checking and without paying for advertising and this asshole wanted to do the same, but he failed.

OMG you are sp Funny
could you Please show us that
just show us Prooof!!!!!!!!

доказательство доказательство доказательство доказательство доказательство
пожалуйста, покажите мне доказательства

why you keep lying after that all
Be careful, this is a common ripper and will be banned soon.
im not selling anything and i will never sell here anything
dont worry guys
but that problem is about you
you Posting Outdated Methods that Dosent works


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Okay, let's quickly check him out how cool and proven carder he is.
He has repeatedly stated to everyone that he is in the VIP section of the raid forum.
Well, baby, come on, how can you make us a screenshot of this VIP section. Are we really looking forward to it?
What can't you again? Have you deceived everyone again?
Learn to at least fake screenshots.
I will immediately check whether the screenshots are genuine or fake, so don't even try to fool us.
I'm really looking forward to the screenshot so you can confirm your words.


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Well, baby, come on, how can you make us a screenshot of this VIP section. Are we really looking forward to it?
are you KID
how old are you
wher is you Mom?
did you had launch today

are you maybe sick?
maybe crazy and Need Medicin
He has repeatedly stated to everyone that he is in the VIP section of the raid forum.
what does have today with our Conflict

Im just telling you that your Methods are All Copy Pasted and does not work and you are not even Carder thats alll
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Look how he dodges, he again cannot provide anything.
I immediately told you that this is a pathological liar and deceiver.
If he had access to the VIP section, he could take a screenshot in 1 minute.
Don't believe any of his words. This is a gibberish.
Where is the screenshot then? It is not difficult for me to provide links to the original information that he stole from the Internet, and everyone can do this using a search engine, it's elementary.

And now one more fact.
Look carefully at the messages of that scammer and these are scammers. And what do we see?
This fool does not know how English words and expressions are constructed correctly. In many sentences, he capitalizes the final words.
These are not names or titles, and they do not need to be capitalized. Just pay attention and you will notice how they both post the same grammatical, spelling and punctuation errors.
They did not study well at school, because they use the same translator from Turkish, which puts some words in capital letters. They just copy the messages and don't even correct them.


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And now one more fact.
Look carefully at the messages of that scammer and these are scammers. And what do we see?
This fool does not know how English words and expressions are constructed correctly. In many sentences, he capitalizes the final words.
These are not names or titles, and they do not need to be capitalized. Just pay attention and you will notice how they both post the same grammatical, spelling and punctuation errors.
They did not study well at school, because they use the same translator from Turkish, which puts some words in capital letters. They just copy the messages and don't even correct them.

so funny guy
we are talking about you!!!
you garbage

im just telling all member of the Forum
that you are Fool and have no experience about carding

could you please answer me question
why you Posting non Working Methods
Outdated Methods that belongs to Trash
Methods from Carderplant


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Well done for reading the history of this forum.
Carderplanet was the 2nd major forum after Shadowcrew in the history of carding. They had fierce competition and competition for users.
Unfortunately I was not registered on "Carderplanet", but I know some old guys who attended this forum.
I started my career with the forums "Mazafaka" and "Vendorsname". Both forums now continue to work in private mode, but the activity is extremely low, interesting information does not appear. Forums can be used to verify trusted carders.
Unfortunately, there is an archive of this forum on the Internet, but I do not have it. I would love to get the archive and copy the methods from the old forum if they seemed interesting to me. Soon I will look for this archive, my acquaintances had it.

I wrote to you that I communicate with the admin "Script" on Facebook.
Well, you can write to him and ask him yourself. He is happy to communicate with everyone and always answers questions. He will even talk to you.
He does not plan to return to carding.


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I wrote to you that I communicate with the admin "Script" on Facebook.
Well, you can write to him and ask him yourself. He is happy to communicate with everyone and always answers questions. He will even talk to you.
He does not plan to return to carding
what is his facebook ?