Frequently asked questions in self-education carding and answers to them


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You decided to do self-education, great! But this is only the beginning of a long journey. What's next? What questions are gnawing at you? Further in the article, the most frequently asked fundamental questions that people ask themselves during self-education are considered, and detailed answers to them are given.

Where to begin?​

The first step is to decide what you want to learn and set a goal using the SMART method. You need to know in what area you will be self-educating and what you want to achieve.

I recommend that you read the article "Where to start self-development?" ... It will also be helpful to make a commitment to motivate yourself for further learning. After that, you should go directly to the organization of the educational process.

How to organize training?​

First, it is necessary to acquire time management skills and master the Pareto principle: 20% of the efforts give 80% of the result, and the remaining 80% of the efforts - the remaining 20% of the result.

Secondly, it is necessary to choose the way of teaching. Do you prefer listening to lectures, reading books, listening to audiobooks or watching videos? Do you want to take online courses or study completely independently? Answer these questions.

Third, make a rough teaching plan. Why about? As long as you are ignorant of the subject being studied, you will not be able to compose it accurately due to ignorance of various kinds of difficulties.

For example, you decided to learn English, but faced with many previously unknown grammatical subtleties, idioms and peculiarities of pronunciation. You will have to spend more time than planned.

Fourth, develop self-discipline. Since you are educating yourself, there is no one to urge you on. Therefore, take responsibility for the result and remember - everything is in your hands.

How to memorize information effectively?​

This is a very important question because what matters is not the amount of perceived information, but the amount of assimilated. I advise you to take a free course on the development of memory and strongly recommend that you start doing mnemonics. By the way, 4brain has a full-fledged online program for mnemonics .

How to learn faster?​

If you already know how to effectively manage your time and quickly memorize large amounts of information, then your next step should be mastering speed reading.

Also, the progress of your learning will greatly accelerate the correct selection of information sources. For example, you can spend a few hours reading a book, or you can absorb the same amount of ideas by reading a summary in 10 minutes.

You can find a list of self-education sites here. And in this article you can find a list of popular MOOC platforms (MOOC is a massive open online course).

I recommend taking courses, webinars, etc. Until you have a full knowledge of the subject being studied, it is difficult for you to decide on the topics necessary for study and to systematize the training. Moreover, there are currently a huge number of free online courses.

And be sure to develop your agile intelligence. The speed of your learning is directly proportional to the level of development of your cognitive abilities.

Why educate yourself at all?​

  1. Self-education accelerates your career advancement. And it will help you start your own business.
  2. You will increase your self-esteem and self - confidence.
  3. Smart and erudite people are more attractive.
  4. Self-education is valuable in itself: you will enjoy the process itself.
  5. You will become an improved version of yourself. Isn't it tempting?
Of course, this list can be continued for a long time. I suggest you write in the comments what self-education means to you and why you are doing it.

Wish you success!