Do you want to start carding and don’t know where to start?


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Lucius Seneca has an excellent saying: “If a person does not know to which pier he is heading, then no wind will be favorable for him.”

The first thing that is important to do is to clearly define your goals for life and the legacy that you will leave for your children. Think: where do you see yourself in 10, 20 years, describing your life in colors. Do you dream of starting a coffee wholesale business? Set this goal! Do you want to open a library? And this goal is worthy.
Write down all your goals in a notebook, no matter how crazy they seem. Visualizing your desires on paper is the first step to success. From a large goal, move on to a modest one - write down a plan of achievement for the next 12 months. Keep a calendar and note what actions you are willing to take to achieve your goal. The year will fly by quickly, but a realized mini-goal always gives you inner strength. Along with your plans, write on a piece of paper the motivation that inspires you.

The motivation is:​

  1. Freedom. Any owner of his own company is the master of his own life. He does not live from call to call, but manages his time at his own discretion.
  2. Income. No matter how the “unmercenary” people say, a lot depends on money in our lives. The income will be higher and the opportunities will expand. There will be a chance to travel the world, invest in your own education or the education of your children.
  3. Personal growth. The need to constantly grow is experienced only by thinking carders with developed intellect, capable of feeling and hearing themselves and others. To be significant for children, to become an example for others to follow is the natural desire of every successful person. The desire to grow must be cultivated within yourself.
Everyone has a moment when they give up and don't want to do anything. It's time to pick up the written plans and refresh your memory of the three points of motivation. This usually invigorates, returning the desire to act.

Don't be afraid to make mistakes​

People are afraid of failure. Psychologists consider such fears to be commonplace. But let us remember the well-known aphorism: the one who does nothing makes no mistakes. Any mistake in carding should not cause despair, much less reckless actions, such as closing a carding.

What do we do:​

  1. Let's calm down.
  2. With a cool head, we think about what led to the trouble.
  3. We carry out the analysis slowly, sorting out any of our actions (decisions): reasonable and not too much. You should write everything down on paper, so the logical chain is built faster.
  4. Let's look at the list of actions.
  5. We are trying to understand what role each action could have played.
  6. We repeat the analysis again and again.
Usually such reflection helps to go beyond the situation, refreshes the view, turning it into an outsider. Often such reflection is enough to feel a surge of strength: correcting one mistake is much easier than it seems. It is mistakes that help you gain experience and eventually become a “business shark.”

Positive thoughts and friends​

Have you noticed that successful people always smile and never seem to have the blues? This is by no means a gift from above, but the result of enormous work on oneself, one's emotions. Learning to be on a positive wave despite the circumstances, nature and weather is the responsibility of anyone who wants to achieve high results.
The motivator in this case is simple - we drive away bad thoughts (after all, they are material), we think only about the reasonable, good and eternal. Gossip, idle speculation, discussions with neighbors and friends - leave these activities to losers. Try to surround yourself with positive friends who do not lose optimism and move forward in spite of all troubles.
A successful environment in itself energizes. You reach out to such people, trying to imitate them, and one day you become the same. “Tell me who your friend is and I will tell you who you are” is a true expression.

Carding installation​

It is important to gain motivation for carding, but it is even more important to set yourself the right goals that will help even a beginner master the basics of big carding. Technical literature, textbooks on modern foreign and Russian economics, and carding consultations will help to improve the technical side of the issue. We will give some tips that will allow you to make a strong start and remain a sane carder:
  1. Don't dream of big profits in a short time. It is important to work with pleasure, then the money will follow.
  2. Don't think that only large investments will help get your carding back on track. Stories are known to corporations that started with pennies and did the simplest advertising, inviting passers-by from the street.
  3. Do not withdraw profits from circulation for the first two month. It should be spent on the development of the carding methods. Some “carder tycoons” struggled to make ends meet at first, but today they buy yachts and luxury cars.
  4. Don't paint yourself into a corner: you can't redo all the work. Rest is an important part of carding. It is as valuable as the work. A tired carder is unproductive and inattentive to details.
The rules are elementary, but is it worth looking for difficulties where there are none in principle? Everything ingenious is simple.

Changing for the better​

Everyone has friends who like to talk about achievements while sipping beer on the couch. While some are talking, others are acting. Change your life with small steps, organizing your life in a new way.
What helps you improve:
  1. Foreign language. It is possible to master a new language by devoting just half an hour a day to it.
  2. Daily room cleaning. Junk takes away energy and takes the place of new things - this is the law of the cosmos. Don't spare old things. Throw away clothes and books that are outdated. Tomorrow in their place will be those who are truly important and needed.
  3. Replace e-books with paper ones. Books are sources of warm energy that helps to find harmony. Reading trains the mind and enriches vocabulary. It will be useful when establishing contacts with business partners;
  4. Give up bad habits (or reduce them to a minimum). Just giving up smoking changes the perception of the world beyond recognition, and non-drinkers think much more broadly.
  5. Eat less, but eat better. Fast food, soda, snacks, and fatty sauces are called junk food, that is, garbage food. It is fashionable and healthy to eat seasonal vegetables and fruits, low-fat cottage cheese, herbs, fish and meat.
  6. Spend some time on physical activity - walking, morning exercises, running, swimming. Nobody demands that you turn into a bodybuilder: you need to exercise for fun without fanaticism.
  7. Get used to saving at least 10% of your total income. Months pass unnoticed, the sacrifice is not critical, but after a year a pleasant amount appears in stock.
  8. Try not to think about bad things. Thoughts attract similar thoughts. Positive thoughts make a person an optimist who is not afraid of any trials; negative thoughts will quickly destroy strong motivation.
  9. Get enough sleep. Sleep is an assistant for restoring strength and mood. All doctors urge you to sleep 8 hours a day for health and energy.
Try turning recommendations into personal rules of life. She will begin to transform, the long-awaited success will come. Don't forget the truth: most people raise the white flag when they are two steps away from success. It's a shame that they will never know how close they were to success. Don't give up, go forward and achieve the maximum.

John Conor

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The first thing that is important to do is to clearly define your goals for life and the legacy that you will leave for your children. Think: where do you see yourself in 10, 20 years, describing your life in colors. Do you dream of starting a coffee wholesale business? Set this goal! Do you want to open a library? And this goal is worthy.
Write down all your goals in a notebook, no matter how crazy they seem. Visualizing your desires on paper is the first step to success. From a large goal, move on to a modest one - write down a plan of achievement for the next 12 months. Keep a calendar and note what actions you are willing to take to achieve your goal. The year will fly by quickly, but a realized mini-goal always gives you inner strength. Along with your plans, write on a piece of paper the motivation that inspires you.

The motivation is:​

  1. Freedom. Any owner of his own company is the master of his own life. He does not live from call to call, but manages his time at his own discretion.
  2. Income. No matter how the “unmercenary” people say, a lot depends on money in our lives. The income will be higher and the opportunities will expand. There will be a chance to travel the world, invest in your own education or the education of your children.
  3. Personal growth. The need to constantly grow is experienced only by thinking carders with developed intellect, capable of feeling and hearing themselves and others. To be significant for children, to become an example for others to follow is the natural desire of every successful person. The desire to grow must be cultivated within yourself.
Everyone has a moment when they give up and don't want to do anything. It's time to pick up the written plans and refresh your memory of the three points of motivation. This usually invigorates, returning the desire to act.

Don't be afraid to make mistakes​

People are afraid of failure. Psychologists consider such fears to be commonplace. But let us remember the well-known aphorism: the one who does nothing makes no mistakes. Any mistake in carding should not cause despair, much less reckless actions, such as closing a carding.

What do we do:​

  1. Let's calm down.
  2. With a cool head, we think about what led to the trouble.
  3. We carry out the analysis slowly, sorting out any of our actions (decisions): reasonable and not too much. You should write everything down on paper, so the logical chain is built faster.
  4. Let's look at the list of actions.
  5. We are trying to understand what role each action could have played.
  6. We repeat the analysis again and again.
Usually such reflection helps to go beyond the situation, refreshes the view, turning it into an outsider. Often such reflection is enough to feel a surge of strength: correcting one mistake is much easier than it seems. It is mistakes that help you gain experience and eventually become a “business shark.”

Positive thoughts and friends​

Have you noticed that successful people always smile and never seem to have the blues? This is by no means a gift from above, but the result of enormous work on oneself, one's emotions. Learning to be on a positive wave despite the circumstances, nature and weather is the responsibility of anyone who wants to achieve high results.
The motivator in this case is simple - we drive away bad thoughts (after all, they are material), we think only about the reasonable, good and eternal. Gossip, idle speculation, discussions with neighbors and friends - leave these activities to losers. Try to surround yourself with positive friends who do not lose optimism and move forward in spite of all troubles.
A successful environment in itself energizes. You reach out to such people, trying to imitate them, and one day you become the same. “Tell me who your friend is and I will tell you who you are” is a true expression.

Carding installation​

It is important to gain motivation for carding, but it is even more important to set yourself the right goals that will help even a beginner master the basics of big carding. Technical literature, textbooks on modern foreign and Russian economics, and carding consultations will help to improve the technical side of the issue. We will give some tips that will allow you to make a strong start and remain a sane carder:
  1. Don't dream of big profits in a short time. It is important to work with pleasure, then the money will follow.
  2. Don't think that only large investments will help get your carding back on track. Stories are known to corporations that started with pennies and did the simplest advertising, inviting passers-by from the street.
  3. Do not withdraw profits from circulation for the first two month. It should be spent on the development of the carding methods. Some “carder tycoons” struggled to make ends meet at first, but today they buy yachts and luxury cars.
  4. Don't paint yourself into a corner: you can't redo all the work. Rest is an important part of carding. It is as valuable as the work. A tired carder is unproductive and inattentive to details.
The rules are elementary, but is it worth looking for difficulties where there are none in principle? Everything ingenious is simple.

Changing for the better​

Everyone has friends who like to talk about achievements while sipping beer on the couch. While some are talking, others are acting. Change your life with small steps, organizing your life in a new way.
What helps you improve:
  1. Foreign language. It is possible to master a new language by devoting just half an hour a day to it.
  2. Daily room cleaning. Junk takes away energy and takes the place of new things - this is the law of the cosmos. Don't spare old things. Throw away clothes and books that are outdated. Tomorrow in their place will be those who are truly important and needed.
  3. Replace e-books with paper ones. Books are sources of warm energy that helps to find harmony. Reading trains the mind and enriches vocabulary. It will be useful when establishing contacts with business partners;
  4. Give up bad habits (or reduce them to a minimum). Just giving up smoking changes the perception of the world beyond recognition, and non-drinkers think much more broadly.
  5. Eat less, but eat better. Fast food, soda, snacks, and fatty sauces are called junk food, that is, garbage food. It is fashionable and healthy to eat seasonal vegetables and fruits, low-fat cottage cheese, herbs, fish and meat.
  6. Spend some time on physical activity - walking, morning exercises, running, swimming. Nobody demands that you turn into a bodybuilder: you need to exercise for fun without fanaticism.
  7. Get used to saving at least 10% of your total income. Months pass unnoticed, the sacrifice is not critical, but after a year a pleasant amount appears in stock.
  8. Try not to think about bad things. Thoughts attract similar thoughts. Positive thoughts make a person an optimist who is not afraid of any trials; negative thoughts will quickly destroy strong motivation.
  9. Get enough sleep. Sleep is an assistant for restoring strength and mood. All doctors urge you to sleep 8 hours a day for health and energy.
Try turning recommendations into personal rules of life. She will begin to transform, the long-awaited success will come. Don't forget the truth: most people raise the white flag when they are two steps away from success. It's a shame that they will never know how close they were to success. Don't give up, go forward and achieve the maximum.
Really nice article!!!