Carding 4 Carders

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That is the question.

- Billing Address - cardholder registration address.

Ship - Shipping Address - delivery address.

Carding on different bills and ships is the carding method that I have been using most often lately.

Most often I am told that it is simply not possible, that shops do not send. The method is dead. And I say - nothing is impossible.

In this article, I will not show screenshots / approvals that I hissed in this way, because I will smear the shops, but the address will have to be left, and this is left in the intermediary =)

In order for the shop to send to different bills / ships, we need to collect as few fraud points as possible.

This is what my carding looks like:
  • Tunnel under the city state (here I don't bother, I take the tunnel under the bill or thorn, I don't look at risk, the main thing is not black)
  • Mail under the name with the middle (any mail service)
  • Portable (optional) firefox browser with webrtc disabled
  • Skype with a number in the intermediary (I indicate this number in bill and in ship)
  • CC, this is the most basic / important point:
Carding to different addresses, I always take CC of the state that I will indicate in the ship address (under the zip in the intermediary).

That is, let's say our intermediary is in the state DE Hattiesburg 39402, which means we take CC with the same zip, or just under the state DE. I make a choice depending on what kind of material is in the shop, if there are only debits under the zip in the intermediary, then I take CC fatter than the neighboring city or just stupidly under the state without looking.

Why do I take CC under the state \ zip of the delivery address?

Yes, because when we take a CC for a zip or a state, the shop has less suspicion than if we take a CC whose state is far from the place of delivery.

That's all the arithmetic, Carders. Thus, I carding most often, by itself. That's all, I have nothing more to add on this version of carding, everything is actually elementary simple.
1) How much to carding this way?

- Here at your request. You can carding 100 bucks, test the shop so to speak. If it does, wait for the pack to be in the middle and carding a second order for a larger amount.

If the shop does not ship, then most likely our CC will not die from $ 100 transaction, you can carding next shop.

- Personally, my first order is either for 100 bucks, or for 300 . I love these amounts :)

Recently, a colleague ordered a headlamp, I googled the model and hammered one piece into the first shop I came across for different bill / ship, the price of a lamp is 300 bucks. The next day, the track was in the mail. As soon as the lamp came to the intermediary, I carding 2 more pieces, which also arrived safely in the intermediary.

2) Another chip when carding on different bill / ship (does not always roll)

- I carding toys last week, picked up CC as described above, under the middle.

In general, 2 packs of toys were spent on the intermediary. When I decided to carding a third time, the card was dead.

Acc in the shop is swung by two orders. I decided to take the working off of another state that I have and carding it with a third warrant. The shop accepted it well and received the track the next day.

As a result, more than 10kg of toys and children's paraphernalia in the intermediary =)

3) The eternal question, how to find shops?

- First of all, I am looking for shops in the same state as my intermediary.

Here is my miracle formula - shop X + billing X + shipping X = profit

where X is the state in which the shop \ intermediary \ cardholder of our CC is located

When all these conditions are met, the shop is less sensitive to such orders, less suspicious (not in 100% of cases).

How to find shops for the state? And these are Carders, a completely different story …