Carding in the 90'


Reaction score
* R e n e g a d e L e g i o n *

Carding in the '90s


The Knight

Technical Report #5

April 1991

The Night Elite BBS (617)oOo.oOOo (RL HeadQ)

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

It used to be that a person could steal a carbon and find a house that
no one was occupying during the day, PayPal up a 'Please leave package'
note, and your package would be there the next day via overnight delivery.

This, of course no longer works almost at ALL anymore unless your in a
relatively unpopulated state. And, you'll need a lot more information
than a carbon can give you to even get it mailed. I have outlined a step
by step carding method that HAS WORKED for me and has ALWAYS gotten stuff
through to the drop every attempt. I will go through each step THOROUGHLY
as if you were a COMPLETE beginner to carding just in case you ARE.

1........Gathering Card Information

The first step is getting credit card #'s. The BEST way I have found to do
this is to use CBI. You will need to get the following info from CBI:
Credit card #, Name of bank, Social Security #, and Address and FULL name.
After you get that information from CBI, it is neccessary to call information
and get the persons REAL phone #. This will NOT be used, but you'll need
it just in case, I'll explain later.

2........Setting up

The setup part is fairly easy, and this involves a slight change from past
methods of carding. As a 'Phone number you can be reached at', You must
provide a Direct Dial VMB. So a Direct Dial VMB which will pick up with
YOUR greeting is a must. This will impersonate a home answering machine.
Change the greetin to "Hello, I can not answer your call...." etc.
Last of all, Have ALL information ACCESSABLE and EASY to find.


- Run the card through a CC Checker for $1 if you got the CC from

Example: 800-554-2265 Bank : 1067 #
Merchant: 52 #
Type : 10 # (MC) 20 # (Visa)
Amount : 100# ($1.00) 0193 (1/93, make it up,the exp.
date is NEVER checked)

- DON'T use American Express, they always call the owner's
number EVEN if you tell them your not at home!


This is when you actually PLACE the call. You MUST stay calm and relax.
Tell them what you want to order, the key is to pretend like the person
with the card is YOU. Play actor, ASK about prices FIRST, and DON'T
overdo it from one place. Example: Just order a loaded 486 with a 200 Mb
hard drive, DON'T go and say "Yeah, can I have a gig on that?"

Then, just order!

When it comes to credit card time, remember these:

- Do NOT order it OVERNIGHT, Send it 3rd day or something, I used the
same VMB for 2 months before the police got around to shutting it
down. Overnight delivery is a flag for them now.

- If they ask for "the number on the back of the card" or "The issuing
bank" (If CBI didn't give you the issuing bank, or you didn't know
what the initials were)

say: "Well, I'm not looking at my card right now." If you need to,
use phrases like:

"My card is in my wallet in the car, I REALLY don't have time
to go dig it out right now. IS THIS GOING TO BE A PROBLEM!?"

They HATE that phrase and I usually get a turnaround of 80%
saying, no sir, never mind. The Key is, ACT LIKE YOU HAVE
A DATE IN 25 MINUTES DOWNTOWN, in other words, act rushed
and pissed off. MOST BUSINESSMEN ARE, Don't kiss their asses
because businessmen don't!!

- Your VMB is your ANSWERING MACHINE, if they catch the difference in
area code of VMB and Billing address, tell them its your summer house
or relatives house, but DON'T BRING IT UP.

- If they ask for # at Billing address, give them the REAL #, they will
check with Information only, but be sure to emphasize that the number
you gave them for the billing address is NOT the number your at! Make
SURE you say you can be contacted at the VMB number for the next week
or so.

- If they tell you they can't ship to a different address than the
billing address, stand FIRM, say "Is there ANY way I can change this?
can you call my bank or something?!!?" Sound ANNOYED, DON'T give up
and in about 40% of my calls, the person changed their mind.

- Do NOT check your VMB every 10 minutes, that looks weird.

- DO NOT even TRY to get HST's, those are flagged UP the BUTT, and
I'd GUESS that soundblasters will be soon.

- Tell them you NEED the stuff delivered on X day, and INSIST,
KEEP insisting! Make SURE. Tell them, "I need to do work on
XX and I want the machine then"

- If you are sending a LOT of machines etc. to ONE drop, Make the
package ATTENIONED to John Smith or whoever, have ALL the packages
addressed to the same person. Tell them your sendin it to a
business associate, relative, wife, whatever. We don't need the
stuff flagged down at Fed Ex.

The key phrase is "I really don't have time for this"

And remember: YOUR the CUSTOMER, they don't know you AREN'T the card
holder, for christ sake, ACT LIKE IT!! DON'T take second
rate service!!


The drop is very important nowadays, you can NOT just leave a note, so
don't even bother.

4 methode

1. Vacant House Method

Put blankets up on windows in house and sit in and sign for packages.
This method, works, and there are no future problems. FUTURE problems,
they MAY not beleive you live there etc. so this method is a BIT risky

2. Freind's house - Robbed method

Tell a freind to sign at HIS house, then call the police at 6.00pm and
say "I JUST came home and my door was ajar and some lights were on, I
Don't think anything was stolen, but what should I do?"

Make sure ALL stuff is cleared out and its safer if the person doesn't
even have a computer. When the police come by asking about packages
on X day, bring up your break in. To be safer, send something one day
late and refuse to sign for it and bring it up to the police.

3. Freind's house - Vacant method

Sign for the stuff at a freind's house, GET IT OUT, and when the police
come say " I was on vacation for 3 weeks, I don't know ANYTHING about
packages" There's NOTHING they can do, and your set.

The advantages to the last 2 methods are:

You won't get bored if nothing comes
You won't get caught breaking & Entering
You won't get caught by Fed ex guy and not get stuff

I have done #2 AND #3 with success, so it CAN be done.

Extra tip: Try US Mail, they haven't caught on yet to the drop deal!

Have fun and don't get caught!

- -

* R e n e g a d e L e g i o n *

Carding in the '90s


The Knight

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

It used to be that a person could steal a carbon and find a house that
no one was occupying during the day, PayPal up a 'Please leave package'
note, and your package would be there the next day via overnight delivery.

This, of course no longer works almost at ALL anymore unless your in a
relatively unpopulated state. And, you'll need a lot more information
than a carbon can give you to even get it mailed. I have outlined a step
by step carding method that HAS WORKED for me and has ALWAYS gotten stuff
through to the drop every attempt. I will go through each step THOROUGHLY
as if you were a COMPLETE beginner to carding just in case you ARE.

1........Gathering Card Information

The first step is getting credit card #'s. The BEST way I have found to do
this is to use CBI. You will need to get the following info from CBI:
Credit card #, Name of bank, Social Security #, and Address and FULL name.
After you get that information from CBI, it is neccessary to call information
and get the persons REAL phone #. This will NOT be used, but you'll need
it just in case, I'll explain later.

2........Setting up

The setup part is fairly easy, and this involves a slight change from past
methods of carding. As a 'Phone number you can be reached at', You must
provide a Direct Dial VMB. So a Direct Dial VMB which will pick up with
YOUR greeting is a must. This will impersonate a home answering machine.
Change the greetin to "Hello, I can not answer your call...." etc.
Last of all, Have ALL information ACCESSABLE and EASY to find.


- Run the card through a CC Checker for $1 if you got the CC from

Example: 800-554-2265 Bank : 1067 #
Merchant: 52 #
Type : 10 # (MC) 20 # (Visa)
Amount : 100# ($1.00) 0193 (1/93, make it up,the exp.
date is NEVER checked)

- DON'T use American Express, they always call the owner's
number EVEN if you tell them your not at home!


This is when you actually PLACE the call. You MUST stay calm and relax.
Tell them what you want to order, the key is to pretend like the person
with the card is YOU. Play actor, ASK about prices FIRST, and DON'T
overdo it from one place. Example: Just order a loaded 486 with a 200 Mb
hard drive, DON'T go and say "Yeah, can I have a gig on that?"

Then, just order!

When it comes to credit card time, remember these:

- Do NOT order it OVERNIGHT, Send it 3rd day or something, I used the
same VMB for 2 months before the police got around to shutting it
down. Overnight delivery is a flag for them now.

- If they ask for "the number on the back of the card" or "The issuing
bank" (If CBI didn't give you the issuing bank, or you didn't know
what the initials were)

say: "Well, I'm not looking at my card right now." If you need to,
use phrases like:

"My card is in my wallet in the car, I REALLY don't have time
to go dig it out right now. IS THIS GOING TO BE A PROBLEM!?"

They HATE that phrase and I usually get a turnaround of 80%
saying, no sir, never mind. The Key is, ACT LIKE YOU HAVE
A DATE IN 25 MINUTES DOWNTOWN, in other words, act rushed
and pissed off. MOST BUSINESSMEN ARE, Don't kiss their asses
because businessmen don't!!

- Your VMB is your ANSWERING MACHINE, if they catch the difference in
area code of VMB and Billing address, tell them its your summer house
or relatives house, but DON'T BRING IT UP.

- If they ask for # at Billing address, give them the REAL #, they will
check with Information only, but be sure to emphasize that the number
you gave them for the billing address is NOT the number your at! Make
SURE you say you can be contacted at the VMB number for the next week
or so.

- If they tell you they can't ship to a different address than the
billing address, stand FIRM, say "Is there ANY way I can change this?
can you call my bank or something?!!?" Sound ANNOYED, DON'T give up
and in about 40% of my calls, the person changed their mind.

- Do NOT check your VMB every 10 minutes, that looks weird.

- DO NOT even TRY to get HST's, those are flagged UP the BUTT, and
I'd GUESS that soundblasters will be soon.

- Tell them you NEED the stuff delivered on X day, and INSIST,
KEEP insisting! Make SURE. Tell them, "I need to do work on
XX and I want the machine then"

- If you are sending a LOT of machines etc. to ONE drop, Make the
package ATTENIONED to John Smith or whoever, have ALL the packages
addressed to the same person. Tell them your sendin it to a
business associate, relative, wife, whatever. We don't need the
stuff flagged down at Fed Ex.

The key phrase is "I really don't have time for this"

And remember: YOUR the CUSTOMER, they don't know you AREN'T the card
holder, for christ sake, ACT LIKE IT!! DON'T take second
rate service!!


The drop is very important nowadays, you can NOT just leave a note, so
don't even bother.

4 methode

1. Vacant House Method

Put blankets up on windows in house and sit in and sign for packages.
This method, works, and there are no future problems. FUTURE problems,
they MAY not beleive you live there etc. so this method is a BIT risky

2. Freind's house - Robbed method

Tell a freind to sign at HIS house, then call the police at 6.00pm and
say "I JUST came home and my door was ajar and some lights were on, I
Don't think anything was stolen, but what should I do?"

Make sure ALL stuff is cleared out and its safer if the person doesn't
even have a computer. When the police come by asking about packages
on X day, bring up your break in. To be safer, send something one day
late and refuse to sign for it and bring it up to the police.

3. Freind's house - Vacant method

Sign for the stuff at a freind's house, GET IT OUT, and when the police
come say " I was on vacation for 3 weeks, I don't know ANYTHING about
packages" There's NOTHING they can do, and your set.

The advantages to the last 2 methods are:

You won't get bored if nothing comes
You won't get caught breaking & Entering
You won't get caught by Fed ex guy and not get stuff

I have done #2 AND #3 with success, so it CAN be done.

Extra tip: Try US Mail, they haven't caught on yet to the drop deal!

Have fun and don't get caught!

* R e n e g a d e L e g i o n *

Carding in the '90s


The Knight

Technical Report #5

April 1991

The Night Elite BBS (617)623.7151 (RL HeadQ)

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

It used to be that a person could steal a carbon and find a house that
no one was occupying during the day, PayPal up a 'Please leave package'
note, and your package would be there the next day via overnight delivery.

This, of course no longer works almost at ALL anymore unless your in a
relatively unpopulated state. And, you'll need a lot more information
than a carbon can give you to even get it mailed. I have outlined a step
by step carding method that HAS WORKED for me and has ALWAYS gotten stuff
through to the drop every attempt. I will go through each step THOROUGHLY
as if you were a COMPLETE beginner to carding just in case you ARE.

1........Gathering Card Information

The first step is getting credit card #'s. The BEST way I have found to do
this is to use CBI. You will need to get the following info from CBI:
Credit card #, Name of bank, Social Security #, and Address and FULL name.
After you get that information from CBI, it is neccessary to call information
and get the persons REAL phone #. This will NOT be used, but you'll need
it just in case, I'll explain later.

2........Setting up

The setup part is fairly easy, and this involves a slight change from past
methods of carding. As a 'Phone number you can be reached at', You must
provide a Direct Dial VMB. So a Direct Dial VMB which will pick up with
YOUR greeting is a must. This will impersonate a home answering machine.
Change the greetin to "Hello, I can not answer your call...." etc.
Last of all, Have ALL information ACCESSABLE and EASY to find.


- Run the card through a CC Checker for $1 if you got the CC from

Example: 800-554-2265 Bank : 1067 #
Merchant: 52 #
Type : 10 # (MC) 20 # (Visa)
Amount : 100# ($1.00) 0193 (1/93, make it up,the exp.
date is NEVER checked)

- DON'T use American Express, they always call the owner's
number EVEN if you tell them your not at home!


This is when you actually PLACE the call. You MUST stay calm and relax.
Tell them what you want to order, the key is to pretend like the person
with the card is YOU. Play actor, ASK about prices FIRST, and DON'T
overdo it from one place. Example: Just order a loaded 486 with a 200 Mb
hard drive, DON'T go and say "Yeah, can I have a gig on that?"

Then, just order!

When it comes to credit card time, remember these:

- Do NOT order it OVERNIGHT, Send it 3rd day or something, I used the
same VMB for 2 months before the police got around to shutting it
down. Overnight delivery is a flag for them now.

- If they ask for "the number on the back of the card" or "The issuing
bank" (If CBI didn't give you the issuing bank, or you didn't know
what the initials were)

say: "Well, I'm not looking at my card right now." If you need to,
use phrases like:

"My card is in my wallet in the car, I REALLY don't have time
to go dig it out right now. IS THIS GOING TO BE A PROBLEM!?"

They HATE that phrase and I usually get a turnaround of 80%
saying, no sir, never mind. The Key is, ACT LIKE YOU HAVE
A DATE IN 25 MINUTES DOWNTOWN, in other words, act rushed
and pissed off. MOST BUSINESSMEN ARE, Don't kiss their asses
because businessmen don't!!

- Your VMB is your ANSWERING MACHINE, if they catch the difference in
area code of VMB and Billing address, tell them its your summer house
or relatives house, but DON'T BRING IT UP.

- If they ask for # at Billing address, give them the REAL #, they will
check with Information only, but be sure to emphasize that the number
you gave them for the billing address is NOT the number your at! Make
SURE you say you can be contacted at the VMB number for the next week
or so.

- If they tell you they can't ship to a different address than the
billing address, stand FIRM, say "Is there ANY way I can change this?
can you call my bank or something?!!?" Sound ANNOYED, DON'T give up
and in about 40% of my calls, the person changed their mind.

- Do NOT check your VMB every 10 minutes, that looks weird.

- DO NOT even TRY to get HST's, those are flagged UP the BUTT, and
I'd GUESS that soundblasters will be soon.

- Tell them you NEED the stuff delivered on X day, and INSIST,
KEEP insisting! Make SURE. Tell them, "I need to do work on
XX and I want the machine then"

- If you are sending a LOT of machines etc. to ONE drop, Make the
package ATTENIONED to John Smith or whoever, have ALL the packages
addressed to the same person. Tell them your sendin it to a
business associate, relative, wife, whatever. We don't need the
stuff flagged down at Fed Ex.

The key phrase is "I really don't have time for this"

And remember: YOUR the CUSTOMER, they don't know you AREN'T the card
holder, for christ sake, ACT LIKE IT!! DON'T take second
rate service!!


The drop is very important nowadays, you can NOT just leave a note, so
don't even bother.

4 methode

1. Vacant House Method

Put blankets up on windows in house and sit in and sign for packages.
This method, works, and there are no future problems. FUTURE problems,
they MAY not beleive you live there etc. so this method is a BIT risky

2. Freind's house - Robbed method

Tell a freind to sign at HIS house, then call the police at 6.00pm and
say "I JUST came home and my door was ajar and some lights were on, I
Don't think anything was stolen, but what should I do?"

Make sure ALL stuff is cleared out and its safer if the person doesn't
even have a computer. When the police come by asking about packages
on X day, bring up your break in. To be safer, send something one day
late and refuse to sign for it and bring it up to the police.

3. Freind's house - Vacant method

Sign for the stuff at a freind's house, GET IT OUT, and when the police
come say " I was on vacation for 3 weeks, I don't know ANYTHING about
packages" There's NOTHING they can do, and your set.

The advantages to the last 2 methods are:

You won't get bored if nothing comes
You won't get caught breaking & Entering
You won't get caught by Fed ex guy and not get stuff

I have done #2 AND #3 with success, so it CAN be done.

Extra tip: Try US Mail, they haven't caught on yet to the drop deal!

Have fun and don't get caught!

- -

Current Newuser

* R e n e g a d e L e g i o n *

Carding in the '90s


The Knight

The Night Elite BBS (617)623.7151 (RL HeadQ)

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

It used to be that a person could steal a carbon and find a house that
no one was occupying during the day, PayPal up a 'Please leave package'
note, and your package would be there the next day via overnight delivery.

This, of course no longer works almost at ALL anymore unless your in a
relatively unpopulated state. And, you'll need a lot more information
than a carbon can give you to even get it mailed. I have outlined a step
by step carding method that HAS WORKED for me and has ALWAYS gotten stuff
through to the drop every attempt. I will go through each step THOROUGHLY
as if you were a COMPLETE beginner to carding just in case you ARE.

1........Gathering Card Information

The first step is getting credit card #'s. The BEST way I have found to do
this is to use CBI. You will need to get the following info from CBI:
Credit card #, Name of bank, Social Security #, and Address and FULL name.
After you get that information from CBI, it is neccessary to call information
and get the persons REAL phone #. This will NOT be used, but you'll need
it just in case, I'll explain later.

2........Setting up

The setup part is fairly easy, and this involves a slight change from past
methods of carding. As a 'Phone number you can be reached at', You must
provide a Direct Dial VMB. So a Direct Dial VMB which will pick up with
YOUR greeting is a must. This will impersonate a home answering machine.
Change the greetin to "Hello, I can not answer your call...." etc.
Last of all, Have ALL information ACCESSABLE and EASY to find.


- Run the card through a CC Checker for $1 if you got the CC from

Example: 800-554-2265 Bank : 1067 #
Merchant: 52 #
Type : 10 # (MC) 20 # (Visa)
Amount : 100# ($1.00) 0193 (1/93, make it up,the exp.
date is NEVER checked)

- DON'T use American Express, they always call the owner's
number EVEN if you tell them your not at home!


This is when you actually PLACE the call. You MUST stay calm and relax.
Tell them what you want to order, the key is to pretend like the person
with the card is YOU. Play actor, ASK about prices FIRST, and DON'T
overdo it from one place. Example: Just order a loaded 486 with a 200 Mb
hard drive, DON'T go and say "Yeah, can I have a gig on that?"

Then, just order!

When it comes to credit card time, remember these:

- Do NOT order it OVERNIGHT, Send it 3rd day or something, I used the
same VMB for 2 months before the police got around to shutting it
down. Overnight delivery is a flag for them now.

- If they ask for "the number on the back of the card" or "The issuing
bank" (If CBI didn't give you the issuing bank, or you didn't know
what the initials were)

say: "Well, I'm not looking at my card right now." If you need to,
use phrases like:

"My card is in my wallet in the car, I REALLY don't have time
to go dig it out right now. IS THIS GOING TO BE A PROBLEM!?"

They HATE that phrase and I usually get a turnaround of 80%
saying, no sir, never mind. The Key is, ACT LIKE YOU HAVE
A DATE IN 25 MINUTES DOWNTOWN, in other words, act rushed
and pissed off. MOST BUSINESSMEN ARE, Don't kiss their asses
because businessmen don't!!

- Your VMB is your ANSWERING MACHINE, if they catch the difference in
area code of VMB and Billing address, tell them its your summer house
or relatives house, but DON'T BRING IT UP.

- If they ask for # at Billing address, give them the REAL #, they will
check with Information only, but be sure to emphasize that the number
you gave them for the billing address is NOT the number your at! Make
SURE you say you can be contacted at the VMB number for the next week
or so.

- If they tell you they can't ship to a different address than the
billing address, stand FIRM, say "Is there ANY way I can change this?
can you call my bank or something?!!?" Sound ANNOYED, DON'T give up
and in about 40% of my calls, the person changed their mind.

- Do NOT check your VMB every 10 minutes, that looks weird.

- DO NOT even TRY to get HST's, those are flagged UP the BUTT, and
I'd GUESS that soundblasters will be soon.

- Tell them you NEED the stuff delivered on X day, and INSIST,
KEEP insisting! Make SURE. Tell them, "I need to do work on
XX and I want the machine then"

- If you are sending a LOT of machines etc. to ONE drop, Make the
package ATTENIONED to John Smith or whoever, have ALL the packages
addressed to the same person. Tell them your sendin it to a
business associate, relative, wife, whatever. We don't need the
stuff flagged down at Fed Ex.

The key phrase is "I really don't have time for this"

And remember: YOUR the CUSTOMER, they don't know you AREN'T the card
holder, for christ sake, ACT LIKE IT!! DON'T take second
rate service!!


The drop is very important nowadays, you can NOT just leave a note, so
don't even bother.

4 methode

1. Vacant House Method

Put blankets up on windows in house and sit in and sign for packages.
This method, works, and there are no future problems. FUTURE problems,
they MAY not beleive you live there etc. so this method is a BIT risky

2. Freind's house - Robbed method

Tell a freind to sign at HIS house, then call the police at 6.00pm and
say "I JUST came home and my door was ajar and some lights were on, I
Don't think anything was stolen, but what should I do?"

Make sure ALL stuff is cleared out and its safer if the person doesn't
even have a computer. When the police come by asking about packages
on X day, bring up your break in. To be safer, send something one day
late and refuse to sign for it and bring it up to the police.

3. Freind's house - Vacant method

Sign for the stuff at a freind's house, GET IT OUT, and when the police
come say " I was on vacation for 3 weeks, I don't know ANYTHING about
packages" There's NOTHING they can do, and your set.

The advantages to the last 2 methods are:

You won't get bored if nothing comes
You won't get caught breaking & Entering
You won't get caught by Fed ex guy and not get stuff

I have done #2 AND #3 with success, so it CAN be done.

Extra tip: Try US Mail, they haven't caught on yet to the drop deal!

Have fun and don't get caught!

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Carding in the 90's! он лммммлл
File created лн еЭИ
Г Written BY :ѕpecial ED Г

This txt file was written because I was SICK of
some of the TXT files I read on Carding... Getting card
numbers, calling, drop off points, everything! Well
in this TXT I will describe THE TRUE procedure to properly
card merchandise WITHOUT getting caught.


I Special ED take NO responsibility for things you do WITH this txt file.
I am using my First Amendment right of freedom of speech and this
TXT was made for informative purposes ONLY!

Now let's get this started...

CREDIT CARD - (n) A piece of plastic.

CARD - (v) To gain merchandice by illegally
and fraudulently using someones credit
card information to pay for it.

TRASHiNG - (v) digging through a dumpster to get
credit card carbons.

CARDER - (n) the person who does the actual

DROUP SiTE - (n) the place where the carded merchandise
is going to be sent to..Must look lived in
and home owners must be away..

BUSTED - (v) is what happens to a person that gets
caught carding, hacking, phreaking, stealing,
or anything else iLLEGAL.

LAMER - (n) a sorry ass person that talks about
shit that he does, but he really doesn't.
The kinda person that reads the TXT files
but never does anything in them AND brags
that he knows sooooo much about it.

MAXED - (adj) a card that has been used to the MAX.

Things you need...

1=> Card Number
2=> Card Expiration date
3=> Card Holders Name
4=> Card Holders billing address
5=> A BUSY PD board that we'll use as
Card Holders voice phone
6=> The Bank the card was issued from
7=> Drop Point
8=> Name of persons who reside at
drop point.
9=> Deep voice.
10=> Intelligence and common sense
of someone older than 16.

How to get them...

Well on getting things 1, 2, 3, 4 ,and 6 you can.
A) Go trashing through dumpsters outside
of malls, and stores.
B) Go through mail boxes looking for bank
statements or bills. (Put back when
done or they'll cancel the card)
C) Call up a BBS and get one POSTED for
the whole world to see.
*D) Call up someone who has a h/p oriented
VMB. Ask him for a VIRGIN card and tell
him you'll trade something for it.

Well let's look at these ways...
Procedure A. TRASHING
Whatcha do is get some old nasty clothes. Like Cavaricci's, Bugle
Boy, K-Mart, that basic shit. An old pair of Girbaud shorts won't
hurt. Well then go to like malls, and other stores BIG dumpsters.
Look through them for CARBONS, those black sheets of paper that
you can use to write stuff on to alot more than two sheets of
paper. Well look for around 50 to 100...

This is what they basically look like..

| |
| Account Number Exp. Date(1) |
| Exp. Date(2) Exp. Date(3) |
| Card Holders Name |

Differant Parts...

-Card Holder's Name: Name of the person who owns
the CARD.
-Exp. Date (1-3): (1) American Express = xx/xx - xx/xx
(2 or 3) ViSA/MasterCard = xx/xx/xx - xx/xx/xx
-TiDBiTS : If you examine your cardbon CAREFULLY you
MAY find bits of information that will help
you out. Not always though.

Card formats...
AMEX, VISA, MSTRCRD have from between 12 and 21 digits..

Card Type Format of Account #
American Express -=- 3xxx xxxxxx xxxxx
MasterCard -=- 5xxx xxxx xxxx xxxx
ViSA -=- 4xxxx xxx xxx xxx

The drawback to doing that is... Nowadays they use the same
shit schools do. The carbon is built into transaction papers...

Procedure B. Mailboxing
Well in this one you go digging through people's mailboxes
(which is illegal) and look for billing, and bank statements.
When you find one. Take it. Go home. Open it. Look at it.
Look for all the shit you need. Then put everthing BACK in the
envelope. Glue it shut. Go back THE NEXT DAY and put it back
in. Pretty simple eh?

The drawback to this is... If you get caught your gone...
Federal Law.

Procedure C. Boarding
Well here all you do is... Call up a board. Look through
the ELiTE message bases. Look for someone who has posted
a card number and iNFO.

The drawback to this is that the card is probably MAXED!

Procedure D. VMB's (my own favorite)
Well, this is my own personnel favorite. All you do is call
up a H/P oriented scan/code line. Lemme just let you know.
A VMB is something that is set up. You call, you enter the
extension, then listen to a pretty long out going message.
Then you can leave a message to the person who has the VMB.
Well a scan/code line is a VMB that has Codes and scans on
his VMB. Well just call one up. Tellem you need a VIRGIN
card, unused that cardholder doesn't know is gone, and tellem
that you'll trade them something for it. Like a VMB of your
own or a BUNCH of codes. Then leave him someplace he can leave
you the number. It ain't to smart to leave your voice number.
What you should is setup a VMB of your own. Then tellem to
leave the card number.

The drawback to this is that you gotta have a place for someone
to leave the number to.

Now on getting the number 5.
If you can't get number 5, goto hell!
Just use that as the phone number...

Getting number's 7, and 8.
Well whatcha should do is wait til someone around where
you live goes on vacation. Then use thier address. You gotta
know thier names too because nowadays businesses call
directory assistance and see who the home owner is if it
isn't a delivery to the card billing address.

Getting 9,and 10.
First of all, if you don't have a deep voice then you can do
1 of two things. First you wait about 4 or 5 years, or your
second choice, pretend you are a female. Yes, I said female.
The salesperson would rather believe a female ordering a 2
GiG deive, rather than a high pitched lil' kid ordering the
same damn thing! Now on the mentality thingy. The ONLY cure
this is to wait 4 or 5 years like I said before...

Doing The actual ordering...
1. FIRST rehearse it...
2. No all the info clearly
3. Get into any problems DON'T HANG UP. Just say you'll
do business with another company, hanging them up will
destroy the card.
4. MAX it ALL in one day!
5. Order the same shit from more than 2 companies. If one
screws up then you still get it. Otherwise you make
some fast cash.
6. Speak slowly AND clearly.
7. Say you are going to visit a relative and you're at
an AIRPORT payphone. So they don't call back and chck
and so that you can get it delivered to the drop point.
8. Go for NEXT DAY ups delivery.
9. Be courteous.
10. "BARGAN" with the salesperson for a cheaper price. Makes
it more realistic.
11. Say "Thank You" when you're done.

Now the pick up...
What you should do is THE DAY BEFORE the order is scheduled to
be delivered write out a note that says something like please
deliver in backyard or leave in this box because you are at work.
Then just pick it up. like the night it comes in.

That's about it. All you do now is stay low for about a week or so..

Basic Rules of carding...
1) Don't use the same card two seperate days.
2) Don't use the same drop point twice.
3) Don't brag before the actual order
4) Don't give out the card number you use until you're done with it.

One basic thing you should do is get the shit. Then buy it legitimately..
That way you'll have the proof of purchase, and you won't have the
carded shit on you...

Well that's about it from me...

Call this fine board...
The Dark Ages 713.530.8017

Now I'll give ya'll ONE of my many VMB's. This one isn't a CODE/SCAN line,
but you can ask me questions on carding or anything else...
(800)631.3400. extension 8135...

Written and created by $pecial ED of 713...
************************** THE END ******************************************

Current Newuser
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