Carding CC and transfer money to SIM-cards


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Today we have nothing more on the agenda than transfers on the coast.
Today, there will not be a particularly detailed manual on this topic, but it will be so brief, dry, and concise. On the topic of bays on sim.
I rummage through closed and semi-closed forums, looking for materials. I came across a very interesting topic, started it, it worked, I write here.
So, let's get started.

What are transfer on a sim? This is nothing more than replenishment of mobile phone balances, followed by cashing out. Naturally, these very balances of these very phones are replenished with not quite white money.
You can cash out money by adding money to your qiwi wallet, or by driving it to VK voices, or whatever you want, but that's not the point.
How does this replenishment work? Top-up (deposit) is made using someone else's stolen credit cards.
Many people think that the mobile phone balance can only be replenished in terminals, with qiwi, or Sberbank. Not exactly, comrades. In fact, merchandise(stores that allow you to top up your mobile phone balance online), shit and more.
That is, we go to the completely left merchant, enter our phone number there, enter the deposit amount, enter the credit card number, cvv code, and expiration date. Money is debited from your credit card, and mobile phones fall to your balance. Then the same money is withdrawn from the balance of the mobile phone, cashed out, and put in your pocket, booze and whores are bought, and that's it.

This is in short.
In fact, what do we need in order to upload it to the sim?

1) These are primarily merchant addresses.

So, what else?

2) Some kind of wallet for accepting funds(we will pour it on cash-out services, and they are already a clean cache for us)

3) Pure RDP or socks (England)

4) Live CC (England)

So, gentlemen, my dear good ones. The scheme is as simple as a broom.
Find a valid CC on the giveaways or buy one.

How the theme looks in general (well, how I stole it).
We take a pure RDP (England, so that anonymity is at least 90% for whoer, and that you don't fight for blacklists).
We go to any merch (from RDP), check the whoer values (if the value is less than 90% anonymity, and the IP in black is RDP shit), and stupidly top up our mobile phone with someone else's CC.

A couple of points
1) I personally started using Alipay. Like others but also work like, based on discussions and questions.
2) On alipay climbed 500 rubles. Maybe more climbs, I stupidly filled up on 10 and scored.
3) Test, it is better to kill a hundred bucks on the mat, then pour the river.
4) Gold bins for these merchants (based on the information found) - 465944, 446291, 492181
5) Again, payments seem to climb up to 50 bucks, with an interval of up to half an hour. And so on, until the card dies.

Good luck!