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Hello guys
i really like this Video and i want to share it with you guys

i have some Question
How come from CarderPlanet?
and why is CarderPlanet was so Important Forum for Carding?
why does CarderPlanet is Shut now?


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I am well acquainted with the administrator and founder of this wonderful forum Dmitry Golubov, better known under the nickname "script".
He founded the "Internet Pariah of Ukraine" and you can chat with him on Facebook.
He has no plans to return to carding.

What is Carderplanet
This is a private Internet community whose members are engaged in carding (carding - a fraud using stolen cards, bank or phone numbers, or their numbers). Traces its history back to 1997, when the founders of the community carried out a series of attacks on credit card holders and online stores in the United States. In the same year, the concept of "carder" (a person who commits illegal actions with bank cards) for the first time appeared and the hierarchy of the carder mafia began to form. The main site is, its users are divided into four categories, the names of which are taken from books and films about the Italian mafia: Family (veteran carders), Capo di capi ("proven"), Capo ("trustworthy"), Reviewed Vendours. Member of carderplanet. com has the ability to place "commercial announcements" here, look for partners in "business". The open part of the forum publishes schemes for the sale of counterfeit credit cards, traveller's checks, cashing stolen funds, recommendations on behavior during interrogation, and so on.

The rise and fall of CarderPlanet through the eyes of a traffic participant
“... the script never concealed, but rather emphasized that he had 'friendship with the SBU'. He started talking about it back in 2002. Let me remind you that at this time he was 19 years old ... Now this love has become so strong that it simply strangles the script in the arms ... ” The story of CarderPlanet through the eyes of its participant.

On July 5, 2005, a certain Dmitry Ivanovich Golubov , born in 1983, was detained in Odessa on charges of fraud with bank cards. Golubov was a well-known hacker, the head of the network organization Carderplanet and operated under the nickname Script (aka Script). This is an ambiguous figure, as can be concluded from our previous materials . The opinion of the participants of the carders forum is interesting. We managed to find on one of their hacker sites, a statement of the history of CarderPlanet, apparently an active member of this forum. We bring to your attention his story without cuts, in the author's account, which he published under the nickname = Null_Name =

I would like to publish another, lesser known story that will show you a different perspective on the "planet" ...

At the end of 2000 , there was only one carder forum - But a young man with the nickname script appeared (before the script, the young man was called weber), opened SR (CarderPlanet - note A) in 2001. Then the name of the domain was According to his own words, the forum was created among “friends” as a trading platform for him. The idea was to popularize the idea of carding among the masses, then attract the masses to the forum and sell them cards.

The success exceeded all expectations. A huge (taking into account the specifics, of course) number of people came. At the end of 2001, the number of registered users was, God forbid, under 1000 people.

There was an atmosphere of enthusiasm at the forum. The time was such when it was easier to study than it is now, the rampant network fraud (fraudulent - note A) was invisible, and even if there was no talent in Internet technologies, one could count on a decent income with attentiveness and hard work. Authorities began to appear on the forum, bright and extraordinary people. IMHO, this was the best stage in the life of the SR.

A lot of articles appeared, very extensive and relevant. There was no imposition of the Italian mafia (Capo di Capi, DON, Capo, etc.) at that time, the statuses were “verified”, “unverified”, “thief in law”. Some more flashed, but I don't remember them anymore. At the same time, the script gets involved in a personal war with VIP, the admin of, either claiming to be the "main carder of the Runet", or trying to completely conquer the Russian-speaking market for the sale of cardboard (cards - note A). Few people knew about this, this "war" died down as imperceptibly as it began. But, as they say, "the sediment remained."

Comes to Wed Boa . Let's dwell on this character in more detail. Roman (this is his name) lived in the Crimea. At the time of joining the SR, he was already about forty years old. He brought with him a fair amount of animation to the forum. Reanimated the plastic direction, which was barely breathing on the "planet". Expanded the sale of dumps and plastic as such. His first cards cost about $ 1,000. Articles, attracting members of the forum to the topic - in general, Boa has become a local celebrity. It was a rare pleasure to read his articles - he knew how to express an idea, including not about carding. Maybe someone remembers Boa and Auditor's joint article on etiquette, just a masterpiece.

His popularity was much more justified and more deserved than any other member, he was en masse and, most importantly, sincerely respected. Led Boa "planet" forward to the glory of the plastic Mecca. How this glory and this path would turn out - then no one knew, and did not even think. It was fun and monetary.

Yes, he was a brilliant organizer. He also has one more merit - he proposed to create a forum fund, to which everyone voluntarily donated money. At the time, there was a post on SR, which explained where the money would go - for hosting, for moderators' salaries (which no one had ever paid) and even for pulling out carders who got into trouble. Now it’s ridiculous to recall the script’s post , which, however , had been hanging for two days, in which he, with fatherly concern, told how he or someone else from the administration would personally release the poor fellows from the dungeons at night.

A little later Boa came to the BB forum (Bigbaer). According to the script, this is a soooo luminary that we are all a kindergarten compared to them. The young man, it seems, at that time he was either 23 or 24 years old, wrote long smart articles, talked a lot, on the third day of his presence at the forum he received the highest status, but except for his chatter no one knew anything about him. Plastic interested him no less than Boa.

So far, everything is relatively smooth ... The forum is in demand, interesting and useful. The contingent visiting it is within a thousand or two people, of which constantly - up to two hundred, the rest - from time to time.

April 2002
I personally consider this time to be the beginning of the collapse of the “planet”. In April, the issue of the "Hacker" magazine comes out with an interview with "script" published in it. Chasing cheap and inappropriate popularity, and not least with the aim of attracting new customers to sell his cards (many old ones by that time were secretly spitting from them because of the level of validity), he gives a detailed interview and advertises the "planet" on the Russian Internet. It worked effectively. A stream poured in.

Yes, the people who were needed came, striving for knowledge, accurate, thinking. But basically the contingent is a careless punks. It was this stream that gave rise to the shaft and threw crooks on the forum. The "planet" went downhill, but then everything seemed very cloudless. Nearly. A trade war was brewing between the two largest plastic vendors - Boa and BB, in the very fact of which no one believed, and did not even think about it. The first carder conference was being prepared.

The conference was held in Peroid from May 30 to June 5, 2002, someone arrived after the start, someone left before the end. Held in Odessa. Then some were accommodated in tourist centers, some in rented apartments, some in hotels. The people were from Russia, Belarus ... Even from Canada. In total - about 15-20 people. It was Boa's finest hour. He shone. He talked a lot, took everyone everywhere, the script was choked by a toad ...

So, the first international conference of carders. We wandered around Odessa, went to the sauna, went to restaurants. We talked about many things, mostly about empty things. Few topics of relevance were raised, mostly of an organizational nature. The de facto chairman was Boa, who even after the end of the conference called those present and asked how they got there. Caring won over ...
Despite it, in general, optional, the forum had rave reviews about the conference, which, in principle, are easy to explain - someone "live" met with those with whom he worked and earned, someone noted with satisfaction that earns more than others, someone had their reasons for delight. In general, everyone is happy. The euphoria did not last long, until someone noticed that "there were too many of us" - the stupid self-promotion script ' a made itself felt on the Runet.

Moderators, and even ordinary members, began to get caught in ICQ by unknown persons who literally demanded to teach them something. The logic was as simple as a horseshoe - the resource advertises itself vigorously, you are a moderator, I came to the "planet" - teach, otherwise why advertise. Some moderators ask the script to stop popularizing carding that no one needs except himself. In response, they hear (almost literally): “ There is enough money for everyone on the Internet. The authorities do not need us, they have terrorism, no one will deal with us for another five years ”.

Suddenly, like a bolt from the blue, an article comes out in the New York times, a highly readable and popular American periodical. An article about the "planet" and its founder. Boa, having quickly processed and scribbled the script, causes the script to announce the closure of the "planet". The community is shocked, for many it seems like a collapse of business and career. script, in mournful and touching tones says goodbye to everyone, allows (why would it? who asked him?) to create forums of a similar focus, allows (again, who asks him?) to register and post on other forums (previously, such actions were equated with treason Motherland).

However, literally a month passes, and the "planet" comes to life, and self-promotion is intensifying. Everyone is happy, everyone is laughing. The holiday did not last long. BB, realizing that the plastic market is an interesting thing, develops its own production of it. He is in a better position in the market than Boa, who knows little about production processes, being a reseller of someone else's low-quality products.
BB writes several articles on the technology and parameters of plastic cards production, begins to sell products of higher quality than Boa, and at a lower price. According to Boa, spoken in a narrow circle, the situation simply "knocks him out of the saddle", he himself understands the advantages of a competitor, but decides to join the war.

Highlights sales of KLYUKV'U (a girl who is actually a boy, but according to KLYUKV'i is still a girl, but working with a boy), sharply lowers prices, carries out intensified advertising, crushes dissatisfied people. He just pressed. The fact of the poor quality of plastic was not admitted categorically by him, it all came down to "the fool himself." Of course, there were no such words, there were long articles explaining his point of view. Boa did not disdain the simple removal of the posts of those to whom he sold the marriage. Boa is rapidly losing popularity.

At the same time, the BB is taking over the reform of the forum. Cleans deposits of unnecessary, from his point of view, information, while deleting much that is necessary, proudly says repeatedly that if it were not for him, the forum would have drowned in idle talk and heaps of unnecessary information. The moderators of the sections, mostly obligatory and accurate people, who did the same job, at least not worse, silently swallow the pill.
Still would! The script said that BB is the father, mother and the concrete foundation of the on-line fraud, so it is. BB does not stop at presenting as a dogma the fact "what a great fellow I am", he tries to make the moderators great. Bursts into ICQ to people who know him only as an internationally vaunted script'om figure, are perplexed about his impudence.

There was nothing to bewilder about. Moderators were required to write profile articles about their business segment. About drop farming, on-line shopping, E-Bay fraud, SPAM, cash out ... Moreover, many written articles were rejected by the BB as "low-detailed". His argument was as follows - so I wrote about plastic, gave all the details, even if take it and use it as an instruction for action, and the toad crushes you. BB, basking in the rays of his own glory, has lost the understanding that specifying the name of an embosser, its cost and purchase features is not at all like giving the url of a cardable store or chewing on a method of recruiting drops for PP, and the like.

I will explain to those who still do not see the difference. To create your own plastic production is, first of all, the cost of expensive equipment and risk, because the production takes place in real life, and hardening a laptop, and even in a kindly provided store, is a penny capital investment and an insignificant danger. Those. If he creates competition for himself by describing the process of plastic production, it will be frivolous, while others, if they post information about their own business, will spawn a lot of competitors.

At the same time, a certain Devil, the script's personal six, a verified member, throws someone for an insignificant amount. Kidnyak was made primitively, Devil used his status as a verified member on SR, but the most interesting thing is that kidnyak happened with the sanction of the script (and who, in fact, gave him the right to allow or not allow throwing?). The victim then turned to the Auditor moderator for help, but the negotiations between the moderator and the script ended in nothing. The founder of the "planet" defended the scam.
As it turned out later, the victim was selling cards cheaper and better than the script. The Auditor, showing a rare adherence to principles, being a verified member himself, whistles about leaving the forum, not wanting to work among the "legal" thugs, and takes several people with him, also verified members, and in addition - moderators. By the way, he personally vouched for these people when they were "awarded" the title of a verified member. Also an infrequent case.

But the battle of the titans continues. Boa is clearly defeated. Trying to put a good face on a bad game, but also leaves the “CP”, explaining his decision in a long article. The general meaning of the article is "you are evil, I am leaving you." He transfers his business to his own website, calling it "Boafektori". As before, not being a manufacturer, he sells a bunch of everything on his website - very high quality traveler's checks, dumps, passports and, of course, plastic, which has become much better than before, but is still very inferior to BB products.
Boa leaves the planet, transferring its activities to a separate site (boafactory). The atmosphere of general enthusiasm, already almost disappeared, left only memories of itself. BB, having become practically the first person in the administration, sold out in earnest.

A slight deviation from the topic. From my point of view, the best stage in the life of a SW is the time from October 2001 to the first conference. It was then that she managed to combine the properties of a useful, necessary and “seeking” resource.
After intensified PR actions, a period of impudent idiocy came, splashing from the overwhelming number of "newcomers", then there was an era of squabbles, caused by the growing megalomania of the script, multiplied by its dishonesty, then - BB totalitarianism, a stupid, rude and simply boorish method of administration led to the fact that they began to fear him. Yes, many were afraid of him, in the minds of people he was an extra-mafosi, cruel and merciless. He often threatened to injure someone, cut off a finger, send people.

Stra-a-ashno! And at the same time it was he who brought the English-speaking colleagues of carders and network scammers to the forum. And its plastic became better and more affordable every month. In general, BB, just like Boa, is a far from unambiguous person. Natural pedantry and accuracy in work, the desire to bring the work done to the ideal, he was successfully combined with arrogance, rudeness and self-confidence. It seems to me that the negative won out the positive in him. Unfortunately.

So, BB arranged a concentration camp on the forum. Those topics that he considered unnecessary or "premature" (this means topics that are currently beneficial to the administration), he deleted. Declaring freedom of speech in words, he mixed any critical opinion with dirt, using the most ridiculous arguments.
It was then that the herd instinct arose on the "planet". As soon as someone from the administration expressed disapproval at someone's address, and that's it. A person in the moral sense can celebrate a commemoration. The script itself did not disdain to direct it through ICQ. He often asked many to express their opinion, often at his request, negative, towards his opponent.

As an example. Someone who left SR started selling cardboard. the script is furious. BB calls the seller and demands to stop selling, citing the fact that the main carder (think about this expression) of the CIS has long staked out the right to sell cardboard and no one should dare to do this if it does not share with script'om. The guys just went too far ... BB, of course they sent it. Immediately a topic arises that the script has the best cards, because he is a hacker with experience and talent (another bluff, far from reality), and all the rest are resellers of other people's cards. I don’t remember who gave such a comparison as an argument. I am not responsible for the literalness, but I will be able to convey the meaning.

“Imagine a bazaar. People bargain, buy, sell. In the best place of the bazaar there is a well-known script selling bagels. Everything is decorously noble, the bagels are different, but all are tasty, the seller of seagulls sips from a samovar. Suddenly a man bursts in, skinned and drunk, throws the script's bagels, takes out a wrinkled bundle of his own and starts selling them twice as cheap as the owner of the samovar. This is, they say, disorder and disgrace! "
At the same time, the person is silent about the fact that the bagels are fresh in one, and that no one is prohibited from opening their own bazaar and starting a samovar. The script generally made a devastating argument, citing two currency changers as an analogy: they say, if one of them sells dollars cheaper than a neighbor, then the "boys" will come and give ***** lei to the first one. The script, by the way, constantly voluntarily and involuntarily demonstrated admiration for the thieves' world.

"Brigade" influenced ... "Boomer" brought the matter to the end. "Concepts", thieves' vocabulary began to firmly enter the daily life of the "planet". In the showdown, it has become fashionable to threaten each other "you ***** in the ass". True, there were also people to whom this latent pederasty was alien. These people created a topic in which they explained that if two men have sex with each other, then ***** both. Regardless of the reason that led to this. It's a pity I didn't save the topic. There the administration was completely crushed, the arguments were made of reinforced concrete. Naturally, within two or three hours that topic was gone, and everything returned to normal. That is, if a guy ** bets on the ass of another guy, but at the same time *** is an "authority", then he is not *****.

But I dodged somewhat. The tyranny of BB grew. From the members it was possible to fly out for one post on another forum. However, realizing that they have no chances to compete with BB in terms of intelligence, and losing their positions, the administration starts a "quiet sap" campaign to return Boa, with whom it is easier, clearer, more fun, and who can "get a drape in an unfamiliar city" ...

Doubtful merit, but oh well. BB leaves. With dignity, without making too much noise. Creates a separate resource. The resource is very interesting, with closed and general sections, with interesting people who constantly work with plastic and know the topic from personal experience. The closed section on the BB website was especially interesting, it really had a lot of useful things. Thus, one of the most controversial figures in its history parted with the "planet". A very compassionate and repentant topic appears on SR, in which each member of the administration, in tearful expressions, asked Boa to forgive them for accepting the hydra into their ranks (they are about BB), and allowed such a great figure as Boa to leave them. There was no reaction from the side of the leader.

2003 year
The planet smoothly entered a dive. Yes, interesting, extraordinary people came. Yes, they provided interesting information. But information had the right to life, if only it did not contradict the interests of the administration and those "close to the body." Editing posts, distribution of offensive titles (scum of societies, woodpecker, etc), about, and often without, went uncontrollably.
A paradoxical situation developed. Those who slandered a colleague on the forum, the same could bashfully explained in ICQ - they say, I don’t think so, I was “asked”. A banal mess reigned. Interesting and extraordinary ones came and went. I do not see any sense in describing the whole process of diving, and it has merged in my memory into something similar to the flow of a filthy stinking river. Yes, it flows. But its waters carry dirt and mud, not bringing much benefit. It flows for the flow. God forbid, it has already flowed out.

Yes, the "planet" has helped a lot. First of all, she gave the belief that Internet fraud exists and that it is beneficial. In the second, she helped to find partners. But what does the administration have to do with it? Their, or rather - the founder's only merit is that the forum was created.
They did not ensure his safety, and at what they did not try. A lot of money was received on the forum wallet, if we take into account the task at hand - payment for hosting, protection from DDoS, and the salary of the administrator. Where did this money go? Who from the administration has reported at least once? How effective is this waste? The forum was finished, they stole passwords in bulk, read the PMs of ALL users. Who from the administration at least once said “We cannot ensure the safety of the forum. You don’t need to send that much money. ”?

On the contrary, it was constantly drilled that everything was secret and sterile, that the money was going "where it should be," for example, they made a new USB flash drive. Who can say exactly where the SR fund was spent? It went into the founder's pocket - this is the answer that comes closest to the truth. And I don’t need to say that if the forum is his, then he took them by right. The members fasted there, the members offered services, so leave these tales. script'u owns only the forum engine, without a single post, user and PM, excluding its own.

And how was this money gotten out? All donations were, in theory, voluntary, but it was necessary to create a whole topic about how "there is no life without a planet", about how everyone owes it. Under a generally plausible sauce, people were simply milked. If the forum belongs to one person, as declared, let him pay for it. If the mass pays, then slogans about a "private club" are not needed. The admins were very fond of saying that they are day and night vigilant about the cleanliness of the ranks, groom and cherish the forum.

Someone did the post in the wrong place - in the ban, with the postscript "I have a lot of my work, there are still all kinds of posts for woodpeckers to move and rule." At the same time, no one said that modernity is a voluntary matter, if you do not want to do something more difficult than banning and deleting, give up your powers. Editing and migrating is one of the key responsibilities of a moderator. But no. Who will give up the right to erase a competitor's post or demonstrate power. My opinion is unambiguous: the fund of the forum is a bonus script. Never. Just. For the fact that he is. With all this, voluntary transfers to the forum wallet are not the only source of wallet replenishment. There was payment for advertising, fines. Where did this money go? Where are they now? Why is nobody aware of this?

We can talk for a long time about all the fragments of idiocy and meanness of the administration.
Actually, I have outlined my vision of the history of SR, then there will be several separate episodes. And maybe conclusions.

A few words about the founding father
script , name in the world - Dmitry, was born in Odessa in October 1983. Greedy, cowardly and mean. Big fan of show-off and criminal lifestyle. In 2001, he gave himself the status of "Thief in law", his favorite hero is Sasha Belov from the "Brigade". I created an image of a millionaire for myself, the actual state of affairs was far from the image, although it is also difficult to call him poor. A bright defender of active pederasts in the correctional labor camp. Threw a lot of people.

The most striking, albeit very minor episode is his joint work with a man with the nickname " Gagar1n ". If I'm not mistaken, this was 2003. The crux of the matter. script agrees with Gagar1n, who lives in the USA, about the following: Gagar1n opens a merchant account for the script for an account in a US resident bank, the check card from which is in the hands of the script , the script is catching up traffic, creating the appearance of attendance, drives into the merchant is European cards, Gagar1n's functions are to control the process in the USA, make refunds to the cards of Europeans who have noticed the theft, and receive calls from them.

The profit is halved. The script violates the contract from the very beginning, at its key points. Firstly, he does not worry about any traffic, driving in ( Vbiv is buying / paying for goods / services using someone else's credit cards - note A) goes as God puts it on his soul - the elementary rules of this procedure are not followed. Any other such hammer would have taken off like a bullet, on the forum there would have been the most shoddy posts about him. Any. But not a script . Angered by calls from offended Americans and a completely idiotic attitude to the case, Gagar1n makes claims to the script'u . In response, he hears: “How is there no traffic? Exactly? It’s strange. I drove. And I forgot about Eurocardboard. Well, I will improve. " And ... nothing changes.

Be that as it may, the script'u manages to run through the merchant (a special bank account that is opened by the seller to withdraw money from card accounts - note A ) to his card a certain amount. And, of course, withdraw it from ATMs in Odessa. I don't remember the exact amount, but I remember that it is small - up to 10K ($). Merch died suddenly in his prime. The unfortunate man lived only a month. From America, the script receives a quiet, but persistent reminder - they say, even though you screwed up the topic, you still have to give half of it.

And the cord begins. For several weeks, the script feeds its partner with fairy tales that a drop (a person who receives something stolen using carding to his name and address, that is, one way or another launders the stolen money - note A ), who withdrawn money from the card, did not bring him money, but soon it will. Then the drop that Gagar1n'u should send to WU in the USA is not found, then it is found, but all points are closed. I will not talk about freezing in ICQ, this is a standard technique. Let me remind you that we are not talking about a fool with an accordion who heard about the "planet" and carding by chance, but about someone who considers himself the Chief Carder of All Russia.

The parties are quietly exchanging pleasantries, but suddenly there is a sharp surge in tension. Gagar1n asks the script to send him a part of the debt by e-gold, and we are talking about a completely ridiculous amount - about $ 100-150. scriptreplies: “I am not the person who will send 100 egoldom, 100 vm, then another three hundred VU (what are these ridiculous figures if we are talking about a sum of several K?). There will be drops, if VU will work, you will get it. Now don't bark, I'm busy. If you bark, I have all the info on you, sending it to the FBI, Interpol and, in general, to all the mailboxes I know is not difficult. My carders (we are talking about the members of the forum, but not as colleagues, but as subordinates - this is, by the way, a really demonstrated attitude towards them) will send this data everywhere, and you are screwed".

Well, we are not snitches, we are not snitches, as they say. For such words directed at me, if the speaker were nearby, I would simply give in the teeth. Gagar1n posts logs on the forum, they immediately disappear, all attempts to restore them are blocked by the administration, and suddenly there is a post of a naughty script in which he mutters something about objective reasons and allegedly asks the community to judge the conflict. They judged, of course, as always objectively. Posts "for Gagar1n'a " do not live for more than a minute, each member of the administration speaks in favor of the script. It's just disgusting for me to talk about details.

Everything was done so disgusting that I wanted to spit. The result was as follows. Gagar1n was banned, the topic was erased, the script remained with its own money (But what kind of money are they? The simplest, albeit time-consuming operation failed) and with strangers. It seems to me that this is a rather high class of meanness, not everyone is given. In general, deleting the posts of objectionable and victims of their own kidnyaks, erasing the topics of competitors - this was a daily norm for the SR administration.

And there was one more question, not quite typical for a carder, to put it mildly. The script never concealed, but rather emphasized that he had "friendship with the SBU . " He started talking about it back in 2002. Let me remind you that at this time he was 19 years old. He was not talking about good relations with any particular officer of the Service, but namely that "the SBU loves him. "I will not comment on this fact at all, the conclusions are obvious to me. Now this love has become so strong that it simply strangles the script in its arms.

For this I round off my story about the "planet".
Finally, I would like to say. I have nothing against ordinary members who lived there, although their number could be smaller. I am writing about the admin "script" and the history of the development of the planet. I am writing subjectively, based on my personal impressions.
In the spring of 2005, UK police, in conjunction with the FBI, the US Postal Service and the US Treasury Department, investigated a series of electronic robberies in Europe and America. The result of this operation was the capture of two Dallas carders Douglas Havard and Lee Edwood. Both confessed to everything and agreed to testify against the rest of the forum participants. As a result, on July 7, the Ukrainian authorities managed to carry out one of the most notorious arrests in the history of cybercrime - the arrest of Script. And then the ego and let go.

Carderplanet and the murder of Dmitry Zavgorodny: a case for the Russian special services?

Photo: Carderplanet

The defeat in 2005 of the hacker structure Carderplanet and the murder of the head of the UNA corporation Dmitry Zagorodny, politics and special services, money and blood ... In light of the current confrontation between Ukraine and Russia, which has entered an open phase, the history of eight years ago looks completely different.
On October 12, 2005, Dmitry Zavgorodniy, founder and owner of the UNA corporation, was found shot to death in his Kiev apartment. Known in narrow circles as one of the most talented programmers in the country.
Five months earlier, in Odessa, the handcuffs on the wrists of Dmitry Golubov, the most famous hacker-"carder" in the post-Soviet space, and the formal founder of the hacker resource Carderplanet, were snapped into place.
Unlike the arrest of D. Golubov, the murder of D. Zavgorodny did not cause a wide response. Although there is a direct connection between these two events. The same people stand behind both Carderplanet and the death of D. Zavgorodny. And the secret services.
In light of the current confrontation between Ukraine and Russia, which has entered an open phase, the history of eight years ago looks completely different.

The tragedy of Dmitry Zavgorodny
On August 31, 2005, D. Zavgorodniy, a well-known developer of anti-virus programs in the post-Soviet space, went to a business meeting near the “Ukraine” department store in Kiev and did not return. His telephone was silent. Wife Anna wrote a statement about the disappearance of her husband in the Podolsk district police department only on September 8 - cases of “disappearance” of the head of the family had happened before: he could suddenly leave to take a break from business.
Dmitry showed up himself only on September 28, calling from a mobile phone from Italy. According to him, he woke up on the seashore in the town of Civitavecchia, he did not remember anything, he had only a credit card and a passport. Zavgorodniy contacted the house thanks to the Ukrainian Embassy in Italy and returned to Ukraine on October 4, losing 15 kilograms. A week later, a terrible denouement came - he was found shot to death in his apartment and died literally in the arms of his 10-year-old son Roman, who found his father in dying convulsions.
According to investigators, D. Zavgorodniy shot himself with his own hunting carbine. The motive is not established.
And here is the opinion of the widow of the deceased - Anna Zavgorodnyaya: “... The strongest argument in favor of the fact that my husband was still killed, I think that shortly before his death, literally in a few minutes, Dima put his mobile phone on charge. Agree, suicides don't do that. Although nothing was missing from the apartment. The furnishings were not disturbed. Dima was shot from his own hard drive, which was kept in his safe. Only the husband knew where the keys to the fireproof cabinet were. Nevertheless, I am almost certain that my husband was killed ... "
Before the death of D. Zavgorodny got into debt to a private person - Oleg Braginsky, at that time - the vice-president of the Ukrainian branch of the Russian Alfa-Bank. The terms of usury were strict: D. Zavgorodniy took "on parole" one million US dollars in cash at 40% per annum, pledging to return $ 43,000 percent to the creditor monthly, and after a year - the loan body itself. Oleg Braginsky was, to some extent, a colleague of D. Zavgorodny - at Alfa-Bank he took care of electronic payment systems and, in general, innovations in the banking sector.


D. Zavgorodnikh

The business of the married couple D. Zavgorodnykh is the development of security programs (antiviruses) and the installation of protected software on the computer networks of state institutions.
UNA Corporation participated in tenders held by government agencies - up to the Cabinet of Ministers. Ahead was one of such tenders, which was supposed to bring UNA an order worth 25 million hryvnia. In general, UNA's prospects were promising: the Ukrainian corporation was the only domestic enterprise in this market segment. Secondly, the prices offered by UNA for its software product differed significantly from the prices of competitors: if in one of the tenders the Russian Kaspersky Lab requested more than UAH 25 million from the Ukrainian customer, the Zavgorodnih company - only two million.
UNA's turnover in 2004 alone exceeded UAH 20 million. At the same time, according to Anna Zavgorodnyaya, at least 25% of the received orders had to be given to intermediaries - for lobbying the interests of UNA. This bribery on the part of officials even became the reason for D. Zavgorodny's meeting with the chairman of the SBU A. Turchinov in 2005 : The programmer believed that with the coming of the “orange” government, the situation could be changed for the better.
In general, contacts between D. Zavgorodny and his subordinates with the special services were regular. According to the recollections of D. Zavgorodny's widow, “my husband told me that all our telephone conversations were tapped by the SBU officers, but did not attach much importance to this. The attention from the Security Service to my husband is justified. The programs developed by Dima ensure anti-virus security in the most important computers of the country - in the Cabinet of Ministers, the Supreme Court, the Secretariat of the President of Ukraine. The scouts tried several times to recruit our employees. They made a similar request to Dima, but he refused. Then we would have been kicked out of the anti-virus community. We, the developers of computer programs, this is not accepted. Although our employees still received proposals”.
As A. Zavgorodnyaya told after the death of her husband, a certain big ace from the SBU even demanded that her husband transfer the entire accumulated virus database with the source code of the programs to the special services, ostensibly in order to “check the codes”. But D. Zavgorodny somehow managed to get out, how exactly - the widow did not know.
And the SBU employees warned Dmitry Zavgorodny about the undesirability of his communication with the already mentioned Oleg Braginsky, vice president of the Ukrainian subsidiary of Alfa-Bank. Who, according to Dmitry Valerievich's interlocutors, was a regular employee of one of the Russian special services. But D. Zavgorodny continued to closely communicate with O. Braginsky and even borrowed money from him.


Oleg Braginsky

What united D. Zavgorodny and O. Braginsky? The answer to this should have been given by a biased investigation, but for some reason it was not. Despite the importance in the context of the threat to national security, the figure of D. Zavgorodny - after all, we repeat, his company was responsible for the security of computer systems, including the highest authorities of the state.[/B]
Meanwhile, in the last months before his death, something bad began to happen to D. Zavgorodny. In addition to debts (apart from a million with interest to Braginsky, the programmer owed at least two more private individuals), D. Zavgorodny became interested in "electronic money" and payment systems - according to the recollections of those who knew him. He did not devote anyone to this sphere of his new interests. In 2004-2005 , the programmer was already constantly using five mobile phones, while constantly changing the numbers and the devices themselves - why was there such secrecy? And in Italy, D. Zavgorodniy ended up leaving Ukraine not from Kiev, where he disappeared, but from Odessa.

The rout of Carderplanet
On July 5, 2005, a certain Dmitry Ivanovich Golubov, born in 1983, was detained in Odessa on charges of fraud with bank cards. Golubov was a well-known hacker, the head of the network organization Carderplanet and operated under the nickname "Script". He was behind the organization of the bank hacking in the United States, resulting in losses to financial institutions of the Old and New Worlds amounting to tens of millions of US dollars.
D. Golubov himself denied his involvement in carding: “In 2003 I lost my passport, and ten days later a message appeared on the Internet: “I, Dmitry Ivanovich Golubov, hack American banks, steal money from credit cards. I'm not afraid of anything, because the police and the prosecutor's office are at the same time with me, as my fearlessness, I want to upload a scanned copy of my passport, phone number and home address. "This is the only proof of my guilt in the case".

 US Postal Inspection Service

D. Golubov (aka Script)

But the investigation did not share Golubov's optimism. For a long time he was "led" by the US special services. And later, after the arrest of a number of his accomplices in Europe, the FBI shared information with the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine, and then Dmitry Golubov was already working on the main department of the Organized Crime Control Department ...
Carderplanet was founded in 2001. Its virtual headquarters was, where information was exchanged and future employees were recruited. The site was in Russian, but the stolen information from banks, e-commerce sites, government agencies in the United States, Great Britain and other countries entered its English-language forum.
Mimicking the mafia clans, the creators of Carderplanet called themselves "family." But dumps - information from magnetic stripes of payment cards (number, expiration date, PIN-code) - were available only to the top management of Carderplanet.
These "managers" led a whole team of recruited students who were withdrawing money from ATMs using fake payment cards for a commission - a percentage of the amount withdrawn. According to the investigation, in total, Carderplanet consisted of more than seven thousand "infantry", mainly from Russia, Ukraine and the countries of Eastern Europe.
Under the leadership of the top management of Carderplanet, counterfeit bank cards of the international payment systems MasterCard, Visa, American Express and Diners Clap International were produced. With the help of which money was cashed in ATMs in more than 20 countries. The activities of this group were so large-scale that it was through the efforts of Carderplanet that in early March 2005 Raiffeisenbank suspended servicing its cards at ATMs throughout Ukraine. It is noteworthy that only Western banks were used by carders; Ukrainian and Russian scammers did not touch.
The debacle of Carderplanet began in 2004. First, while on vacation in Cyprus, a Ukrainian, Crimean resident Roman Vega (akaBoa), aka Roman Stepanenko, was arrested. The hacker was extradited to the United States, where he was charged with 40 counts. Vega is known as the creator of the website, which sold plastic cards or data from them, fake traveler's checks and fake documents.
When entering the index page, one immediately caught the eye: “Do you want to make yourself Russian citizenship in 3 days? No problem”,“Do you need a diploma from a prestigious university? Easily","Certificates, licenses, visas, driver's license? You've come to the right place, buddy. "Boafactory offered forgery of almost any document, and it was almost impossible to distinguish a fake from the original. The office even put down stamps on entry and exit from neutral countries so that the passport did not look new.
Only a specialist could determine that the passport was forged after a thorough check of the document number and its "history". The cost of services depended on the complexity of the case: the price of a Russian passport was about $ 400, and an Irish passport cost up to $ 25,000. Boa Factory also sold credit card dumps, equipment for working with real plastic, ready-made "naked" credit cards with a hologram and signature strip. The price / quality ratio offered by this office was considered the best of its kind in the whole world (!) At that time, and many thousands of people used its services.


Screenshot of one of the pages

The investigation found out that R. Stepanenko (was sentenced to serve a sentence in an American prison) worked together with Dmitry Golubov from Odessa. Perhaps it was the revelations of Roman Vega, seeking to mitigate his punishment, that hastened the defeat of Carderplanet and the revelation of its leadership.


Roman Vega (aka BOA)

In the spring of 2005, British police, based on materials from the FBI, the US Postal Inspection and the US Treasury Secret Service, detained two carders: 22-year-old Dallas native Douglas Havard and his accomplice Lee Edwood, who had $ 11.4 million stolen from their account.
In April 2005, both pleaded guilty to both payment card fraud and membership in Carderplanet. Their testimony made possible further disclosures, for which a humane British court gave Havard six years in prison and Lee Edwood four.
And already on July 7, 2005 in Odessa, the Organized Crime Control Department "accepted" Dmitry Golubov - the creator of the website, nicknamed Script.
(The ending follows).

Unlike the arrest of hacker Dmitry Golubov, the murder of the head of the UNA corporation Dmitry Zavgorodny in 2005 did not cause a wide response. Although there is a direct connection between these two events. The same people stand behind both Carderplanet and the death of D. Zavgorodny. And the secret services.
On July 7, 2005 in Odessa, the Organized Crime Control Department "accepted" Dmitry Golubov - the creator of the website, nicknamed Script.
It is interesting that even at the stage of development of Golubov and the company, the Organized Crime Control Department faced strong opposition from the operational-investigative group.
And this despite the fact that Carderplanet practically ceased to function outside of Ukraine back in 2004 - immediately after the arrest of Roman Stepanenko. Someone gave a command to D. Golubov's "carders" to go "underground" ...
In parallel with this, someone very influential, having access to the leadership of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Prosecutor General's Office, made the work of the group as difficult as possible, partly being aware of its "body movements". Therefore, even to capture D. Golubov, the head of the group B. Popov went to Odessa, having previously openly taken a sick leave - they say, I will not be at work for several days.
Here are the "four brave" who took D. Golubov and a dozen of his associates in the fraudulent trade: officers of the Organized Crime Directorate (UBOP) of the Ministry of Internal Affairs - investigators Boris Popov, Natalya Obrizan, operatives Roman Grishko, Yuri Baranets.
And until the Organized Crime Control Department got down to business, during the year before the arrest D. Golubov was on the international wanted list, at that time quietly living with his grandmother in Odessa.
The fact that Golubov has great patrons became clear already on December 22, 2005, at the preliminary hearing of the case in the Solomensky District Court of Kiev. Dmitry Golubov, the founder of the largest carder criminal group in the world at that time (!), Accused of committing a number of grave and especially grave crimes, the court released on bail the deputies of the Verkhovna Rada! And Golubov's defender turned out to be the vice-president of the Union of Lawyers of Ukraine, Petro Boyko, one of the highest paid lawyers in the country.


Golubov tray on the right, at the trial

Later, D. Golubov himself openly played the fool, explaining such a powerful defense and guarantee of the deputies: “When Pyotr Boyko read in the media that the great hacker had been detained, he contacted my parents and offered to protect me for free ... (Deputies) These are my acquaintances. a lawyer. He turned to the deputies Vladimir Makeenko and Vladimir Demekhin - they bailed me. "
And here is the commentary of one of the guarantors, deputy Vladimir Demekhin, published by the Kommersant newspaper: “The guy will simply be killed. But he is a young talented man. Such guys are the cream of our youth”.


Screenshot from Carderplanet forum where Script offers its services

A fraudster who did not disdain even advertising pedophile sites, in the eyes of the deputy of the Rada turned out to be "the cream of our youth"!

That's it, everything is simple.
Remarkable are the personalities of the deputies who bailed the hacker.
Deputy Vladimir Demekhin graduated from the Vilnius Higher Command School of Radio Electronics of Air Defense in 1976; in the late 1980s he taught at the Department of Automated Control Systems of Radio Engineering Troops. This is one of the few military universities in the USSR, the future cadets of which underwent a special check of military counterintelligence before being enrolled. And in order to become a teacher at the same school, closer cooperation with the "authorities" was necessary.
In addition, a professional military "electronics engineer", he could not but understand the seriousness of the charges brought against D. Golubov, or not understand what the essence of the crimes was.
The second guarantor, deputy Vladimir Makeyenko, a former traffic control engineer at the "Air Transport Operations" of the Boryspil airport, also perfectly understood the dangers of unauthorized interference in electronic systems, especially payment systems. It is characteristic that V. Makeyenko, according to the stories of people who knew him well, worked closely with the state security bodies back in Soviet times, and in the post-Soviet times enjoyed the special confidence of the former first deputy chairman of the KGB of the Ukrainian SSR and ex-head of the SBU Yevgeny Marchuk (details about the latter can be found in the publication Target - Ukraine "The Gongadze case", "cassette scandal": Marchuk, Medvedchuk and the KGB - A).
In 1995-1996, he was an adviser to Yevgeny Kirillovich when the latter was prime minister.
Why did both of Dmitry Golubov's guarantors turn out to be people who were still closely associated with the Soviet special services ? It seems that this question was not asked by those who, by the nature of their activities, were obliged to monitor such processes - the leadership of the Security Service of Ukraine. The question is rhetorical.
But we will return to this fact later.

"Guides" or Curators?
According to the investigation, when withdrawing money from an ATM, Carderplanet members were obliged to immediately call a specific mobile phone number with a report. In the materials of the investigation there is such an episode: one of the "grassroots" swindlers, when reporting, underestimated the amount of proceeds in order to appropriate the difference, but was immediately warned of responsibility for the deception.
Thus, it can be argued that the top of Carderplanet had patrons from among those who exercised control over certain processing centers, recording all automatic transactions with bank cards. One or two top managers in one or another large bank with an extensive international branch network have this opportunity. Or several people in the security service of such a large bank.
The high patronage of Ukrainian carders also manifested itself in court. For example, Judge Vladimir Skorik did not allow representatives of MasterCard and Visa to act as civil plaintiffs, allegedly because they took part in investigative actions. But the signature of the MasterCard representative was not in any of the investigation documents. When the judge was informed about this, V. Skorik replied that he “did not have time to reread 20 volumes of the criminal case”.
The comedy in court lasted several more months, and the case against D. Golubov was closed.
And the investigation into the "fact of suicide" of Zavgorodny was never initiated.

Are the special services behind Carderplanet and the death of Zavgorodny?
So, the murder of Dmitry Zavgorodny coincided in time with the arrest of the vowel leader of Carderplanet Dmitry Golubov and the final defeat of this "carder" association.
Despite the fact that the formal leaders of Carderplanet have lived and worked in Ukraine, the roots of this hacker association are unambiguously Russian. The "movement" itself began in Russia, then its "executive center" moved to Ukraine, changing its "signboard".
The entire nature of Carderplanet's activities and the range of paid services offered on its "scene" - from the sale of payment card dumps to the high-quality production of almost any identity documents - speaks of the clear patronage of this informal association on the part of the special services.

Carderplanet's activities were directed exclusively against Western banks.
Someone systematically supplied payment card dumps to Carderplanet carders in huge volumes, using the top of Carderplanet for further small wholesale distribution of stolen information and organizing cash withdrawals through ATMs by the hands of grassroots members of this hacker association. This "someone" could in real time control the process of withdrawing certain amounts using "left" cards by ordinary members of the criminal gang.
Someone covered the activities of Carderplanet at such a high level that they were able to influence the investigation in the case of this hacker group. The arrest of the top of which became possible only after the change of the leadership of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Security Service of Ukraine in the winter of 2005.
At the same time, D. Golubov himself, even during the heyday of Carderplanet, never disposed of any significant amount, stealing a hundred or two dollars from colleagues in the hacker industry and even “throwing” them in spite of the unwritten “code of honor” of this specific environment. But where did tens of millions settle then?
The biographies of the deputies of the Verkhovna Rada, who "vouched" in court for D. Golubov, testifies to their cooperation with the Soviet special services. Also, the named deputies are known for their bright pro-Russian position and contacts.
The large-scale activities of Carderplanet coincided in time with a number of other high-profile anti-Ukrainian provocations that hit Ukraine's prestige in the international arena. Provocations behind which the ears of the special services of the Russian Federation "stick out" - from the "Gongadze case" and the "film scandal" to the innuendo of the last days.
And one more thing: Dmitry Golubov and Dmitry Zavgorodniy were well acquainted. Formally, they stood on opposite sides of the barricades - one “broke” the defense systems, the other designed them. But how was it really?
It is very likely that the answer to the question "who was behind Carderplanet?" the same as the answer to the question "who is behind the murder of Dmitry Zavgorodny?"

Seven years later
Today Dmitry Golubov is the head of the "fake" political party "Internet Party of Ukraine", registered by the Ministry of Justice on March 26, 2010. Among the well-known members of the party is the well-known Kiev lawyer Pyotr Boyko. From time to time Golubov's "party" pops up in the "dance" of this or that political force, and if there are no third-party orders, it holds actions for the purpose of self-promotion. Officially, the registration of the Internet Party of Ukraine was canceled by the Ministry of Justice in February 2013: the organization did not fulfill the requirements of the law on the creation of regional cells.
What does not prevent Dmitry Golubov from ranting: "I have always defended and will defend my position - the Verkhovna Rada is obliged to adopt a law that would allow the special services to destroy sites that pose a direct threat to national security, financial well-being, harm the honor and dignity of our country." But today Dmitry Golubov is an ambitious nobody.
Since the scandal with Carderplanet, Verkhovna Rada deputy Volodymyr Makeyenko has already visited three parties (Socialist - SPU, Our Ukraine, Party of Regions - since 2006), and now heads the Regulations Committee of the Verkhovna Rada, being a member of the PR faction.
Ex-deputy Vladimir Demekhin in 2006 - 2010 headed the Kherson regional council. From 16.06.2010 - Head of the State Export Control Service of Ukraine. Member of the Party of Regions since 2005 and is considered one of the richest people in the Kherson region.
Oleg Braginsky worked in the Ukrainian subsidiary of the Russian Alfa Bank from 2000 to June 2012. Today he is vice president of PJSC Alfa-Bank (Russia, Moscow). And only upon his return to Moscow, his first photographs appeared on the Web.
During this time, the leadership of the SBU and the Ministry of Internal Affairs changed many times. But this did not bring the solution to the mystery of Carderplanet and the murder of D. Zavgorodny.

Additional Information:

Draw your own conclusions. I'm tired of writing, to be honest. Thanks for attention :)