4 years and 7 months of imprisonment with a fine for another "telephone" fraud


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The Prosecutor's Office of the Central District of Minsk supported in court the state prosecution in the criminal case against a 22-year-old local resident, who was charged with fraud on a particularly large scale as part of an organized group.

During the judicial investigation, it was established that the accused acted as part of a criminal community, whose members made calls to mobile and landline phones of residents of the Republic of Belarus.

In particular, during telephone conversations, they persuaded citizens to transfer property and money under fictitious pretexts: for example, to transfer hygiene items to medical institutions for injured relatives, as well as money for a person who allegedly suffered as a result of an accident. This approach should have ensured that their relative or acquaintance was not held criminally liable.

So, the accused took possession of the victim's money in the amount of 15 thousand US dollars, as well as things that do not represent material value for him.

During the court session, the girl admitted her guilt in full.

It is noteworthy that in January 2023, she was already convicted of such actions.

Taking into account the evidence presented by the State prosecutor, the Tsentralny District Court of Minsk issued a guilty verdict. On the basis of Part 4 of Article 209 of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Belarus, the accused was sentenced to imprisonment for a term of 4 years and 7 months in a correctional colony under general regime conditions with a fine of 300 basic units (12 thousand rubles).