In this post, we will share a cloud-based Android remote control package called "L3MON". L3MON is a cloud-based Android remote control package.
$ apt install nodejs npm
$ npm install pm2 -g
$ git clone
$ cd L3MON
$ cd server
$ npm install
These are OS that have been designed specifically for hackers.
✔️ Backtrack5r3
? Link :
✔️ Kalilinux
? Link :
Course Requirements
Settings up hacking lab
What is social engineering
Gathering Information
Hack computer
Hack android
Kali Linux
Redirect your victim
In the course of work, we will use PowerShell Empire 2, so I will partially touch on the issue of installing and using it in our bundle.
How do I install PowerShell Empire 2?
If you already have this utility, then you can move on to the next chapter. This is a quick guide for beginners. First...
The essence of this hack is that the victim only needs to drop the link and no apk files are needed. Drove
What we need:
1) Kali Linux
2) Kali's built-in metasploit program
Let's start hacking:
1) Open a terminal and write a command to run metasploit -> msfconsole
2) You need to select...
This material is provided for educational purposes only and was created as part of the study of information security. The author did not publish material for malicious purposes. If someone uses the information for personal gain, then the author is not responsible for any harm or damage caused...
What is CTF?
CTF (Capture the flag) is a team game, the main goal of which is to capture the "flag" from the opponent. Capture the flag format can be used in paintball, roleplaying, and computer games. In information security, this is a term that once migrated from the terminology of shooters...
All information provided is for informational purposes only and does not call you to take actions that violate the law!
Wireless networks are used literally everywhere these days. It is fast, convenient, reliable, does not require placing many cables around the house and gives freedom of...
More and more often I come across queries on the topic: Where to start in hacking? How do you become a hacker? How to hack a game / crypto exchange?
Now I will try to answer this question for you.
So where to start in "hacking"
Get rid of the word "hacking" from your vocabulary. There is...
Provides 50 virtual environments and more than two hundred challenges, allowing you to use your skills to the fullest. Is one of the best sites on this list.
Website -
On this site, in addition to installing protection on your servers, you can simultaneously...
I have a big plan that will blow your minds. A complete good secure and new way of earning.
Our monthly estimated earning is $8000 USD. I Need 10 Partners And Our Earning Will Be Around $20000 USD Per Month Or More Than That.
Contact me via telegram: @iamrkxyz
For this tutorial, we will use a utility developed by wireless security expert Joshua Wright called cowpatty (usually coWPAtty). This app simplifies and accelerates WPA2 hybrid / dictionary attack. So let's get to work!
Step 1: Find Cowpatty
Cowpatty is one of hundreds of useful utilities...
Tangalanga is a Zoom meeting cracking tool. This scanner finds random meeting IDs and checks if they are available. After that, you can insidiously interfere with the broadcast.
The utility has a built-in tor runtime and therefore will hide your ip.
If u have interesting website, and want to look sources or get some info from him - read more.
We can get access to website.
But: not ru, su, ua and likes countries.
Only usa, eu and likes.
Re-contact please who need to hack web-sites.
Some man have contacted me 100500 times and i...
Part l
Offline Hacking is hacking, which will done without any network connection, so you can hack for example physically devices.
In this series of offline hacking. I will guide you what will happen if you lost your computer in a train with unknown password for hacker, and...
The secret of business is knowing what others don't know. Aristotle Onassis
Moral: if you do what everyone else does , you will earn the same amount as everyone else. But if you think for yourself, look for solutions, think-you will earn as much as a few earn. In the world, 5% of the population...
Many people believe that a hacker is a computer hacker, but this is a misconception. That's why, before you learn this profession, I recommend that you understand what a hacker is.
For some people, work is a way of life. This kind of makings are most often laid down in childhood. This is...
Hello to everyone, dear friends!
Read one of the applications from a person who wants to enroll in hacking academy.
Unfortunately, this is a practical standard answer to the question we ask those who want to get into training.
We hope that you yourself have already seen what the...