
  1. Carding

    Awesome hacking. Info Gathering. Port Scanning. Password Cracking. Wireless.

    Info Gathering: • ATSCAN ( • Bluto ( • Bundler-audit ( • Cloudflare_enum ( • Commando-vm...
  2. Carding

    Awesome hacking. Post Exploitation.

    Post Exploitation: • 3snake ( • Apfell ( • Backdoorme ( • CatTails ( • Cloudy-kraken...
  3. Carding

    Brute force

    Brute force is a method of hacking accounts by guessing passwords for them. The term is derived from the English phrase, which means "brute force". The essence of the approach lies in sequential automated enumeration of all possible combinations of characters in order to find the correct one...
  4. Carding

    Hacking programs

    Hacking programs - searching for and using vulnerabilities in software, including with the aim of penetrating the computer system of any organization. The goals are varied: from simple curiosity to the desire to cash in. By breaking into software, an attacker can write an exploit that will be...
  5. Carding

    Hacking and infecting ATMs

    Hacking and infecting an ATM is a desirable target for cyber fraudsters, as it allows them to gain access to the money stored in it. At the same time, attackers can act both remotely and in contact with an ATM. Also, the device can become the starting point for hacking the entire infrastructure...
  6. Carding

    Hacking Method

    Jacking Method (HARDEST) Method: Phishing This option is much more difficult than the rest, but it is also the most common method to hack someone's account. The most popular type of phishing involves creating a fake login page. The page can be sent via email to your victim and will look exactly...
  7. Carding

    Hacking Calling Cards

    Pyromania Publishing Article #0006 --------------------------------------- Title| Hacking Calling Cards By | THE PYROMANIAC Date | September 23, 1987 Call | the Pyromania BBS! 3o1-xxx-xxxx Note | Sorry about 40 columns but I | prefer the larger characters...
  8. Carding

    Hacking CBI Accounts

    ******************************************************************************* * // HACKING CBI ACCOUNTS // * * * * BY...
  9. Carding

    Hacking TRW

    hacking trw trw information services is america's largest credit reporting institute, containing the credit histories of over 90 million americans on-line(humm..)! when you call trw, the dial up will identify itself with the message "trw". it will then wait for you to type the appropoate...
  10. Carding Forum


    Since its birth in 1998, eBay owned company PayPal ( has become a hugely popular internet banking company, as the brand-new idea of sending money to anyone in the world through Email has won hearts of millions of internet users worldwide, the number of members of PayPal has been...
  11. Friend

    Free experimental technical journal - Paged Out!

    It is a free experimental technical journal about programming, hacking, security breaches, retro computers, modern computers, electronics, demoscene and other similar topics. Paged Out! #1 Download: Paged Out! #2...
  12. D

    custom web, software, hacking, hardware, and MORE

    LIMITED TIME ONLY!!! 75% off or buy one get one free, for the next serious buyer. i have 2 open projects left so any new customers are welcome or i can put you on a list!! Friends, I'm a verified vendor on many other forms, public and private, and that is my goal here. don't worry, no...
  13. A

    The absolute basics of hacking

    The Absolute Basics of Hacking A writeup by Alkatron Intro Hello and welcome to this tutorial. If you see all the text on this page, and are afraid, you're not meant to be a hacker, quit now. Also, please know now that unlike in the movies, not everything is hackable. I will be writing about...
  14. K

    If you can hack email or facebook, Hit Me Please, I pay with LR

    Hello, I need someone to hack emails and facebook. I have many emails and many facebook to hack. I pay with Liberty Reserve USD. I accept to deal only using ESCROW. PM me your price. Thanks
  15. K

    Hack Facebook - I will pay

    Hello, I need someone to hack one facebook account. I have the email and the birthdate of the account owner. Please PM your price. I will pay with Liberty Reserve. Only serious people pls. Thanks