
  1. Tomcat

    Hide DNS

    Some people have problems with DNS. I also had it on Windows 7. When connecting to a VPN, the dns remained the same, but the ip changed. I googled and read articles, but everywhere it is written that you need to specify google dns or register a stub (after it was registered, the...
  2. Teacher

    DNS over I2P - true privacy of DNS queries

    Today it is difficult to surprise someone with the terms DoH (DNS over HTTPS), DoT (DNS over TLS) and other crypto-gadgets for DNS. If someone just jumped on a train and doesn't understand what this is about, DNS (Domain Name System) is a domain name system that each of us uses hundreds and...
  3. Teacher

    TOP 8 Secure DNS Servers

    DNS servers can be used for more than just translating domain names into IP addresses. They are often used to filter sites by lists, to counteract malicious sites, and sometimes to circumvent certain restrictions. Below we will explain what secure DNS servers are and what functionality they...
  4. CarderPlanet

    Using public DNS servers

    What settings do I need to configure on Keenetic so that Internet domain name addresses are determined not through the DNS servers provided by the provider, but through publicly available public DNS servers? On the Internet, access to nodes can be carried out by their addresses (for example...
  5. CarderPlanet

    VPN vs Proxy vs Smart DNS: What's the Difference?

    Protecting anonymity on the Internet and bypassing regional restrictions on content is one of the most frequently asked questions, which is becoming more accessible and no less dangerous. There are a number of services that will help hide your identity and access blocked content in the region -...
  6. CarderPlanet

    DNS spoofing of a router

    This article is written for educational purposes only. All Salaam. I wrote an article about spoofing a DNS router, stealing passwords and substituting my own ads, but the whole thing turned out to be too cumbersome. And I decided to divide it into 3 parts. Or maybe there will be a fourth part...
  7. CarderPlanet

    DNSMASQ or DNS spoofing for adults

    Hello everyone! Today we will analyze an interesting type of hacking, in which attackers are able to replace the original site with their own fake. That is, when entering, for example, vk.com, the victim will not go to the original site, but to our fake. Intrigued? Go! We will check all this by...
  8. 0

    DNS question

    So, I have ExpressVPN turned on and when I go to whoer.net , it says I have a DNS leak, but when I go to the ExpressVPN DNS checker it says I am protected. In both scenarios it is not my real IP adress that is displayed, nor is it my real internet provider. Am I good to go? Any ideas what should...
  9. Hacker

    Deep in-DoH. We figure out how DNS over HTTPS works and who (not) benefits from its implementation.

    The content of the article Wobbly DNS Clamp Encryption options DoH odim to the point Insidious villains and conspiracy theories conclusions Wobbly DNS Clamp For order and consistency of presentation, we briefly recall the basic concepts. The Domain Name System (DNS) is one of the technologies...
  10. Hacker

    Hardware CTF. An easy way to find out the encryption key when you have an oscilloscope and laptop at hand.

    The content of the article Modern iron The essence of the attack Preparing the board We write the firmware Why an oscilloscope needs Ethernet Putting it all together Preprocessing Who is Julia Summing up Additional materials P.S Modern iron First of all, it was decided to choose more relevant...
  11. Hacker

    DNS over HTTPS Firefox

    DNS over HTTPS is a relatively new technology that is designed to improve the privacy, security, and reliability of DNS connections. Domain name systems (DNS) play a very important role - they allow you to match addresses entered in the address bar with corresponding IP addresses. DNS lookups...
  12. Mutt


    Note: all & character means you can use either the first or second address. Quad9 & OpenDNS Home & Cloudflare & CleanBrowsing & Verisign & Alternate DNS
  13. Mutt

    Что такое атака с усилением DNS

    Содержание статьи Что такое атака с усилением DNS Описание атаки Метод смягчения Что такое атака с усилением DNS Амплификация DNS - это распределенная атака типа «отказ в обслуживании» (DDoS), при которой злоумышленник использует уязвимости в серверах системы доменных имен (DNS), чтобы...
  14. Father

    Как хакеры используют DNS-туннелирование, чтобы владеть вашей сетью

    DNS-туннелирование У большинства организаций есть брандмауэр, который действует как фильтр между их чувствительными внутренними сетями и угрожающим глобальным Интернетом. DNS-туннелирование существует уже давно. Но это по-прежнему дорого обходится компаниям, и хакеры тратят больше времени и...
  15. Father

    Как хакеры подделывают DNS-запросы с помощью отравления DNS-кеша

    Спуфинг сервера доменных имен (DNS) - это кибератака, которая заставляет ваш компьютер думать, что он переходит на правильный веб-сайт, но это не так. Злоумышленники используют отравление кеша DNS для перехвата интернет-трафика и кражи учетных данных или личных данных пользователей. Отравление...
  16. Hacker

    DNSCrypt - DNS traffic encryption for paranoid people.

    Using VPN, TOR or even Tails, you think your anonymity is protected. Unfortunately, this is not the case. There is one very important channel for leaking your private information - the DNS service. But fortunately, a solution has been invented for this too. Today I will show you how to...
  17. Jollier

    Лучшие бесплатные и общедоступные DNS-серверы в 2021 году

    Ускорьте и защитите свой просмотр с помощью лучших служб DNS. Лучшие бесплатные и общедоступные DNS-серверы предлагают альтернативный способ безопасного подключения к сети. Нажмите на ссылки ниже, чтобы перейти на сайт провайдера: 1. Cloudflare 2. Google Public DNS 3. Quad9 4. OpenDNS 5. Comodo...
  18. Carder

    How to enable DNS-over-HTTPS in Google Chrome. Use a secure DNS server.

    How to enable DNS-over-HTTPS (DoH) support in Google Chrome using the Use secure DNS server feature. DNS over HTTPS protects requests to the DNS server using encryption and transmission over a secure channel. Users of Google Chrome (version 83 and higher) can enable support for the secure...
  19. Carder

    About exfiltering data through DNS

    Two-thirds of information leaks are not due to malice. Otherwise, these are intentional actions of cybercriminals, employees of the organization or its contractors. If we have a blind execution of a command on a server where all outgoing connections are blocked, except for DNS, a bash script...
  20. Setting up DNS on PC. Proxifier + System Settings.

    Setting up DNS on PC. Proxifier + System Settings.
