Search results

  1. A

    Admin Logins on Big Forums

    Forum5-60,886 - USA = 300$
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    Coz the bastard ripped the Zeus source, he cant even code from scratch i am sure he used public vb6 code for grabbing new ff and chrome forms
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    70% Cashout Method to LR

    KORRUPT is definitely from hackforums, coz his way of talk is sooo noobish :) converts 1LR every minute ? then do it yourself
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    Moneybookers problem

    PM me the BIN, may be if we get same problem, we could conclude if the bin is locked
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    FREE FULLZ (plz add in this topic only)

    I bet you cant find a working one :)
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    Money transfer service (banks,creditcards,paypal,checks)

    can you do paypal transfer ?
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    Cashing out Moneybookers CC payment?

    i have exchangers who exchange Moneybookers to LR contact me on ICQ 646856075
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    Buying Vccs! Any amount. $$

    have 400$ CC now contact on icq 646856075
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    Questions about Achiever Cards

    40% successrate, pm me if you want to buy the method
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    Drokz is ripper

    Got scammed too for 20$ tho :P
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    UK PayPal Fullz

    scammer, beware paid for a fullz and he went offline
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    Seriously in need of Canadian Logz supplier..

    i can setup a botnet for you @ a cheaper price and help you spread and you take what you want
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    Sell 12 Month Xbox Live Gold Membership (World Wide)

    rush42000, you have a deal contact me on icq @ 646856075
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    Angle / 646856075

    My account is hacked, i am not the one who received the LR, to resolve this i am refunding him
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    Selling Paypal BML

    your icq plz
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    Angle / 646856075

    Nial gimme just 1 week and i'll fix everything and send your lr back, sorry for the inconvenience i am on a holiday right now so plz when i get back i will send you the lr you got scammed for and this is for sure pm me ur lr plz
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    Selling BMLs and 1 Dell Account

    interested in buying BML's contact me
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    Angle / 646856075

    my ICQ is 618718310, and not this and my LR is U9212877 close my account, coz i came to a conclusion that my account on is hacked too, as my other email accounts and ICQ were hacked a week ago
  19. A

    The only *LEGIT* Citadel botnet bin seller on this forum !!

    interested, add me on icq and you accept escrow ?