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    Who Can Cash Unlocked Dumps in USA!!!!

    What amount u can do to USA bank drops?
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    USA bank drop is needed

    Have BOA and Chase BOTH!!! What amount can u do?
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    Canadian Job Offer [BIG MONEY]

    Send me a visitor msg with ur ICQ or Jabber. I can do this job for u.
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    ship sunglasses worldwide!

    Check ur visitor's msg pls.
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    forensic at the rate of

    forensic at the rate of
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    ship sunglasses worldwide!

    U can send me a Visitor message instead with ur jabber or ICQ.
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    ship sunglasses worldwide!

    I'm also a buyer too if ur website has all kinda LV shades. Have LR ready, PM with ur ICQ or Jabber.
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    Pls provide me ur Jabber or ICQ, I need to purchase LV sunglasses. Have LR READY!!!

    Pls provide me ur Jabber or ICQ, I need to purchase LV sunglasses. Have LR READY!!!
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    bhkmagreb ripped me 5K USD

    I'm not spamming but Ninja is not even serious about any of my threads and thats making me impatient and angry not at Ninja but because he has not given time to these 2 threads which are mine..
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    lordofca$h Ripped me 5.5K USD

    I'm ok with my business, It's just these damn people need to get what they deserve that's all. If they don't get it, That makes me pissed. They will ripp off more people by saying "This guy is an asshole and bla bla" Make up shit like that and then do biz with some other people and ripp more...
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    lordofca$h Ripped me 5.5K USD

    NO proof given by this bastard. Pls assign him ripper's status too. Thanks.
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    bhkmagreb ripped me 5K USD

    Are u never gonna take this seriously and let this person allow ripping more people? Whats wrong with u Ninja honestly? Ur not giving any interest in this post when everything is proven here, Yet u go to other posts and assign ripper status. WHY ARE YOU NOT ASSIGNING this bhkmagreb fuck ripper's...
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    bhkmagreb ripped me 5K USD

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    bhkmagreb ripped me 5K USD

    Ninja please FOR GODSAKE, Give him ripper status. Why are u not taking any action against this ripper AT ALL????
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    bhkmagreb ripped me 5K USD

    I'm REQUESTING u again Ninja to pls assign him ripper status. ALL proofs and everything is there, I simply do not understand why are you letting him be here? Last Activity: Today 05:06 PM Current Activity: Viewing Thread PLASTICS * IDS * SUPPLIES -= Best Service with Great Communication=- He...
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    bhkmagreb ripped me 5K USD

    bhkmagreb bhkmagreb is offline UNRESOLVED PROBLEMS Send Message User Lists Last Activity: Today 07:00 PM He was online even on forum today, I don't know what are you waiting for Ninja? This blacklist has been open for like 15 days and the guy is not paying me. Pls kindly assign him ripper...
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    bhkmagreb ripped me 5K USD

    Ninja he is not paying me at all, Not responding to any of my messages. 48hrs, Then 2 weeks, And now nothing. So pls assign him ripper status.
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    wellsfargo +chase + usbank Drops..

    He ripped me and hasnt paid me back for 2 weeks now and now he has stopped responding. He will get the ripper status soon. This athiest is pretending to be a muslim.
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    bhkmagreb ripped me 5K USD

    Update!!! [email protected]/5dba8e5cb1030b41: Ok good. So tomorrow u will be sending the money 100%? (7:15:44 PM) [email protected]: I will send you money 100% tommorow (7:15:57 PM) [email protected]/5dba8e5cb1030b41: Ok np. Pls assign him ripper status Ninja already, He is just...