Search results

  1. D

    big swipes

    This guy is a ripper, Who ripped me recently on 37K which was MY SHARE. He is no more reliable this nigerian fuck.
  2. D

    Looking for malaysia bank drop RM

    I can provide u drop in KL..What amount can u do?
  3. D

    Need USA cashiers ASAP!!!

    BTW! I can provide u USA bank drops, If ur interested in that, Send me a Visitor msg with ur ICQ or Jabber.
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    Send me ur Jabber or ICQ. I can provide u the bank drops.

    Send me ur Jabber or ICQ. I can provide u the bank drops.
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    PM with ur ICQ or Jabber. Sent a visitor msg infact.
  6. D

    Looking for Bank Transfers Cashout USA

    Send me a visitor msg with ur ICQ or Jabber.
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    Canadian Job Offer [BIG MONEY]

    Well their is no BL of me on the forum, It's just some old shit which I didn't do, If ur interested then I CAN DO this, If not then suit yourself.
  8. D

    Looking for IRS partners

    Last year, Tax refunding gotten tough, U cannot do it to prepaid accounts anymore, ONLY bank accounts. I can't do the process but I can definitely supply bank drops if needed.
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    Need US bank drop

    For what amount?
  10. D

    bhkmagreb ripped me 5K USD

    Ninja for GODSAKE give him the ripper status!!!!!!!!!
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    bhkmagreb ripped me 5K USD

    UP!!! Again requesting Ninja to assign this Nigerian ripper the status he deserves.
  12. D

    Go report fucking moron, Clone. Ur RanKer 100%, Rippers always deny the fact that they aren't :)...

    Go report fucking moron, Clone. Ur RanKer 100%, Rippers always deny the fact that they aren't :) U needed a new name for ur dell shit and u want to ripp as well from that. Soon u will be offering d+p cashout in fucking jordan ;)
  13. D

    Go fuck yourself. I already know ur fucking RanKer bitch who ripped me 2K so please spare me...

    Go fuck yourself. I already know ur fucking RanKer bitch who ripped me 2K so please spare me with this bullshit. Make other people fool with ur crap ripping offers. Fucking begger!
  14. D

    Canadian Job Offer [BIG MONEY]

    I already told you to contact me. Irrelative of my status, I can do this job for you. If u do some research you'd know why this is my status. But anyways if ur interested contact me. If not suit yourself.
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    FranK = RanKer = RanK..I told in his thread cuz dell links him. He ripped me 2k USD and I gotten him ripper status on another forum. But as always nobody will listen to so called "clone" of a ripper who is being ripped over and over again by these morons.
  16. D

    bhkmagreb ripped me 5K USD

    I'd be happy Ninja if you assign him ripper status. He's pissing me off on jabber alot. Seeing him coming online everyday and not getting the status. Please serve the justice.
  17. D

    Usa/Canada bank drops needed

    What amount can you do to USA bank drops?
  18. D

    Who Can Cash Unlocked Dumps in USA!!!!

    PM with ur ICQ or Jabber or send me a visitor msg. I can provide u biz drops for big amounts.
  19. D

    zbox [email protected] $2400

    He was a clear ripper, I posted in his thread about details of hotel booking, amount was something else and he was telling me more. Nobody at that time noticed. Well now all you can see another guy did his ripping and going away from the forum.
  20. D

    bhkmagreb ripped me 5K USD

    I waited more then a week Ninja, Pls assign him ripper status already.