Your first carding


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My opinion on this matter will be simple, in the style of Captain Obvious.

Your first carding should be successful.
One of the most important things in any business is a successful start, which gives you a huge surge of motivation. And here it doesn’t matter what you entered, if the amount pleases the eye, for example, 400-1000 dollars.

Such achievements make you understand that yes, you can work on the topic. And most importantly, you are drowning the “how to stop learning” worm. You made the first drive, the technology has been mastered, the money was well spent .

It seems so simple, right?​

Make carding clothes for 400-1000 bucks, take the pack to yourself, rejoice. But no, nothing like that. The psychology of some individuals works differently.

No clothes, I want to carding iPhones and liquids!
What do you mean, hitting things? So I’ll have to save for a Lamba for ten whole years!!!
That shop that you threw off is not very good, I need Gucci for 2000 thousand greenbacks!
I want to be stingy, I don’t understand why I should sell the iPhone XV for 40-50%??? This is robbery!!!
And stuff like that.

During training, I say a million times that “guys, don’t get into liquidity right away, the chance of failure is great, start small, and then get into this whole crazy path.”

You start small, then you come to great things.

And not the other way around, you start with something great, and then get the fuck out of the topic because “carding doesn’t work .”

The higher the level of difficulty, the greater the costs, and the greater the chances of failure. It would seem that everyone already understands this, but no.

I think it's all about greed and mentality. And with the first one there are no questions; everyone understands this native feeling of greed.

Regarding mentality, I think that we, ordinary Russian people, always want to grab more, and if there is an opportunity, then we need to realize it. Whether it will work out or not, who knows, but you have to grab it. And then you start to spit and throw away things from Gucci, and look towards expensive laptops and phones.

Believe it or not, when I relax in some luxury hotel in Turkey, I often have a desire to steal some fucking robe or blanket from there .

Do I have the money to buy this robe? Yes.

Do you want to steal a robe for free? Yes.

Can I do something about this? No. True, in the end I always restrain myself, but the desire is simply wild.

So what am I talking about?

It is better to start successfully and gradually gain momentum.

Each new level is taken gradually, accordingly, you feel your development, and if something happens, it doesn’t hurt to fall, if suddenly something happens in the spirit of “iPhones don’t break according to the 5k scheme.” The main thing is not to crap yourself from the very beginning.

Remember this and everything will be fine.


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Carding method for beginners - By driving in illiquid goods:
1. Install Anti-Detect browser and proxy.
2. We find a buyer (drop service) in the USA or Europe.
3. Let’s get acquainted with the sheet for purchasing illiquid goods (each buyer has his own sheet)
4. We take the drop address from the buyer to whom we will order goods. Many buyers have a special website for carders for easy interaction with stuffers.
5. We find new cardable stores (not popular, with a low number of customers) that sell illiquid goods. Usually they have weak anti-fraud protection and they easily send packs using the “billing = drop” method.
6. Buy a live Non-VBV card.
7. Warm up your account, make a purchase for $500-700. We indicate the recipient's address given by the buyer. Recipient's name - cardholder.
Sometimes you may need to call the store to clarify order details. We inform the buyer that a call to the store is necessary. Buyers usually do this for free.
8. We are waiting for delivery and receipt of goods by the buyer’s drop.
9. We receive a payment in cryptocurrency of 50-70% of the cost of the goods. Usually by "Delivered" status.
10. We repeat the procedure for purchasing this or another product by agreement with the buyer. If the card is live, then we order for the same drop. If the card is blocked, register another account and indicate the address of another drop.

P.S. Illiquid goods are slow-moving goods that the store cannot sell for a long time. These are not defective or expired products. It sits in storefronts or warehouses for various reasons: fashion has changed, seasonal demand has decreased, more profitable offers have appeared, promotion has turned out to be ineffective.
Typically, stores place orders for non-liquid goods without problems, even if the carder system setup gives leaks.