Working with Enroll


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Hello everyone am new to the forum,please i need help.
so i read articles about enroll card i don't really understand, i also see some seller selling them What does this mean:
Instant minikis, Alerts OFF, APP, ezcard
And how to use NFC
And if i use it in shopping will i need to confirm text
Also how can i use the balance without shopping, just transfer it.
Also what are the other ways of using enroll.

What is the benefit of enroll over normal card.

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Hello. It's very nice when new guys appear on the forum. I will try to answer all your questions. I hope the information will be useful and useful to you for successful work.

Instant minikis
Minikis mean micro-deposits.
This is a small amount, usually in 2 payments (usually it is less than a dollar), which must be specified in the account in order to add (link) your bank account to the account in the payment system.
This is required to verify your bank account.
For example, when you add a bank account to PayPal, it sends 2 micro-deposits, which can be seen in your bank account. You must specify the exact amount for the bank account to be added.
If you do not have access to a bank account, then micro-deposits can be found on third-party services.
In addition to Paypal, this verification system is used by other payment systems and services. This is an essential feature for successful work.

Alerts OFF
Alerts OFF this means turning off all alerts and notifications in your email, billing account, or bank account. This must be done so that the cardholder does not receive a message that his payment or contact information has been changed.
When you disable this option, the service stops sending these notifications - alerts.
If you have access to the cardholder's e-mail, then you should also delete all messages from stores and payment systems so that the cardholder does not notice the fact of the purchase on his card and does not suspect anything.

APP - this is any mobile application of a payment system, service, exchange, store or bank.
If they provide for orders and payment through a mobile application, then it is best to install it on your phone and carry out orders and payment for goods through it, and not through the official website. Since working through a mobile application causes more success in carding.

EzCard is an Electronic Gift Certificate company that allows consumers and businesses to send gift certificates securely over the Internet. or
This value also applies to the designation of a virtual card or any digital card.

And how to use NFC
Recently, one can increasingly hear the mention of a certain NFC technology in the context of electronic payments via a smartphone. Many people use it without knowing either the name or the principle of operation. There are a lot of rumors around NFC that affect the security of personal data, money, and sometimes health. It is to explain such issues that this article was written.

NFC in the phone - what it is, how it works and where it is applied
The decoding of the abbreviation NFC literally as "Near Field Communication" or "Near Contactless Communication". From the name, one can immediately conclude about one of the main features of NFC - data transmission is carried out at a very close distance, up to 10 cm. Of course, nothing prevents the exchange of information at a distance of several centimeters via Bluetooth or Wi-Fi, but here it is worth understanding the details.
The principle of operation of NFC is based on the phenomenon of magnetic field induction, through which a short-range high-frequency data transmission between two devices at a frequency of 13.56 MHz is realized.
One of the reasons this technology exists is the need for security. It is logical that it is physically difficult to "hack" a contact occurring in a small area, unlike other wireless connections. But what is such a technology for if it cannot be used to communicate with a device even ten meters away? It's simple: NFC has a completely different focus. From the obvious - contactless payment by bringing the smartphone to the terminal. But this is far from the only area in which NFC can be used.

Examples of using the NFC chip:
Transfer media files, contacts or settings between smartphones.
Cashless payment. Perhaps the most popular use of the system, which is widely used in Russia as well. There are also various options: paying for travel, providing personal data by touch, etc.
Reading information. NFC tags in smart cards and other objects allow you to instantly enter information into a smartphone, for example, from a business card. NFC chips are small enough to be embedded in almost any object.
Some Sony TVs have One Touch Mirroring, which allows you to display video from your phone's memory on the TV screen.
Access control to various services or objects, where a device with an NFC chip is used instead of a key.
The first phone equipped with NFC appeared back in 2006 (Nokia 6131), but such devices became widespread only in recent years, and now NFC can be found not only in flagships, but also in models of the middle price segment, and even budget smartphones.

Benefits of NFC
Instant connection establishment. NFC makes it possible for devices to connect without additional manipulations, entering settings and other things, just bring two gadgets with NFC chips to each other.
Safety. As already mentioned, the short range makes the hacking process much more difficult, but this does not mean that NFC has no other means of protection. In addition, having lost a bank card, the risk of losing money on it is much higher than in case of losing a phone, where funds are protected not only by a password, but also by the need to confirm access to the gadget itself.
Ease of use. You can add several bank cards to the smartphone's memory at once and pay with them from one device, in addition, NFC works not only with bank cards, but also with transport and discount cards.

Which devices have NFC support
Most modern smartphones have support for this technology, but old or completely budget solutions may be deprived of it. Some manufacturers put the name of the technology on the surface of the device case, but there is also a more effective way to check if your smartphone has it:
Open the device settings menu.
Go to "Wireless & networks" or "Connected devices".
Open More.
Find NFC.
And of course, you can always just google the name of your smartphone by adding NFC next to it, and everything will become clear.

How to pay with your phone
The most popular way to use NFC is going to be card emulation. With the help of emulation, you can create a virtual duplicate of the card and pay from the phone, like with MasterCard PayPass or Visa Paywave cards, which are simply applied to the terminal to write off funds.
Smartphones with an NFC chip running on Android OS make contactless payments using the Android Pay application, which can be downloaded from the Play Market at the following link. Samsung phones work with the proprietary Samsung Pay application, which is usually preinstalled in the operating system out of the box. The principle of operation of both applications is completely identical.
A user who has never used a password, gesture or fingerprint unlocking device will be forced to establish secure access to the device by launching Android Pay for the first time. This is a prerequisite for using contactless payments.

How to use Android Pay:
At the first launch, the application will ask you to bind the card, for which you will need to point the phone's camera at the card so that the device reads the necessary data, or enter them manually.
Next, the bank will send a message with an activation code to the specified number. By entering this code, you will be able to use Android Pay to pay.
When paying, you need to take your smartphone out of standby mode and lean it back against the terminal with its back cover; you do not need to turn on the mobile Internet. You will see payment confirmation almost instantly.
If you have connected more than one card, then you should first select the one that will be used for payment, if it is not installed by default. Transactions are confirmed at the moment the smartphone is unlocked using a code, pattern or fingerprint scanner. Payments over a some money in your country, at the request of the seller, may need to be confirmed by entering the PIN code from the bank card in the terminal or by signing.
For quick access to NFC, pin the activation icon for this function in the notification curtain, so as not to look for it in the jungle of settings every time you need to pay.
How to pay with a smartphone on the subway or bus? This is done in the same way: launch Android Pay, confirm authorization and pay for the trip by touching the turnstile with your smartphone. In the same way, you can pay for entrance to museums, exhibitions and similar places, without having to stand in line for a ticket.

Data and file exchange via NFC
To transfer files from smartphone to smartphone via NFC, the auxiliary technology Android Beam (or Samsung Beam on devices from the same manufacturer) is used.

Let's see how to send files via NFC:
Go to Settings > Wireless & networks and find the NFC menu.
Check the checkbox "Allow data exchange when pairing the phone with another device".
If Android Beam was not turned on when NFC was activated, then turn it on manually.
Run the file you want to upload.
Lean the back panels of the two devices against each other.
Wait for the window to appear prompting you to send the file and confirm its transfer.
Similarly, you can transfer other information, for example, a contact list, which makes life much easier when switching from an old smartphone to a new one.

Since most smartphones have long been equipped with an NFC module, today the basis for a change in the electronic payment system is being formed. And despite the rather high popularity of NFC as a payment method, the demand for this technology (relative to its potential) is very low. In the future, NFC may become an integral part of our life, as smartphones themselves once became, since paying with a phone is really convenient.
We simply add the data of the required card to a phone that supports this technology and can use it for further purchases in stores in real life (not on the Internet)

And if i use it in shopping will i need to confirm text
You do not need to confirm the text.
Large purchases require confirmation of the transaction PIN.
Each country has its own checksum by which you can buy goods without confirmation of purchase.
You can find out this amount in the banks of your country or on the Internet forums.
You can make several payments up to this amount so that you do not have to confirm your PIN.
Also in large supermarkets you can make large purchases for any amount without PIN-code being damaged, which is very convenient and just wonderful.

Also how can i use the balance without shopping, just transfer it.
You can buy an account with a balance (for example, any payment system, service or bank) or get it from the logs. Then you need to go to this account and select the "Make money transfer" tab. It is necessary to fill in the details of the payee.
You can get your drop account details from a reliable cash out service. Then send money to his details.
When he receives your transfer, he will take his % for the work, and pay the rest of the money to your crypto wallet.

Also what are the other ways of using enroll.
Enroll is used and intended for the following purposes:
- to make purchases in the online store
- transfer of funds to another account
- replenishment of the account from other payment systems, banks and cards
- receiving various benefits and payments
You can find many uses for Enroll, consider that this is a full-fledged bank account in your hands.
You can make a ready-made enroll based on fullz data.
Or buy a ready-made enroll with a balance from trusted sellers.

What is the benefit of enroll over normal card.
By creating an enroll you get access to the cardholder's bank account. Log into this account, you can change the billing information of the account owner.
Carders are most often used by enroll for the method of ordering goods in online stores, that is, a method called billing = shipping.
Having entered the account, the carders change the cardholder address to the drop address. After that, it waits for several days, after which they successfully pass the AVS check when ordering goods in online stores, that is, the billing = drop method is obtained, when the system verifies the data, it makes sure that billing = shipping (that is how we changed the address to our own drop) and successfully dispatches the goods.
When using a regular card when working with the billing = drop method, the payment may not go through, since the addresses are different.
But this works only in some stores in the USA and Europe, so enroll is not needed for these purposes and it is quite possible to do without it.

Please ask any questions, we will always try to adequately answer and advise. We are very pleased to do this. We must help each other.


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Thanks for this.
And again what is:
Приложение, Card Controls and Travel Notification
You can buy an account with a balance (for example, any payment system, service or bank) or get it from the logs. Then you need to go to this account and select the "Make money transfer" tab. It is necessary to fill in the details of the payee.
You can get your drop account details from a reliable cash out service. Then send money to his details.
When he receives your transfer, he will take his % for the work, and pay the rest of the money to your crypto wallet.
So i can send money to a drop from the enroll account?
what best linking it to paypal, VCC or sending money to drop from the enroll account because i don't intended to use it in shopping

Am sorry i ask foolish questions, just trying to get profit !!


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It's just a Russian word mean "mobile application" ("mobile app") - software designed to work on smartphones, tablets and other mobile devices, developed for a specific platform (iOS, Android, Windows Phone, etc.).
Every bank, payment system and store can have a mobile application. It must be installed on a mobile phone.

Card Controls
Card Control is a feature in mobile banking app or card service site that makes controlling your credit and debit cards as easy as picking up your smartphone or site account. With Card Control, you can: Turn your card on and off.
Card Controls is a mobile banking feature that lets you control how, when, and where your debit card is used. You can Enable/Disable a debit card for use, restrict card usage to specific types of merchants and/or transaction types, set transaction limits and restrict card use to specific geographical regions.

What is card controls?
Card Controls is a free service which allows you complete versatility and control over your debit card transactions. Turn your card ON or OFF, block certain types of merchants, certain types of transactions and even set a spending limits.

What is the function of control card?
A controller card can be an electronic integrated chip, an expansion card or a stand-alone device that works as a crossing point with peripheral devices. The basic purpose of the controller card is to provide additional features to the motherboard in managing all the connected internal and external devices.

Travel Notification
Setting up a travel notification when you travel abroad helps strengthen the security of your accounts and prevent fraud. Your travel notification tells us: The dates you'll be abroad. The countries you plan to visit. The cards you intend to use.

So i can send money to a drop from the enroll account?
Yes, you can do the following for this:
1. Log in to your bank account
2. Go to the "Send money transfer" tab
3. Fill in the details of the payee
4. Press the "Send money" button
Some banks may require you to enter special codes or SMS to verify the payment.
Purchase a ready-made enroll at once with all the necessary data to successfully send a money transfer, or make or purchase accounts with a balance in which you do not need to enter a confirmation code.
If you are going to purchase a ready-made enroll, then it is best to have cookies in the sets.

what best linking it to paypal, VCC or sending money to drop from the enroll account because i don't intended to use it in shopping
Yes, you can easily link any virtual card to Paypal, as well as immediately send money to cashing services, or buy cryptocurrency or replenish the linked bank account.
You yourself choose what you prefer and what you like best. There are many ways to successfully cash out Paypal.
It is best to buy Paypal accounts immediately from the balances from the logs so as not to replenish yourself.
Or you can buy or make self-registration, put up a fake product at the Ebay auction and get easy money on Paypal, after which you can successfully cash it out.


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What is Enroll?
Enroll is a feature that enables cardholder to access his card notifications/transactions and travel alerts. It can be used for example to verify micro deposits. Or just to see balance in general?


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Do you know what a carding is? No? And it should be.
Now I'll tell you for general development. I say right away that it is prosecuted, so turn on your head.
In short, carding is some kind of product that you bought ... SE ... not entirely legal. From someone else's credit card, for example.
If you have just started doing carding, then let's talk about what is happening and what you should do with all this. If you are a completely newbie, you have not made a single transaction yet, then read, delve into, learn.
A lot on all kinds of resources say that it is pointless and even dangerous, you will not earn money here, and so on. But those who are in the subject will answer you that this is not at all the case. In karding, those who are not afraid of failures survive, and I’ll tell you how to make sure that the percentage of these failures is minimal.

So let's go!
In this article I will tell you what ENROLL is and what is it eaten with?
Oh, this is one of the favorite newbies, the good old, well-proven method. (For beginners, we will call them Homs, that's it.)

Let's talk about the advantages right away:
First, it's fast money (we transfer it to another v6ivale, we get a profit).
Secondly, it saves time - no eGifts, no bill / thorns - all at once.
Thirdly, ENROLL is a steep percentage.
  • To make money like this, you need minimal skills, so it's fine for beginners too. So, what you need to be able to:
  • Have mail or register a new one.
  • Skills of working with SSH \ Socks.
  • In especially difficult cases, if there are few who have made it through, be able to break through SSN \ DOB.

Now let's estimate for the money.
One roll costs me 14 bucks. When I move the cue ball, I spend 1 more bucks, plus 9 CC bucks, plus 3 bucks breaking through. It can be cheaper if you use the old bases, then one roll will cost us only 6 bucks. But here it is important to make sure that you have the right SS.
As for punching. We break it ourselves - 3 bucks, we break it through the piercer - 6 or so will come out. The difference is twofold.

Well, now - what to do next and how to cut the dough.
We have several options for what to do with the roll. You can sell - the profit will be 100%. You can buy the product on a stingy basis - about 30% of the profit. You can choose to send. The profit is about 50%. And finally - to find a customer and work with him for a normal remuneration, usually a fairly high percentage.
In short, so. How much can you earn? It depends on you. For example, now I have about $ 700 a week from one roll, and this despite the fact that I don’t do carding in principle. And if 2,3, 4 rolls a week?
Count yourself.
Fearfully? Come on, come on. If you are afraid of everything, then it makes no sense even to start. And we started.