Why are scammers leaving reviews about RNJLOGS?


Reaction score
I will say right away I have never bought material in this store -
but I studied the reviews and it put me in big doubts and shock.

So go to his advertising link:

We see a commendation from the famous scammer from Ankara @dunkelh3it
Thank you for feedback.

We see positive feedback from
Yes, as I wrote above, I bought a bank diary for $ 600 today, and logged into the account without any problems.
I have a balance of $ 6800, waiting for the transfer to work hours.
They published a statement on telegram that their website is down due to DDOS attack and they will fix this problem as soon as possible, so you can trust it, not a scammer.
Thank you for all bro (y)

Yes, this friend is a reliable seller, I work with her from time to time and I am satisfied.
AAA + Seller ..

I also bought 2 bank diaries from this seller.
I was able to login to both accounts without any problems, but one of them was blocked during the transfer, and I was able to transfer the other without any problems.
Since the balance of the account to which I can transfer is sufficient, I did not request any refund, the seller already only guarantees entry.
Other secure forum has links
Reliable and very polite seller.

Yes, I congratulate this seller, he really gives honest and quality service.
I purchased an account with a balance of 78K and was able to log in without any problems.
I am waiting for Friday for the transfer, I will inform you again after I make the transfer.
Thank you.

I strongly recommend,
It was worth risking my $ 700.
I bought an account with 12,500 $ balance and the transfer was successful.
I'm connecting from the computer right now, I will add screenshots when I log in from the phone.

A legit and honest seller (y)
Thank you mate ..

So we continue to understand and analyze fake reviews from fakes further.
Follow the link to the next scammer on CC @Mr.Dolar:
And what do we see? Another similar deception from the same fake scammers:

The legitimate seller has paid ads and lots of positive reviews on the neighboring forum (crdclub).
It sells very high quality cards at an affordable price.
I bought 20 cards, the first 10 were live, I'll give feedback when I test the others.

This seller is honest and kind, the prices of the cards are more affordable and better quality than most stores.
I advise.

A kind seller who sells very rare boxes.
I highly recommend him.

I bought 20 UK cards and did not have any problems, they quickly replaced the dead ones.

Now we go to the advertising theme of the ripper @dunkelh3it
and what do we see?

I bought 10 cards only 1 was dead
and changed that within minutes
Honest and reliable seller.

Exactly the same situation, leaving positive reviews for myself in an attempt to gain the trust of potential customers.


These scammers have never bought material from any store and leave false bogus reviews, this is very obvious.
All of them have no reviews, guarantors and reputation. All of them have a fresh registration, allegedly, they bought on a prepaid basis without escrow.
They all write that they have successfully bought and cashed large balances.
Doesn't this seem very strange and suspicious to you?
I think they didn't buy anything from him and are just cheating.

Not a single old and proven carder has left positive reviews on all forums.
Be careful, it might be the same fake clone at work.
I checked their nicknames on public databases and they are all from Turkey as well as @dunkelh3it's scammer.
The same fictitious reviews about this store on the neighboring crdclub forum, but there he paid for advertising and was verified.

Be attentive and careful, save your money. Do not buy from this store without escrow (I think he will refuse the escrow deal).

What can you say about this store?
Please express your opinions and comments.
This is just a suspicion, maybe I'm wrong and this is a really good store, sorry if so.

Thank you very much for reading my investigation, I hope it will be useful for you and you will save your money.


Reaction score
I will say right away I have never bought material in this store -
but I studied the reviews and it put me in big doubts and shock.

So go to his advertising link:

We see a commendation from the famous scammer from Ankara @dunkelh3it

We see positive feedback from






So we continue to understand and analyze fake reviews from fakes further.
Follow the link to the next scammer on CC @Mr.Dolar:
And what do we see? Another similar deception from the same fake scammers:





Now we go to the advertising theme of the ripper @dunkelh3it
and what do we see?


Exactly the same situation, leaving positive reviews for myself in an attempt to gain the trust of potential customers.


These scammers have never bought material from any store and leave false bogus reviews, this is very obvious.
All of them have no reviews, guarantors and reputation. All of them have a fresh registration, allegedly, they bought on a prepaid basis without escrow.
They all write that they have successfully bought and cashed large balances.
Doesn't this seem very strange and suspicious to you?
I think they didn't buy anything from him and are just cheating.

Not a single old and proven carder has left positive reviews on all forums.
Be careful, it might be the same fake clone at work.
I checked their nicknames on public databases and they are all from Turkey as well as @dunkelh3it's scammer.
The same fictitious reviews about this store on the neighboring crdclub forum, but there he paid for advertising and was verified.

Be attentive and careful, save your money. Do not buy from this store without escrow (I think he will refuse the escrow deal).

What can you say about this store?
Please express your opinions and comments.
This is just a suspicion, maybe I'm wrong and this is a really good store, sorry if so.

Thank you very much for reading my investigation, I hope it will be useful for you and you will save your money.
This thing called 'doubt' is the biggest support for you and helpless people like you.
You have never met him, you have not had any shopping, but you can make ridiculous comments here.
When I said I want to use 'Escrow', he stated on the crdclub form that I could pay someone named 'mak' and that there might be some deductions, and he would cover it himself.

You also wrote the usernames of the people who gave positive comments here.
Why didn't you add Lord777's comment? :)
I'm not going to come down to your intelligence level and get into any arguments with you.
The owner of the post will give the necessary answer.


Reaction score
I will say right away I have never bought material in this store -
but I studied the reviews and it put me in big doubts and shock.
1-)First of all, do not make any comments about people you do not know or do not make any purchases.

We see a commendation from the famous scammer from Ankara @dunkelh3it
2-)'He wrote that the shop is now active on our website' and Dunkelheit 'thanks for the feedback.
No compliments here either.

We see positive feedback from
3-)Why didn't you add @Lord777 comment? :)))))
While preparing this post, I noticed that you deleted your comment as @Lord777.
The content of the comment was as follows;

'He's a great guy, I work with him all the time and I'm very happy about it'

By the way, the last seen time of @Lord777 is ' Last seen May 23, 2021 '
However, the comment I mentioned was appearing on the relevant post yesterday.
This means that @admin removed the comment himself, he didn't think to log in to @Lord777 and remove it lol

Not a single old and proven carder has left positive reviews on all forums.
Be careful, it might be the same fake clone at work.
4-) It is very meaningful for a novice member who registered to the forum about 8 days ago to talk like this lol

I checked their nicknames on public databases and they are all from Turkey as well as @dunkelh3it's scammer.
It's almost impossible to access any location information from public sources using just the username, at least I don't think you have that intelligence.
So the 'Admin' of this website is leaking data of users, or you are all the same person.
As other users have said.
@admin = @Carder = @Carder4Carding = @Jollier = @Hacker = @Lord777 = @Teacher = @Father
As an administrator, you must follow the rules before judging users.
While I was replying to this post, I saw that our friend @CreedX deciphered a great thing, I am adding it below for informational purposes.

CC Master said:
I checked a few of your themes and they are all copied from the internet. I have not found any leadership and methods showing the level of your professionalism.
Excuse me, maybe I did a bad check and you are really a reliable and proven person.
Don't worry, even if you just copied someone else's information, I can still consider our cooperation.
Please add 3-4 links in this thread to any guides you have written and are a legitimate author (I will check them online).
So others(if really it not one person) you offered Card, wrote there guides themselves?, how many guides on this forum or other public forums that are not copy and paste?
Which of your suppose professional have helped newbies with guides and answered there questions straight and correctly without copying from net, remove the sand on your eyes before judging others
Don't find excuses to fuck people brain.This were your words
CC Master said:
Requirements for cooperation:
- Registration on the forum: at least 3 months
- Minimum number of messages: 200

If it the admin making all this up,You can keep your card and deceive newbies to promote the forum, i don't have time to improve the traffic of the forum.
I knew all this was a joke, now it finally clear and proven for everyone to see.
Stop making fools of users, everyone here is much smarter than you.
So if I were you, I would close this forum and fuck off.

Prosperous exchange of information is impossible in a forum where its administrators are swindlers.
That's why I'm warning other users, I'm leaving the forum after this message myself.

Healthy and happy days.


Reaction score
This thing called 'doubt' is the biggest support for you and helpless people like you.
You have never met him, you have not had any shopping, but you can make ridiculous comments here.
When I said I want to use 'Escrow', he stated on the crdclub form that I could pay someone named 'mak' and that there might be some deductions, and he would cover it himself.

You also wrote the usernames of the people who gave positive comments here.
Why didn't you add Lord777's comment? :)
I'm not going to come down to your intelligence level and get into any arguments with you.
The owner of the post will give the necessary answer.

1-)First of all, do not make any comments about people you do not know or do not make any purchases.

2-)'He wrote that the shop is now active on our website' and Dunkelheit 'thanks for the feedback.
No compliments here either.

3-)Why didn't you add @Lord777 comment? :)))))
While preparing this post, I noticed that you deleted your comment as @Lord777.
The content of the comment was as follows;

'He's a great guy, I work with him all the time and I'm very happy about it'

By the way, the last seen time of @Lord777 is ' Last seen May 23, 2021 '
However, the comment I mentioned was appearing on the relevant post yesterday.
This means that @admin removed the comment himself, he didn't think to log in to @Lord777 and remove it lol

4-) It is very meaningful for a novice member who registered to the forum about 8 days ago to talk like this lol

It's almost impossible to access any location information from public sources using just the username, at least I don't think you have that intelligence.
So the 'Admin' of this website is leaking data of users, or you are all the same person.
As other users have said.
@admin = @Carder = @Carder4Carding = @Jollier = @Hacker = @Lord777 = @Teacher = @Father
As an administrator, you must follow the rules before judging users.
While I was replying to this post, I saw that our friend @CreedX deciphered a great thing, I am adding it below for informational purposes.

Stop making fools of users, everyone here is much smarter than you.
So if I were you, I would close this forum and fuck off.

Prosperous exchange of information is impossible in a forum where its administrators are swindlers.
That's why I'm warning other users, I'm leaving the forum after this message myself.

Healthy and happy days.

We continue the fun investigation and exposure of the scammers:
Follow the link:
And what do we see?
The ripper @dunkelh3it uses non-standard punctuation, namely, before listing items, he puts "1-)" (that is, "number", then a dash, and then "quotes").

1-) ***
2-) ***
3-) ***
3-) ***
4-) ***

Now we carefully look at how this stupid Turkish scammer writes messages and again we see the same thing. It doesn't even change punctuation marks.

1-) ***
2-) ***
3-) ***
3-) ***
4-) ***

That's how he gave himself away easily. These guys are from the same scammer, our old friend threw, lol!
Completely similar punctuation and spelling is repeated for all his fake clones!
Also, after all the reviews, he hurries up and adds the phrase "Thank you".

Ok, let's play with him further and check what evidence he provides:
A legit and honest seller (y)
Thank you mate ..
We expect from you:
- Screenshot of an account in this store
- Screenshot of buying a bank account in this store
- Screenshot of access to the purchased account
- Screenshot of a successful transfer (withdrawal of funds) from this account
- Screenshot of correspondence and payments from a drop or cashing out service that the transfer was successful.

Well, what a Turkish fool can you confirm your fictitious review?
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Reaction score
These does not make sense, there are billion of people in the world and the way a person structure there sentence or word can be similar, have seen similar sentence structure from some professionals and Admin can we say it one person?.So this does not count. Am not siding anyone.

@admin was the first to like this store when it first opened, that means the store is safe to use by him.
If you blame the store for cheating does it mean the @admin workers with cheaters?
I have never bought anything there and i don't know it owner
Learn to gather facts before posting. Goodluck


Staff member
Reaction score
This store has been verified and paid for advertising on a nearby forum.
In this connection, the advertising theme of this store was placed in the verified section.
If the store has passed the test on other good forums, then it is not necessary to pass it on ours.
At the moment, there are no claims with the given evidence against the store on the neighboring forum and on our forum. We have no reason not to trust this store.
The store cannot be held liable for reviews that post fake cloned accounts about cooperation with it.
Fake cloned accounts can post specially comments in order to earn a reputation in their address and upgrade their account for their own purposes.

Your fears that cloned accounts are posting reviews are confirmed by warnings from the forum's security system.
Here are some messages about detecting multi-accounts (I covered up the cookie data):



Let me remind you some of the points of the forum rules:
1. It is prohibited to create multiple accounts on the forum
2. It is prohibited to post fake reviews on the forum.
3. It is prohibited to post claims on the forum without substantiated evidence.

The administration of the forum always cares about the safety of its users. You shouldn't forget to use VPN without logging when visiting the forum. You can use the free TOR browser to visit the forum.


Reaction score
While I was replying to this post, I saw that our friend @CreedX deciphered a great thing, I am adding it below for informational purposes.
@CreedX are you really friends with this Turkish scammer or are they cheating on us?
Or maybe you think that the clone system shows unreliable results and made a mistake?
Yes, punctuation and spelling can be the same for many people, but why do they all work from the same computer and do not even know how to delete cookies or use different browsers so that they are not detected?
How can they work with different bank accounts when they don't even know how to delete cookies? It's just ridiculous.
And do you believe them that they cash out $ 76k? And when they were refused a free SS for $ 10, they started crying and blaming everyone. This is complete nonsense. They don't even have $ 10 to buy a CC.
And I remembered how @0101010 threw 5-10 dollars and refused to compensate for the damage.
If they had such amounts, then they could easily buy CC in stores and not humiliate for the sake of 1 free CC.
This is complete idiocy. And his clone was selling gift cards with a 30% prepaid balance.


Reaction score
Lol, when we alll know that you can manipulate everything
NO TRUST. Stop fooling yourself

@Father clone don't feel you are smart because you are not


Reaction score
Father I Love Your Attention 2 Detail. I have not seen you or profile I'm about to now. Thank You Boss Now I Know What Things 2 Looks For And When Evaluating These Comments and Fake Profiles not sure how you looked their shit up of where u went to know that their all from Turkey but learning how 2 spot a Fake Is actually thinking about it should be almost the first thing taught OPSEc/Device Setup- Encrypt Device Indepth Guide Video Should be the first thing taught then how to spot a fake seller and or vendor or website man I and many of you guys have spent alot of money and got played because we didnt know how w spot a fake maybe I should speak for myself maybe some of you found legit sellers sense your start. You wish no such luck well maybe some of you got lucky and blessed with a teacher who showed your legit sellers anyone who got that lucky I'm jealous