Who will win the fight for your privacy: banks or security forces?

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The new bill raises many questions and debates.

Russian banks have expressed their opposition to the bill proposing to provide law enforcement agencies with direct access to information systems and databases with customer information, the Association of Banks of Russia (ADB) reports in a letter sent to the Ministry of Digital Resources and Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Information Policy, Information Technologies and Communications Alexander Khinshtein.

The bill was submitted to the State Duma in August 2023. It provides that the Ministry of Defense, the Federal Security Service, the Federal Security Service, the Foreign Intelligence Service and the Ministry of Internal Affairs will have access rights, including remote access, to various information systems and databases for editing or deleting information about intelligence officers who are clients of banks and other organizations. The document pays special attention to state and municipal databases, but it is planned to create a special register of systems that process the data of law enforcement officers.

ADB points out that such measures violate the constitutional rights of citizens to the confidentiality of personal data and contradict the anti-money laundering legislation. "The concept of the draft law cannot be supported," the association, which includes the country's largest banks, including Sberbank, VTB, Alfa-Bank, Tinkoff, Gazprombank and others, said in a letter.

At the same time, banks express concerns about possible risks to information security associated with unrestricted and uncontrolled access of law enforcement agencies to databases. This can disrupt the functioning of systems, cause technological failures and lead to the inability to fulfill obligations to customers.

ADB also emphasizes that the new requirements will lead to increased labor costs, workload and higher costs for the banking sector.

At the same time, the Ministry of Digital Development assures that the interaction of law enforcement agencies with information systems will be carried out strictly in accordance with the procedure established by the government in order to take into account all possible risks.

The draft law has already caused public discussion and contributed to the debate on the balance between ensuring state security and protecting citizens personal data.