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Please note, if you want to make a deal with this user, that it is blocked.
Listen, I may be new to his forum, but I'm far from being a rookie. I'm not looking to sell you anything, nor am I looking to be sold! I am ONLY looking to team up with genuine people who can provide high quality USA leads, that can afford a $12,500 dollar credit service. AGAIN, I am not here to buy your leads. This is a team effort. You'll provide the lead(s), I'll make the sale, we both split the profits. And because my service is 100% illusional (meaning, it seems real to the eye, but it's not), I close 100% of my sales. You do not have to do any selling at all. I do all of the work myself. The only thing that you have to do is provide the lead, and give them the explanatory email that I'll give to you. The lead will contact me, and I will make the sale. I am paying $6,250 dollars per lead that buys. Look, you guys create and fall for a lot of bullshit on this website. If any of the quick money methods or services on this forum (or any other forum) really worked, then EVERYONE would stick to that one method/service. Yet, I'm the only person on here who's actually making a living off of the service that I've created. Trust me, I've been offering the same service for a very long time, and I always extract payment from my mark. Yes, I'm that good. The problem arose when the general population recently stopped looking for financial opportunities on classified websites, as much as they used to. In turn, my leads began to thin out. And that's the only reason why I am here. I know for a fact that some (not all, but some) of you guys know of someone who's interested in the idea of having perfect credit. Whether you're a spammer or you just happen to know of some qualified people/investors in the USA. Put them on the phone with me, and I will take their money and split 50% of it with you each and every time! For those of you who are interested in learning more, I would be more than happy to show you a full live visual demonstration of the service/product that fools buyers every time! And no, I'm not worried about any of you stealing my creation, because NONE OF YOU will ever know how to guide the victim through the sale the way that I do. This is a very unique skill that I've mastered over the years. And interesting enough, showing the victim the product without the ability to guide them through the sale, is pointless. Like a master magician, the magic is in story leading up to the trick, not the trick itself! Contact me for a free demonstration!


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You wrote that you are not selling anything, but in the next topic you are already offering everyone to buy bank logs. You contradict your own words. We have no reason to believe or trust you.

Okay, let's check whether you are a cheater or a good person.
You promise to pay everyone more than $ 6k as this is a small amount for you.
So what, when you can send money to escrow at least $ 5k to start cooperating with you?

Or do you want to work without escrow as a scammer and that the former work was done for you?
If you had money, you would have no problem sending money to escrow, but you won't do it sweat that you want to fool naive fools.
Be careful!


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Please note, if you want to make a deal with this user, that it is blocked.
I'm usually very respectful when I talk to people, but after reading your comment, you don't deserve my respect, so fuck you. I'm not offering any bank logs for sell. I simply answered a post that SOMEONE ELSE POSTED, LOOKING FOR BANK LOGS. I have REAL BANK ACCOUNTS that I'm not doing anything with, so I answered the guy's post. How the hell is that contradicting to my post? You idiots are so caught up with scamming, that you think that everyone is out to get you. Let's be clear... I'M NOT A "GOOD PERSON!" Neither are you, or anyone else who's on this forum. So cut the bullshit. My intentions in my post were very fucking clear. IF YOU HAVE LEADS, THEN WE CAN TEAM UP. Why the hell would I put $5K in escrow for anyone who hasn't even proved that he has the right kind of leads? And if you bothered to read what the fuck I said, you would clearly see that I said that I will pay $6,250 per lead that buys! How you misinterpreted any of this at all, is beyond me. You make stupid ass assumptions, without READING what's actually being said. I CHEAT THE PEOPLE BUYING MY SERVICE, NOT THE PERSON OR PEOPLE THAT I'M WORKING WITH! There's a huge difference. Now, I dare you to try and defend your original comments, so that everyone who reads this, can see exactly how dumb you made yourself look.

So again, if anyone WITH A FUCKING BRAIN (WHO HAS QUALITY LEADS) wants to make $6,250 per LEAD THAT BUYS, contact me for a free demonstration. What I have is better than anything that most of you can come up with, because it deals with something that most common people really want, and that would be impregnable credit.


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You can:
1. Sing any words and assert that you are a reliable and trusted person without giving evidence.
2. Claim that you are a super professional, but you do not have positive reviews and reputation in other forums. Nobody knows you at all.
3. You can promise any amount, expecting to find fools, but if you had a penny and did not want to cheat before the deal, you would send at least $ 5k to escrow.
You promise more than $ 6k every day, but even on the first trade you can't send $ 5k to escrow.

So, answer a few questions, from which we will draw conclusions about you:
1. Do you have any positive feedback about your work somewhere? Do you have a reputation and respect?

Let's see you are a swindler, who is a ripper-asshole or a reliable legit person.
I think you will refuse to work through escrow, in connection with which you need to be banned so that you do not have time to deceive anyone.


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Please note, if you want to make a deal with this user, that it is blocked.
AGAIN, why the fuck would I send $5K to any escrow account BEFORE you even prove that you have the right kind of leads? Who the fuck are you? Nobody. Therefore, I'm not talking to you in my original post, nor am I looking to work with someone like you. Having a "good" reputation on a forum doesn't mean shit. Not when damn near 100% percent of the forums online are full of scandalous people (cybercarders, shadowzone, etc.). So your reputation doesn't mean shit to me either. Obviously, all that you do DAILY, is post, post, post. Therefore, you're NOT making any real money. I've never joined a forum until today, and after this bullshit, I'll never attempt to join another one! People like you are fucking morons. You didn't even see the fucking live demonstration, yet you're trying to insinuate that I'm a scammer, because I'm not putting $5K into an escrow account, strictly because you're telling me to? Get the fuck out of here. You do not control me or how I work. If you want people to listen to you, that's fine. It's clear, that anyone listening to you, isn't making anything worthwhile.

Here's an idea, you put up your best project against my credit service (WHICH I CAN EASILY SHOW AND PROVE), and let your fake followers decide who's service/project has more merit! I can't lose. Why? Because I'm really out here practicing what I preach. You, on the other hand, are busy writing tutorials and information guides about shit that you yourself cannot perform. So, instead of talking shit like a little bitch, try me. And let post the live visuals/results somewhere for your viewers to see. I only have one service. You have hundreds that you write about. Which means that it shouldn't be difficult for you to choose the best one and put me to shame, right?


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Please note, if you want to make a deal with this user, that it is blocked.
And also, how come you didn't address the fact that you FUCKED UP and put your foot in your mouth by assuming that I was selling bank logs, when I absolutely was not? You just tried to gloss right over that, as if I wouldn't bring it back to your attention. You misinterpreted what you thought that you saw, and now you don't want to look stupid by trying to defend an erroneous remark. So please Mr. Mutt, tell me and people again, exactly how was I trying to sell bank logs, lol?


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As I said, he REFUSED to deposit money in the escrow.
How will he pay you for your work when he has no money?
He promises large sums every day, but cannot even pay the initial insurance amount.
Look for fools and idiots elsewhere. You will not be able to deceive the guys from our forum.
He mentions other forums, but cannot provide links to his service on these forums, since he has never worked well there.
Please be reasonable and refrain from cooperating with this rogue. Don't waste your time on it.
If some deer offers you large sums every day, but cannot pay even for 1 order, this is a fraud. Beware of this.
This animal says that it does not sell anything, but in the next topic it sells bank accounts.
This is another lie and trick. He tries to deceive you in every possible way.


Reaction score
Please note, if you want to make a deal with this user, that it is blocked.
As I said, he REFUSED to deposit money in the escrow.
How will he pay you for your work when he has no money?
He promises large sums every day, but cannot even pay the initial insurance amount.
Look for fools and idiots elsewhere. You will not be able to deceive the guys from our forum.
He mentions other forums, but cannot provide links to his service on these forums, since he has never worked well there.
Please be reasonable and refrain from cooperating with this rogue. Don't waste your time on it.
If some deer offers you large sums every day, but cannot pay even for 1 order, this is a fraud. Beware of this.
This animal says that it does not sell anything, but in the next topic it sells bank accounts.
This is another lie and trick. He tries to deceive you in every possible way.
I cannot believe that any of you guys look up or listen to this guy. I'm not looking for fools. I'm looking for intelligent individuals who understand that benefit in working with a guy like myself. Who am I trying to deceive? How am I trying to deceive? You cannot answer these questions, because you know that you are a fucking moron, who's lying on me for reasons unknown! I did nothing wrong to you or anyone else on this forum. You're just mad that I'm brave enough to stand up for myself and the program that I created. I'm not putting shit in escrow just because you told me to. Again, who the fuck are you? Is anyone else actually listening to this guy? I pay based on CLOSED sales only. I bet Mutt even has a particular escrow service that he demands me to use. Probably one that he started himself. The point is, I'm not putting any money in an escrow account for leads. That doesn't make any fucking sense. Not to me or anyone else who's in my position. No one would be willing to do something like that for LEADS. So fuck off. If these leads were guaranteed sales, then ABSOLUTELY, I would put $5K in a reputable escrow account. BUT, no one has even hinted that they have guaranteed sale leads. And again, when the hell did I ever say that I was selling bank account? PLEASE SHOW ME AND THE PEOPLE READING THIS POST, THE PROOF! I WILL PAY YOU OR ANYONE FOR THAT MATTER, $1,000 DOLLARS IF YOU CAN SHOW ME WHEN AND WHERE I SAID ANYTHING ABOUT SELLING BANK ACCOUNTS! You're lying on me about shit that I've never said or even offered.

SPOILER ALERT: Mutt is going to once again deflect and run away from answering this question and showing any kind of proof. JUST WAIT AND WATCH.