What Is Skimming?


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What Is Skimming?
Skimming is a method used by identity thieves to capture payment and personal information from a credit card holder. Several approaches can be used by fraudsters to procure card information, with the most advanced approach involving a small device called a skimmer that reads the information stored in a card's magnetic strip or microchip.

  • Skimming is an illegal practice used by identity thieves to capture credit card information from a cardholder surreptitiously.
  • Fraudsters often use a device called a skimmer that can be installed at gas pumps or ATM machines to collect card data.
  • Some machines act like point-of-sale technology. An acquired card is swiped, and a touchpad allows the user to enter a security code.
  • Card users are warned to keep their cards in their sight at all times and to cover the pin pad when inputting security codes at ATMs.

How Skimming Works
Skimming can occur anytime a cardholder uses an electronic payment card at a brick-and-mortar location. Fraudsters can obtain information in various ways, and the technology that they use is becoming more sophisticated and challenging to detect.

Skimming allows identity thieves to capture information from a cardholder that can be used to make fraudulent transactions. Some fraudsters may simply photocopy or take digital photos of information that can be used fraudulently. Other more advanced technologies also exist, such as skimming devices designed for use in many different situations.

At brick-and-mortar locations, a fraudster can use a small skimming device that allows them to swipe a card and obtain information from its magnetic strip. Some skimmers may also include a touchpad that allows the thief to enter a security code.

Important: Skimming technology is becoming more sophisticated each year, and it is difficult for authorities to stay one step ahead. Some skimmers are as thin as a credit card and can be inserted into ATM machines and gas pumps.

Thieves can also build skimming devices that can be used at automated teller machines (ATMs) (ATM) and other point-of-sale locations such as gas stations. Skimming devices can be installed on an ATM with cameras and overlay touchpads can be added to capture individual personal identification numbers. Gas stations are another target where skimming devices can be easily installed since card readers are often outside at the gas pump and separate from a checkout.

Mitigating Compromised Card Information
Cardholders should be cautious of any suspicious devices involved with an electronic payment. In some situations, skimmers can be easily detected if a thief uses more than one device to complete an electronic transaction.

To avoid having their card skimmed, cardholders should maintain possession of their card or keep it in sight at all times. Dining at restaurants with a collective checkout can also help to ensure a card is not compromised when taken from the cardholder.

FAST FACT: In 2017, the number of ATMs and point-of-sale devices that were used for skimming or fraudulent activities increased by 10%, according to the Fair Isaac Corporation (FICO).

Many businesses will integrate electronic fraud security systems into their payment process, which can protect them from all types of fraudulent approaches and cyber attacks. Payment card companies are also broadening their solutions for security and fraud prevention.

Cardholders can check with their individual issuers through customer representatives or online resources to gain greater insight into any services or solutions that may be available to increase card security and mitigate compromised card information.

(c) https://www.investopedia.com/terms/s/skimming.asp


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Skimming (from the English skim - "slide") is one of the types of fraud associated with bank cards. Here, the criminal actions consist in the fact that hidden devices are installed in ATMs (most often located on the street) that allow reading information from payment cards during the transaction. Having such data in their hands, attackers create a duplicate card with a PIN-code recorded on a magnetic tape, which allows using a copy for personal gain, for calculating in cash in stores, retail outlets and Internet services. An unpleasant aspect of the situation is that it is very difficult for a cardholder who has become a victim of skimming to prove to the bank the fact of fraud.

Classification of skimming devices

A skimmer is a special miniature device that allows you to read card data recorded on a magnetic tape. Most often, skimmers are attached to the main parts of the ATM. Skimming equipment may contain the following components:
  • magnetic head for reading and copying closed data from a bank card tape;
  • miniature converter that converts data into a digital code;
  • drive that records the code on the storage medium;
  • hidden video camera that captures the set of the PIN code during the transaction;
  • overhead keyboard, installed over the original, and then memorizing and transmitting all the entered information to the carders.

Skimming devices are most often made on the basis of special false linings imitating an ATM card reader. The color and shape of the devices are selected individually for each of the banks so as not to arouse unnecessary suspicion in a potential victim.


Means for reading and copying data from a magnetic tape of a bank card are divided into two types:
  • storage devices;
  • devices that transmit all received information wirelessly.

Who can fall victim to skimming

Any owner of a bank card with a magnetic stripe can become a victim of skimming. The information received from a special device allows carders to make a duplicate, after which the carders will be able to pay with the victim's funds in online stores or completely empty their account through an ATM. The PIN code required to withdraw cash from an ATM can be obtained using a nearby miniature camera or keyboard overlay.

In order to prevent such crimes, ATM manufacturers issue special anti-skimming pads, which, using electric magnetic waves, prevent the reading of secret data from a bank card.

Skimming source

Study the ATM carefully before using it. The following may be suspicious:
  • Overlays for the card capture reader. In this case, the card first goes through a special reader and only then enters the real card reader for further transaction. Before inserting the card into the ATM, carefully inspect the very hole of the card collector for false overlays.
  • Overhead panel for entering information. Carders install a fake keyboard on top of the real one. A fake keyboard remembers all keystrokes and transfers secret data to hackers.
  • The presence of a miniature video camera. Each ATM is equipped with a video camera located on the front panel. To gain access to classified information, fraudsters install an additional hidden camera that records all the manipulations of the cardholder during the transaction.

How to choose the right ATM and save your money

You can never face such fraud if you follow certain rules:
  • Never use unfamiliar ATMs, especially those located on the street, and not in bank branches.
  • It is best to avoid ATM machines in dark places. It is very difficult to detect skimming devices in poor lighting conditions, which is why cybercriminals often choose these automatic machines.
  • Try to use ATMs with anti-skimming pads or the so-called. jitters. A jitter-equipped card reader causes the card to vibrate slightly, which prevents fraudsters from correctly recording and copying information.
  • Prefer ATMs located directly at bank branches. Such devices are regularly checked by the security service and bank specialists. It is unprofitable and dangerous for fraudsters to install skimming devices in such places.

You can reliably protect your money by observing security measures:
  • Always cover the ATM keypad with the palm of your other hand when entering the PIN.
  • In order to avoid losing money, it is better to switch to a card with a chip. The chip is an additional security tool and significantly reduces the risk of fraudulent access to classified information.
  • A very reliable way is to connect SMS notifications to the payment card. All transactions on the account are immediately known to the cardholder, which allows you to control the balance.
  • A great way to save your money is to set limits on transfers and cash withdrawals, limiting them to a certain amount. Carders will not be able to withdraw all the money from the card at one time.

These simple rules will help protect against skimming and save money.


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ATM skimming​



Let's start in order.
As a rule, scammers have several tricks that they use pin code.

Now let's analyze a rather interesting scheme - "Pay for admission".

Each ATM has a card reader, which we insert the card into for further operations. Fraudsters install a skimming pad on the card reader for entering and read information from the cards of incoming customers. You can also attach a keyboard for entering a PIN code next to the card reader. After some time, the fraudster removes the skimmer from the ATM, writes the card dump to any card with a magnetic stripe, and uses the PIN code received from the keyboard or video camera to withdraw cash through other ATMs.

Dumps read from maps can also be used to make clones cards. If the pin code is not known to fraudsters, purchases are made using "white plastic" in stores in collusion with the cashier, or by making a fraudulent card.

Carders often send card dumps for forgery and cash-out to other countries. This is done in order to complicate the investigation of such cases and transfer responsibility for fraud to banks (after all, it is easier for the client to prove that he did not perform the operation if the card is with him and there are no marks in the foreign passport about visiting the camp where the unauthorized debiting of funds occurred).

Another option, but it is rather the most banal, however, working. Fraudsters place a fake frame on top of the hole from which you withdraw the withdrawn money. The bottom line is very simple, this fake frame does not allow you to give out money so that you can pick it up, the victim gets upset, leaves the ATM and calls the Bank. At this time, the fraudster approaches the ATM, removes the frame, and takes the money. the disadvantage of this scheme is that you don't know how much the victim withdraws, it can be 300 rubles, or even 30,000 rubles.

Fake keyboard.

The essence is also quite simple. A fake keyboard is installed on top of the real one and uses the built-in chip to remember all the victim's keystrokes. The consequences, I think, are clear to everyone.

From myself, I will add that, as you may have noticed, all the schemes are mostly designed for your inattention and haste.


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Skimming (from the English skim - "slide") is one of the types of fraud associated with bank cards. Here, the criminal actions consist in the fact that hidden devices are installed in ATMs (most often located on the street) that allow reading information from payment cards during the transaction. Having such data in their hands, attackers create a duplicate card with a PIN-code recorded on a magnetic tape, which allows using a copy for personal gain, for calculating in cash in stores, retail outlets and Internet services. An unpleasant aspect of the situation is that it is very difficult for a cardholder who has become a victim of skimming to prove to the bank the fact of fraud.

Classification of skimming devices

A skimmer is a special miniature device that allows you to read card data recorded on a magnetic tape. Most often, skimmers are attached to the main parts of the ATM. Skimming equipment may contain the following components:
  • magnetic head for reading and copying closed data from a bank card tape;
  • miniature converter that converts data into a digital code;
  • drive that records the code on the storage medium;
  • hidden video camera that captures the set of the PIN code during the transaction;
  • overhead keyboard, installed over the original, and then memorizing and transmitting all the entered information to the carders.

Skimming devices are most often made on the basis of special false linings imitating an ATM card reader. The color and shape of the devices are selected individually for each of the banks so as not to arouse unnecessary suspicion in a potential victim.


Means for reading and copying data from a magnetic tape of a bank card are divided into two types:
  • storage devices;
  • devices that transmit all received information wirelessly.

Who can fall victim to skimming

Any owner of a bank card with a magnetic stripe can become a victim of skimming. The information received from a special device allows carders to make a duplicate, after which the carders will be able to pay with the victim's funds in online stores or completely empty their account through an ATM. The PIN code required to withdraw cash from an ATM can be obtained using a nearby miniature camera or keyboard overlay.

In order to prevent such crimes, ATM manufacturers issue special anti-skimming pads, which, using electric magnetic waves, prevent the reading of secret data from a bank card.

Skimming source

Study the ATM carefully before using it. The following may be suspicious:
  • Overlays for the card capture reader. In this case, the card first goes through a special reader and only then enters the real card reader for further transaction. Before inserting the card into the ATM, carefully inspect the very hole of the card collector for false overlays.
  • Overhead panel for entering information. Carders install a fake keyboard on top of the real one. A fake keyboard remembers all keystrokes and transfers secret data to hackers.
  • The presence of a miniature video camera. Each ATM is equipped with a video camera located on the front panel. To gain access to classified information, fraudsters install an additional hidden camera that records all the manipulations of the cardholder during the transaction.

How to choose the right ATM and save your money

You can never face such fraud if you follow certain rules:
  • Never use unfamiliar ATMs, especially those located on the street, and not in bank branches.
  • It is best to avoid ATM machines in dark places. It is very difficult to detect skimming devices in poor lighting conditions, which is why cybercriminals often choose these automatic machines.
  • Try to use ATMs with anti-skimming pads or the so-called. jitters. A jitter-equipped card reader causes the card to vibrate slightly, which prevents fraudsters from correctly recording and copying information.
  • Prefer ATMs located directly at bank branches. Such devices are regularly checked by the security service and bank specialists. It is unprofitable and dangerous for fraudsters to install skimming devices in such places.

You can reliably protect your money by observing security measures:
  • Always cover the ATM keypad with the palm of your other hand when entering the PIN.
  • In order to avoid losing money, it is better to switch to a card with a chip. The chip is an additional security tool and significantly reduces the risk of fraudulent access to classified information.
  • A very reliable way is to connect SMS notifications to the payment card. All transactions on the account are immediately known to the cardholder, which allows you to control the balance.
  • A great way to save your money is to set limits on transfers and cash withdrawals, limiting them to a certain amount. Carders will not be able to withdraw all the money from the card at one time.

These simple rules will help protect against skimming and save money.
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