What is carding and how to protect yourself from the action of carders


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Origin of the crime

Today we will talk about a fairly new type of crime, like carding.

Who are the carders? From the English word card - card, respectively, carders are scammers who illegally use a plastic card to steal money.

Recently, thanks to new technologies, criminals have been looking for new, both psychological methods and technical tricks to lure out bank data, despite the fact that banks are taking all sorts of ways to protect their users from illegal debiting of funds from bank cards.

Methods of theft of funds

In order for the card fraudster to have complete information on the client's bank card, he can by any means find out from the gullible client the bank card number, secret code and other necessary data in order to use a credit or debit card.

Often scammers call by phone, introduce themselves as bank employees, they say that funds were debited from the client's card and the bank card needs to be immediately blocked, and for this the imaginary employee needs a CVC code, which is on the back of the card.

But fraudsters use not only psychological skills, but also technical innovations that can now read information from bank cards and even memorize PIN codes.

All over the world, they are concerned about the actions of carders, as losses from card fraud are constantly growing not only on the scale of one country, but the whole world as a whole. And relying on the help of law enforcement agencies in case of theft of a large amount of money, staying gullible and losing vigilance means allowing card criminals to get easy money from your cards.

How to protect yourself from intruders

So how can you avoid becoming a victim of a card fraudster and protect yourself from theft of funds from your card?

To do this, we advise you to follow a few simple rules:

⁃ Store PIN information separately from your bank card. Remember that the pin code is considered the key to your bank card and its security must always be under reliable protection.

You should be especially vigilant when you enter the PIN code on the keyboard of the banking terminal. Fraudsters can install small, inconspicuous "spy cameras" that can even be mounted above the ATM keypad or ATM. Information stands, where you can find all sorts of advertising brochures, are often a good place for a camera for card criminals. Therefore, it is better for the vigilant owner of a bank card to cover the keyboard with his hand when he dials the code, then the installed cameras lose their meaning and the banking information will not be lost.

⁃ It is better to withdraw bank funds at ATMs of your bank, do not use terminals in unfamiliar places, as fraudsters often use third-party machines at gas stations, stores, and vending machines for their own selfish purposes.

As a rule, in such places the devices are less looked after than the ATMs near bank branches. When approaching such a terminal, people feel more relaxed than near banks, where there is more stress and tension, and at the moment cardholders are making a big mistake. In such places, criminal keyboard devices may be installed.

And if you suspect that something is wrong with the terminal, we advise you not to touch anything suspicious, but immediately sound the alarm, call the police.

⁃ Be careful when choosing an online store for online shopping.

First of all, carefully check all the information about the seller, for this you need to go to such sections as "About us", "About the Company". See the full information, which should contain the address, phone number, details and information about the supplier.

Pay attention to the TIN of the seller, for very attentive people there is a website of the Federal Tax Service, where you can enter data and check the information about the registration of the company.

The next point in checking the reliability of the online store will be the choice of payment methods. The safest way is to transfer to the bank account, which speaks about the reliability of the company. If you see that there is only one method of payment to a bank card on the website of an online store, you should think about whether the store will disappear from the Internet as soon as your funds are transferred to a bank card.

When buying in an online store, it will not be superfluous to look at reviews about it on the Internet, on special forums and platforms.

And the best way not to fall for the trap of a card criminal is to pay for the goods upon delivery or receipt of the goods at the point of issue.

⁃ Do not fall for the provocation of scammers who introduce themselves as security officers of your bank and want to deceive you all the information about your bank card.

As soon as you receive a call from an unfamiliar number, and the bank employees call you, first of all, you need to hang up, exhale and think logically. The fact is that the simple difference between a bank employee and a fraudster is that the bank only needs confirmation from you that you want to carry out the operation, and the bank employee will never ask for any codes to block your plastic card.

Try to ask a phone scammer for your full card number, it can be confusing, since a real bank employee will easily tell you 4 digits of your bank card, and the criminal will elicit your entire card number.

Only by observing constant vigilance and caution, not succumbing to fraudulent threats, you can protect yourself from the actions of carders, keep your financial savings and good mood.


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Carding is a type of fraud in which an operation is performed using a payment card or its details, not initiated or confirmed by its holder.

Garment carding is aimed at purchasing goods, gift certificates, subscriptions and services using someone else's bank details. To do this, fraudsters only need a card number, date and a three-digit code (CVC). For efficiency and country specificity, the owner's name, address and telephone number may be required. More often than not, card information is sold with all of this data. The more information the cardholder has about the cardholder, the more opportunities to withdraw funds.

Where do carders get this information from?
Information about cards and their owners is sold on special resources. They can be either open-registered or paid. Some require an invitation from a community member (Invite). Prices vary, for information ("material" - as carders call data about the card and its owner), at a discount you can buy one unit for $ 1.5. American cards cost $ 20.


How do carders work?
First of all, set up a computer for work. Most often they use remote access servers (Dedicated servers). They choose a Dedicated State of the country, on whose cards they are going to work. Connect a sock (SOCKS) - an ip address under the address of the card holder, set the desired time on the computer, language. A new mailbox is prepared for work (usually gmail or yahoo). Gmail asks for a phone number when registering, they can also be found on open resources.

What else do carders need to work?
You need a physical address (drop) to which the fraudster will order goods from resources. The closer the address is to the address of the cardholder, the better. Then the choice of resources for the order increases. There are sites that are sent all over the world and it may not matter where you order the goods. Each store is customized individually. One store will not send to a drop close to the address of the caldholder, but will send it to another country, the other will work only if the indices match. Fraudsters try to find work sites and never share them with others. This is their earnings. The more fraudulent orders pass through the store, the faster the resource owners will revise their security policy.

Stores are searched by the engine the store is running on. Shopify, Magento, WooCommerce, osCommerce, BigCommerce, Adyen. There are a lot of them. Some engines have an anti-fraud system (protection against fraudulent actions) configured for strong protection, while others do not. With experience, carders can see the engine the store is running on by looking at several pages.

What do carders order in 2021?
The times when carders polls ordered expensive equipment are over. Now it is extremely difficult to find a site with expensive laptops, phones and other equipment that will lead to a fraudulent order. But experienced carders still find and promote the store for valid (in great demand) expensive goods. They communicate with live chat support, call store numbers and chat live, invent a story and convince the store of its veracity. They register a few days before placing an order and warm up the site. That is, they walk around it, choose products, read descriptions. Everything that an ordinary customer does on the website of an online store.

Most often, carders work with illiquid (not popular) goods. Highly specialized sites and new brands are a field for scammers. It's much easier to order camping gear for the same amount than an expensive laptop. It's easier to get clothes of an expensive and high-quality, but young brand, than ordering goods at a discount on major sales platforms.

What do scammers do next with the product?
After the goods arrive at the drop's address, the scammers either send it to the buyers who pay, on average, 30% of the item's value, or send it through forwarding points (official websites that have nothing to do with fraudulent activity) to the addresses to which, usually have access. They sell such goods on trading platforms (Amazon, Ebay), in trade groups of social networks, and sell to friends.

Other areas of work of scammers
Carders love to buy gift certificates and sell them on forums to regular people or special dealers. The option is not as profitable as described above, but simple.

They buy, in principle, everything that can be bought with stolen data. Subscriptions to paid resources that ban the account when the cardholder notices the loss of funds.

Recently, a new direction was born - paying for flights and booking hotel rooms. They are also sold on forums to ordinary people. The process of canceling a fraudulent transfer takes time. You can manage to stay in an expensive hotel at someone else's expense. Fraudsters know which cards to use to maximize the withdrawal process.

Like any fraudulent way of making money, there is a risk that the fraudster will sooner or later get caught. But, unfortunately, with the development of means of protection against fraudulent transfers and ways to identify carders to call for criminal liability, in contrast, new ways of protection and disguise are being created.

Self-interest generates ideas. Ideas give rise to new schemes of shadow earnings. Carding is not dead. Billions of dollars are laundered in this way every year. But sooner or later, technological progress will replace this type of illegal earnings. Carding will become too risky, and profits are doubtful, that a scammer will have nothing to do but look for new ways to steal money.


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The World Wide Web is replete with colorful advertisements for the sale of products straight from America, European countries, etc. Only a small part of Internet users know who is the author of these ads.

Carders specialize in publishing such advertisements. This type of activity belongs to the "black" business.

This article describes the principles and features of the work of carders. The content does not encourage fraud and theft prohibited by applicable law.

What is included in the concept of carding?
The theft of funds from card to card is the basis of carding. Carders pay with other people's money in online stores, carry out financial transactions through Internet banking, etc. The most common activity among carders is the purchase of electronics, household appliances, luxury brand clothing at someone else's expense.

The popular E-Bay marketplace cooperates with the PayPal payment system. This is an excellent platform for fraudsters to work - it is convenient to pay for purchases with someone else's credit card. However, the American E-Bay has tightened the rules for using the service for security reasons. The update did not stop the carders. The scammers changed the American system to French, German and Italian services.

Potential carders learn the art of theft using educational content on Telegram channels and other social networks. Such resources contain detailed schemes for illegal activities. Teaching materials are often profitable.

Carding: principles of work
Bank card details are the main tool for carding. The following information is required:
  • mobile bank account password
  • VDV (applicable for cards with 3D protection)
  • CVV2 or CVC2


To find the information they need, scammers purchase a paid database. To correctly guess the password, special brute-force programs are used.

The Darknet offers to purchase bank details for a modest remuneration of 500 rubles. For privacy, carders use a paid VPN that allows them to select a specific state or state.

Phishing is another workaround for data ownership. A copy of the authorization page on the bank's website or a fake mobile bank application is created. For the sake of visibility, the application is being dispatched.

The user may receive a message that, without confirmation, the card may be blocked in the near future. To confirm, the user needs to enter the details. You may also receive an SMS notification about "crediting funds". A person follows the link and gets into a fake application. Carder intercepts data and disposes of other people's funds. Some scammers are waiting for large amounts in the account for more extraction.

If you believe the reviews of experts, at the initial stage, the carder will have to pay about 10 thousand rubles. You need to pay:
  • VPN network;
  • IP-socks tunnels;
  • data from accounts and computers;
  • spam services for contacting bank consultants or sellers;
  • photographs of documents for cooperation.
It is unlikely that a novice carder will carry out a successful operation on the first try. Training also comes at a cost.

Driving process: what is it?
This procedure involves entering the card details when buying from an online store, paying for online services, etc. In order to avoid the risk, carders carry out shenanigans through computers of ordinary users by hacking. Then the scammers cover their tracks and get rid of the "evidence". After completing the drive, the carder simply destroys the software, removing the evidence.

Payment by someone else's card in online stores
Marketplaces from America and Europe often refuse to ship goods to Russian buyers. The reason is the payment for the goods from a PayPal account belonging to a citizen of Europe, Canada, USA, etc. For security, the largest online stores use anti-fraud systems to combat suspicious financial transactions. However, for experienced fraudsters, such protection cannot become a serious obstacle.

The carder issues an application for a gift card from the user's account. The code for the gift card is sent to e-mail, which is also successfully hacked. The purchase of goods in the marketplace occurs from your own account, but using a gift card issued for the victim.

Fraud has reached a new level. Carders buy accounts in Internet banks for further processing of loans, etc. Now this method does not work as efficiently. PayPal confirms registration on rare occasions.


Working with an intermediary
There is a possibility that the reseller will issue a return of the goods after notification of the actions of the carders. Because of this, experienced carders, as if by chance, change one letter in the phone number a .

In some cases, scammers simply withdraw money through online casino services, browser games, etc. Cryptocurrency exchanges provide anonymity. You can also withdraw other people's funds through them.

Carding among real sellers
Whatever position a person occupies in a grocery chain store, boasting a decent salary is unlikely to work. This is especially true of sales clerks. Frauds associated with carding can increase your monthly income several times.

The buyer, when paying for purchases with a card, does not think about the fact that the cashier sees the details. To place an order, some online stores require only the card number and the number on the back. Professional carders install special gadgets for recognizing bank data. Being a cashier at a neighborhood store is a great disguise for a carder. It is unlikely that the buyer will suspect a cashier of the theft.

Law enforcement opinion
The case of theft comes to the police only if the amount of the stolen exceeds $ 1,000. Police officers receive an alert from the FRB. The application contains information to help find the fraudster.

To work around such situations, carders cooperate with drops. Drops are errands. In the world of carding, they are service personnel. Their responsibilities include:
  • cashing out of funds
  • providing personal data for ordering
  • sending goods to carders
The contact between the carder and the drop is minimized. Drops own only a fraction of the information. If the drop is caught on a crime, there will be no evidence of the withdrawal of funds from the hacked bank account. Handing over the carder will also fail due to lack of information. The investigation will simply fail.

Why do carders go unpunished?
According to statistics, a carder working through a VPN network, using proxies and other means of protection, has a better chance of avoiding punishment for a crime. But no one is immune from mistakes.

A visit by law enforcement agencies to a criminal's home is not a guarantee of proof of a crime. In the absence of evidence, it is impossible to bring charges.

An inexperienced carder may forget to erase business correspondence, card details and account information. Here, the police can already record an act of fraud. A potential criminal should use instant messengers with the function of self-destructing messages. Soft-portable and anonymous Internet networks will help to ensure confidentiality and hide the fact of a committed crime.

Financial transactions via mobile banking are not evidence of fraud. The testimonies of witnesses are also not quoted. Carder is not obliged to confess to criminal activity when you can simply present yourself as a drop or intermediary.


How to protect yourself from fraudsters?
Naive dreamers do not condemn carding, because fraud brings good profits. However, large marketplaces and payment systems have picked up the trick and have strengthened their protection against online crimes.

Be sure to check the site address for authenticity. Remember to turn on your antivirus software when shopping online. It is recommended to install the antivirus on mobile devices as well.

It is advisable to issue a couple of bank cards. Each will perform its own function:
  • for frequent purchases with small amounts of money
  • for big savings
If you suspect that someone has taken possession of your card data, immediately call the bank with a request to block the card until the circumstances are clarified.

I draw your attention to the fact that this article is presented solely for the purpose of acquaintance and education in this topic. Anyone who decides to use this article for his own personal purposes, to distribute it, takes full responsibility for the possible harm to other people on himself.