We accept payments on the site from bank cards using Skrill


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Bank card payments on the Internet are the most popular and most universal way to pay for services. There is an opinion that the organization of accepting card payments on your site is complex and expensive. In fact, this is not the case at all. Any competent IT specialist or freelancer can do this even without forming a legal entity! The only necessary condition is to have your own website, the rest will be understood in the process.

Why Moneybookers (Skrill)?
The answer is very simple - because this is the only available method for Russian citizens. Like any simple answer, I had to come to it in a difficult way.

Communication in the Russian legal field leads to the need to prepare a pile of papers — copies of constituent documents, extracts from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, and other attributes of paper technologies. Not every legal entity will pass the security screening of payment and processing systems. Needless to say, the very idea that a person from the street will start working with money does not fit in their heads. But having received all the necessary papers with such difficulty, our people do not hesitate to then creatively interpret the customs of business turnover.

Representatives of the Anglo-Saxon mentality demonstrate a different approach. They are loyal to the initiative of citizens, but then they build strict risk management. Getting started is easy, but every step forward is worth the effort.

Of course, everyone knows about PayPal, but it is difficult to use it for the following reasons:
  • There are restrictions on the possibilities of Russian citizens in this system
  • Processing for Russian customers is not available.
  • Transaction processing fees outside the home group of countries are 1% more expensive ( almost a quarter more expensive)
  • It is a well-known boorish policy to block accounts, especially from foreign countries. It seems that the Ukrainian roots of the PayPal founder are to blame for this

Some restrictions may have been lifted or will be lifted in the future, but they were there when we chose the system.

Skrill, on the other hand, is a system that considers Russians to be full-fledged citizens of Europe and treats Russia as a home European market. Important note: Skrill has restrictions in the US, where the activity of this system is blocked under the pretext of its use for gambling. This is a typical example of international competition.

However, the system is really popular in gambling, so almost all worthwhile descriptions of working with the system are posted on some card sites.

I also read a very old (since 2006) and very large thread about Monebookers on the forum of a freelance community. A brief summary is as follows-regular screams from the operation of risk management systems and not a single, I emphasize-not a single case of losing money!

Let's get started​

Where should I start? Of course with prices! I note that a characteristic feature of Russian payment service sites is the lack of public information about tariffs.

You can see that for one transaction you will be charged 2.90% of its value plus 0.25 €. An important point is that all expenses for processing card payments in the civilized world are borne by the SELLER. This is a worldwide practice! Russian e-commerce in this matter, alas, differs for the worse for the consumer.

For non-European partners, the commission is higher - 3.9%, PayPal wants a little more. And don't forget about cross-border fees, which get the same 3.9%.

When registering, you can immediately choose the type of account - "personal account"or" enterprise account". When choosing an enterprise account, you are immediately confused by the "Legal form-please specify a legal entity". In fact, there is no legal entity, so we registered a personal account, and then wrote a letter about changing the status to business.

Looking ahead, I can give you some advice that will help you save a lot of time. Try registering a business account and enter sole trader as the form, which corresponds to the PBYL or sole proprietor.

If you decide to register a personal account, then read the instructions on some freelance or poker site. After renaming Moneybookers to Skrill, only the names and color of the site changed. The entire text and meaning remained the same. I love this British love of tradition!

Limits and verification
Limits and verification are the cornerstone of risk management for payment systems such as Skrill or PayPal. The general principle is very simple - the more the payment system knows about you, the greater the credit of trust and the higher the limit on operations, such as the transaction size, monthly turnover or withdrawal amount.

All verification options are available immediately after registration, but our compatriots prefer not to bother with such nonsense and reach the limits in the course of their daily activities. As a result, when the next limit is reached, the account is blocked, the citizen is overtaken by but chert and he starts rushing around the forums shouting " Help, hooligans are depriving money!"

Therefore, the best advice is to start verification immediately after creating an account in the following sequence:
  1. Link a bank account by transferring a small amount in euros to the SWIFT account details available in your merchant profile. The main bank account accepts transfers in euros, and recently it was possible to send a transfer in dollars to two other banks.
  2. Link your credit card by debiting a small amount of money. You need to view the debited amount in the statement and specify it exactly in the input form.
  3. Confirm your home address by sending an email containing a link to the site. If the email doesn't reach you, as it did in our case ( Russian Post - still waiting?), you can send a scan of the utility bill. If there is no invoice, a scan of your passport registration will also be sent. You can safely enter into a discussion in Russian with support representatives and show them what you have.

For verification, it is convenient to use cards and a VTB24 account with an old-fashioned but reliable telebank system, but I can't recommend a wonderful Sberbank.

Now you can perform various operations in Skrill, such as blowing money in Poker :) As electronic money, the Skrill currency is completely useless compared to Yandex.Money or Webmoney, so you can get down to the main thing - start accepting cards.

In this place, I give every second reader of the article a tip worth$20-50. To work with Skrill, use only VISA cards of the Classic class and higher. You can't withdraw money to MasterCard, so goodbye cool TKS-bank!

If you already have a credit or debit card, you can check what it is by entering the first 6 digits of the code in Bin database checker

Business Account
In order to get the seller's account, you need to launch your site and write an email to [email protected]

In response, you will be asked to describe your company's activities, provide a website, and provide links to Terms and Conditions. You will also be asked to indicate your address, phone number and who you are in general there. Individual entrepreneur Vasya Pupkin is completely satisfied. You can make an impeccable description using the recommendations of real gentlemen.

Communication will take place in English, although the site may be in Russian. After a few days of tedious waiting, a visitor from England will flash by in the logs and soon you will be pleased with the new status.

Enabling and configuring it
To enable the service for accepting card payments, you will need to install an online store with the Moneybookers support module, which is available in all popular systems. You can write the handler yourself using the documentation.

I am especially pleased with the opportunity to wind up a demo post request in online mode.

Advice from personal experience. When configuring it, immediately disable unnecessary payment options that will mislead your customers. There are more than enough popular card systems! Leave only local options for citizens of the countries that will pay you. There are no local options for Russians and Americans.

Due to some tender love for Prestashop, Skrill offers fantastic rates for merchants who have installed this store. I didn't check it.

If everything is done correctly, then after a while you will contemplate a picture that is pleasant to your eye, for example::

It's interesting to count other people's money through an open window, isn't it? The refund button on the right is a priceless find for us. At any time, you can return part or all of the payment to your buyer for a fixed price of 0.49 €.

It would be very mean to end the article on this idyllic moment without telling about the pitfalls. The patient reader will find out in the following paragraphs little-known information that we have obtained with nerves, time and money.

Output delay
It turned out that all incoming funds to the account are frozen for 30 days. This period is intended for the buyer's ability to withdraw their payment. That's right, who will allow an unknown horseradish from the mountain to immediately freely dispose of money?

The principle of commission accrual
All commissions for processed payments, as well as all refunds, are deducted from the unfrozen amount. It looks like this. You had a free€100 in your account. If you suddenly accept a payment of 100€ and immediately make a refund, then in addition to -3€ commissions, you will receive -100€ to your reserves. That is, 97€ will remain on your account, which will be blocked for 30 days.

Commission for failed payments
If your client has a card that doesn't have any money or is somehow blunted, you will still be charged 0.25 €. And you also receive an SMS in Russian in unreadable encoding, it's good that the confirmation code in it is digital.

Restriction on withdrawing money via a bank card
You can withdraw no more than 500 Euros per day to your credit card at a time. It quickly became clear that you can withdraw no more than 1,500 Euros per month. This limit is set by the acquiring bank, in our case Sberbank for VISA classic. It turns out that withdrawing money via a bank card adds a commission of 0.36%.

True, you can withdraw money to a bank account at any time, but you need to clearly understand that due to the fight against the money laundering policy, this is a completely transparent operation that you can perform being fully prepared for it!

Merchant verification
After 700 Euros from receiving merchant status, we received a notification that we need to go through the merchant verification procedure. They sent us various documents and, under threat of blocking them, asked us to sign them and send scans within a week at the latest. Some documents confirming the placement of the business were also required. I had to be nervous and sweat, because we didn't have a legal entity or business placement. In our correspondence, we learned about sole trader, we also failed to meet the 7-day deadline. Fortunately, as is usually the case in the country of capitalism with the human being, we were not disconnected for the duration of correspondence. To avoid this problem, try registering a Business account right away!

Verified merchant-checkered sky!
The day before the freezing of a large amount of money, a letter of happiness arrived, in which we were happy to learn that due to the nature of your business we have reduced the retention period of your funds to 14 days and ... introduced a non-deductible deposit of 2000 Euros! I had to forget about any withdrawal of funds and start working on adding funds to my account. In the screenshot above, it seems that the income is visible, but in fact it is a net loss in the form of a frozen deposit and frozen working capital.

By enabling bank card payment acceptance, be prepared to freeze a couple of months working capital if the startup is successful. However, it is worth admitting that these are pleasant business chores.

What's next?
Then normal business development. Registration of an international company, registration of a bank account, registration of an Internet Merchant Account, reading websites about offshore companies. You can read this, but I personally choose the old world. Tell me, do you know any other country where the tax office publishes such a wonderful brochure? You read and understand - the road will master going.