Walmart carding tutorial


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I am have account hack Walmart , but I don’t know how use cc of account holder , anyone can help this problem , because I trust


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Carding Method Walmart 2021
In this lesson, you will learn how to drive a thing from the restored Walmart accounts to your address or to the stingy.
First, I advise you to get a proxy, we will consider an example through these proxies.
Of course, it is possible through rdp, ssh tunnels, hvnc, etc. work, but it's much slower, and speed is important to us.
The second thing that everyone should have is, of course, restored accounts, I emphasize, restored, not booted.
Otherwise, 90% of your tracks from brute-account will go to the deadline, but who needs it.

Let's start from the very beginning
First and foremost, do not operate with the machine you use in your daily life.
I think it's no secret that when you install Windows, you are immediately assigned a personal ID from Microsoft and you proudly wear it for the rest of your OS life.
There is no money for a laptop / second car, buy what thread used ssd / hard, format it a couple of times, and work with it.
Internet. Configured modem through your raised vpn. I will not tell, Google it, or buy from immediately ready.
OR: USB modem via the left SIM card. There are places in every city that sell such junk. On average, $ 30 for a stitched usb and $ 5 for a SIM card. Hope all your carts, all social messengers where you communicate, registered on the left SIM cards.
The main rule. A working machine is made for work only! No social. messengers, games, steams, etc. Only carding work.

We put the OS on a blank disk. Windows 10 EN, downloaded from the off site of Microsoft. Hacked operating systems do not suit us, they cut too much, which means that fraud is firing.
After installation, disable OS telemetry. Offay or pens (don't know how, google, there are a lot of articles) or attachments like destroy Windows 10.
Downloading Google Chrome / Mozilla Firefox last, be sure to EN version.

MAC address. I saw controversy about the fact that the MAC address cannot be changed, this is a hardware characteristic, and therefore I will explain: in fact, you really will not change the MAC address hardwired into the network card, but this is not necessary: for most of the consumer network equipment segment, the MAC address set at the software level by the driver takes precedence over the hardware one, which makes it changeable.
The easiest way to change it is to download the TMAC V6 program.

Ubercookies (speaker and microphone fingerprints) You can find your Ubercookies through
Ubercookies are used to identify the user through speaker and microphone fingerprints. It is impossible to remove ubercookie, you can only change them (using special extensions to the browser). The main disadvantage allows you to identify the user even in the TOP network
You can change them using the virtual audio cable program (publicly available on the internet).

Canvas is your personal system fingerprint. We check it through the website will it be registered your fingerprint signature?
Any anti-fraud system likes to collect them and add them to their black lists, after which you hell, what will you do with this ailment.
The workaround is very basic.
Through the Mozilla Firefox, go to the settings - the Language and Apperance - Advanced tab and there uncheck the "allow pages to choose their own fonts, instead of your selections above". Next, we change the font and font size, and voila, we have a new canvas. I advise you to change it every day.

Working with proxy 911
We register on the website, buy the required number of proxies, and download the 911 itself.

Launching 911.
Go to the "Setting" tab and tick the "Auto clear Browser info" box. It automatically deletes all cookies for us after changing the proxy.
Auto Change UserAgent do not touch them. All their user agents are old. Frod will immediately suspect that something is wrong.

On the "Program" tab, drag the browser shortcuts into our window, through which we will work.

Carding process
We open our accounts, and we will analyze by example what we see.
Pink: Login: password from the Personal Area. Name and surname and address of cardholder.
Blue: City
Black: State
Green: ZIP

Take turns and insert into 911.
First, ZIP, if we find it, then we select our proxy, the choice goes by PING, the less, the better.
If there is no ZIP, then in the city, there is no city, then the state.
After we have selected the proxy, go to the "Program" tab and open our browser.

First of all, we open the website
We look that the proxy is the one we need, our DNS does not break through, and the time coincides with the times of cardholder.

Carding method
Go to the site
We are looking for a stuff suitable for US. And this: Delivery in 2 days, retailer Walmart or Retailers with delivery ~ in 2 days by UPS or Fedex. (You can check them in the description).
Example highlighted in green:

Click "Add to Cart".
We enter the login and password from our list of accounts (it is desirable to enter the log and pass with pens)

We turn to the choice of the delivery date, if there is a choice, then we put the delivery faster, but not on the next. day. Click "Continue".
You can choose delivery and on the trail. day, but I'm afraid you will not have time to hand over the pack for revision. The track will be sent to the pack at night, and the rookies are not robots and they sometimes sleep.

Choice of billing address of cardholder. If there are several options, we put the one under which we were looking for zip / state and the same "Continue"

Choice of CC
We select the CC under which we have chosen on the last tab, so there is a greater chance that the order will pass, click "Review you order" if it asks for CVV, then go to the next one acc

We look with our eyes at our order and click the payment "Place order"

If we liked the fraud and there were grandmas on the CC, then the order goes through, here we save the order number, the billing address of the cardholder, and the stuff itself.

In the morning in the USA we check our orders. Where is "Cancel", then we delete it.
If, as on the screen, we leave it, in a couple of hours we should hang up the track.

We press the coveted "Track Shipment" button from where we take our track and give it to the rerout.
Buyer Nostradamus (drop service for take your stuff).
Minimum pack 350 $, Free recycle all packs from 3 recyclers.

Not verified contact:
Walmart account seller @HondaCBR1000
Proxy seller @ProxiferSell911

Walmart carding tutorial:
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    Points: 2
    I love your help , I will do your step , hope it working , so i can make money and gift for you.