Volgograd police detained a suspect in fraud under the pretext of providing sex services


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A 25-year-old resident of the Volgograd region turned to the police with a statement, who said that more than 40 thousand rubles were stolen from him by fraud. From the victim's statement, it follows that he lost money when he decided to use the site of sex services.

The police established the involvement of a 22-year-old resident of Kolomna, Moscow region, in the fraud. The young man created an Internet Site with ads about the provision of sexual services in different regions of Russia. The attacker used photos downloaded from the Internet for personal data.

At first, he communicated with clients on behalf of girls, imitating a female voice. After receiving an advance payment, he called back, introducing himself as the owner of the salon, and reported that a technical failure in the system had occurred due to the actions of a citizen, threatened problems and spreading defamatory information, and demanded to transfer more money.

An investigator of the Police Department No. 6 of the Volgograd Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation charged the suspect with committing a crime under Part 2 of Article 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. He was detained in accordance with Article 91 of the Criminal Procedure Code of the Russian Federation.

Currently, investigators are establishing his involvement in the commission of other similar crimes.

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