Unknown lands of carding - interview with carder-girl


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Honestly, I thought for a long time about who to interview. Obviously, only one thing - in the pursuit of links, sites and long ordeals about "what is really not a scam" inevitably have to look through the darkness of information garbage in order to give out something that looks like the truth.

And then one day, on another day of searching for sources of information, namely, the private chats of the Carts on the shadow topic, I somehow stumbled upon. Having predetermined that I did run into the author's carding channel of the carder, I was already tuned into the fact that two alternatives are possible here - content in the format "Let's find out what a thing is!" Will be given, or I will shed tears and try to grab the self-esteem that has fallen to the bottom looking at screenshots of what fucking gear or PS4 Mr.N has knocked out for himself.

I will not describe everything that I have viewed, since you will always have time to familiarize yourself with the content. For me, the most important factor that made me want to interview was the presentation of the material. Among the guides on carding, which were not full of a bright syllable (they should not, because they are intended for work, not lulz) in articles on Terra, it became clear to me that the presentation of the material is very decisive. Solves and captivates, allowing the reader to plunge into the world of cybercraft calmly and without turbulence. As it is, embellishing the factology with only metaphors and humor.

And among other things, all content can be strictly divided by a single boundary (and I love everything structured) - before and after the author began to engage in carding. And I'm a big fan of interesting stories about people (and not just about websites), so it would be blasphemous to leave the creator of Terra out of sight . So, welcome - Bella Kavendish!


Hey! I'll start with the most obvious question - how did you first get acquainted with the subject of the Darknet and was there at least some impulse that attracted you to it?

Hello. My, in every sense, an unexpected acquaintance with the Darknet began here, in Telegram. What prompted me to install this application on my phone? - the same vague question for my memory as this one: how did I find the channels connected with Dark here?

It's no secret that at that time, and this was 2017, carding was at the peak of popularity here. Perhaps this is what contributed to what I learned about him. But despite the fact that I do not remember the reasons and motives, I now have a clear shot of that moment in front of my eyes: I was sitting in the minibus and waiting for its departure from the final one. :)

I remember reading articles on carding forum with wide eyes, with what enthusiasm I leafed through these posts. Then I could not even think that one day I would start flipping through my own posts. Before that, it was very far away. Moreover, I did not think that I would go beyond just reading these articles. Because then the first thing that emerged from the depths of my soul was my conscience - I asked: how is it possible to steal? Never. Never. Now I am sharing a very intimate moment: once I vowed to myself that under no circumstances would I do this. Nothing will move me, nothing will.

And the most amazing thing about all this is that I have never been a person capable of giving up my words. I still believe that I gave them up as if in a state of passion. I do not regret anything, but this 180-degree change of my mind causes not the most pleasant sensations in my soul when I think about it. I think the moral aspect will need to be discussed separately.

The main thing that attracted me so much to the topic is its imaginary inaccessibility, taboo. Initiation into such movements always has one predictable effect: you feel yourself "chosen", different. After all, you now have a trump card in front of the outside world - that which does not belong to him and as if belongs to you. For many, the darknet is a world of illusions into which they escape when illusions about the real world, the world of squares and minibuses, are broken. I can't say that I was an exception. I experienced the same at first.

In general, my acquaintance with Dark is a coincidence. So, perhaps, all the fateful changes happen - unobtrusively, as if by accident. It is as if - although I am not a fatalist, I don’t believe in randomness either.

Was there some person in this whole movement whom you met first on the carding-way? As I recall, you wrote that you took 3 trainings, so I guess it could be one of the teachers.
I got to my first training in the same unexpected way. Probably, this is my feature, a distinctive feature, my life credo.

Having eaten up all these colorful articles, I got the idea to get to study at one of the largest channels at that time. Moreover, even my lack of money could not extinguish this fire - I had absolutely nothing to pay for training. :) Then I got the nerve and left my mark on history on the forum of that channel - I created a topic in which I asked old-timers to teach me all the carder's wisdom on, let's say, financially gratuitous basis, but with the prospect of our further joint work, my immense gratitude and in general, all the blessings of the world that I can get.

To be honest, I understood that the arrogance and sincerity of my style in this case was a dead poultice, and I didn’t hope for anything good. But, lo and behold, one carder with experience responded to my SOS signal. He wrote to me that he can teach PayPal self-registrations.

My journey began with him. Long, thorny, but illuminated by his support and help.

As I understand it, there are a lot of contacts and people in the course of work. The question is quite lengthy, but this does not negate its importance - as briefly as possible, could you describe those people who work with you, by their nature and type?

The greatest value of my team, I consider our diversity - both by the fact that we represent ourselves outside of the virtual space, and by the qualities of our characters.

Brainstorming conducted by such a team hodgepodge is the most effective - roughly speaking, the choleric person will offer what the melancholic would not even think about, and together they have every chance of giving birth to something grandiose. Of course, sometimes it is not easy for us even in acute issues, when everyone is on our nerves or we are pursued by total bad luck, we break off at each other, and here this difference in characters only catalyzes the negative. But this is also our strength - despite the fact that we are not puzzles from the same picture, we managed to connect, which means that our connection is stronger than others.

But what we have in common is purposefulness, faith in each other and the principle "one for all and all for one".

What was the funniest story about your job?
Your question led me to believe that my work has one significant drawback - the lack of fun moments. :)

And all because my funniest story is connected just with the ringing. In March of this year, antifraud fell at the stick. I came home and had not yet had time to warm up my lunch, when messages with this good news were poured into me in a personal message. It was impossible to hesitate, and I turned on the PC with not the most graceful movement of my foot and began to pour money from self-registrations into my cash-in RU account - the stick was not embarrassed by the amount of $ 800 per send. What Russian doesn't like easy money? I milked my self-registers until their hooves fell off.

And ... A limit came to my only cash account, which froze everything that was leaked. You can call this story an illustration of the proverb "don't say gop until you jump over." My guys' accounts also suffered. We overdid it - we did not take into account that the accounts were not verified and they have limitations. In general, the ardor subsided, we gathered advice and began to think. There were a lot of troubles with my account, but the guys needed a ringing. Since the account is Russian, our most important "ringleader-joker" decided to call himself. Well, that is, like Russian ... Armenian.

When I heard him call, I realized that this world has lost a big actor. The Armenian accent and the promises to "blow your whole office" must have played the first violin in the limit of this account. The money was saved and we celebrated it with a 7-star Armenian brandy.


Your training is starting on your channel now. Tell me, will there be something fundamentally new in it, compared to the rest? What tricks are you willing to provide to the students?

Make carding great again
When I first created this channel, my account became just a hotline for appeals - the guys who became disillusioned with carding after a long search for the right approach, after failures and after training with channels like a Dark Personality, who went, came in large numbers and did not leave, poured out their souls to me. There is no point in continuing this list. I was worried about the guys, because my channel also became a haven for me, where I share my thoughts, which means I also pour out my soul. So I realized that we are doing a common cause, we are fighting for the sake of one goal. Reading this now, they recognize themselves and are probably smiling. They remember how I gave instructions, helped - to whom with advice, and to whom with material. She gave her accounts in services, shared sellers and open offices. Thank you, which from everyone was so bewildered and therefore sincere and very big. I liked helping for free,
It's been six months already. For large carjs, this is one generation. For small ones - two. During this time, I realized that my local attacks on telegram lawlessness are few and I need to take it seriously. With this post, I mark the recruitment of my team, which in its success can surpass even me. This is my challenge to all educators. My promise to the old-timers. My educational program for beginners. It will be hot in here soon.

Now let's talk about the details.
The cost of full training. And this is not "the first five such a discount" and not "possible by installments at %" - I spent these six months far from taking marketing courses and will not offend my audience with cheap tricks. I respect each of you because I know it is mutual. This is what my relationship with students is based on.
And now for the sweetest.

What is included in the carding training
There is a LOT of information, even though everything irrelevant has been eliminated! Therefore, each day will be devoted to a separate direction, and each lecture to a specific topic. The material is structured, easy to understand and includes the essentials. Text, pictures and even video, so that no one gets tired of the monotony and this ton of information was easier to perceive ;)
I teach from scratch, I guarantee you will get into the topic after the first two lectures. Yes, even if far from everything that operates with ones and zeros. But if you are not a beginner and are tuning the sphere with your eyes closed, then you will not have to waste time either. Pro, at this time, I will teach how to break OpenVPN and poke around in AD (active directory) to extract the cleanest IPs, I will teach hacker tricks that will greatly help in carding and bring profit to a new level. Beginners will have access to this lecture at the very end.
The main lectures will last 10 days, together with the group we will set a time at which the material will be published. In parallel with this, I will answer questions, give homework and monitor their implementation. As always, I will not deprive anyone of attention.

Setting up a PC, phone, Dedicated server, virtual machine, connectify or router - whatever device you decide to work with. Key safety rules. Setting under kx. The golden rules of warming up.
Logs - the main emphasis I put on them, because it is fast, simple, monetary and pleasant. Tueva a lot of ways to drain banks, work with the logs of a stick, ebay and amazon, working out other links.
Carding process (Driving in) - search for shops, work with intermediaries, stingy, gift.
Self-registers pp - unique stick schemes that did not come to its connoisseurs in their wildest dreams. Self-registers with ba, ss, vs; tricks, ways to increase trust, various regi and buildup methods. Exclusive digging to the paper. Huge room to maneuver.
Self-registers ba - breaking through fullok, searching for banks, bypassing bg / cr issues, bays with brute ba, ba and ss logs, lines of credit, cash out
Self-registers investsites - pitfalls when working with investors, full analysis of the reg-trasfer-cash flow chain
Working with vcc, prepaid cards and other exotic full cache
At the request of the students, I can touch on any topics of interest to them, for example, booking, airbnb.

+ Full customization of Linken Sphere with all the chips and nuances ?
+ A table with the results of tests of banks for self-registration, selection of givers ?
+ Help via teamviewer at your request ?
+ Infa about mobile applications for transfers, transfers and from the private chat of the Mobile App Group with testers' comments (all 12 collections) ?

Block " Your own director" - drawing manuals, tips for stealers owners and other useful materials for freedom from communicating with sellers
Block "Bonus at the expense of the institution" - contacts of private mata sellers and proven shops
Block "Improving performance" - good advice on microdosing and sleep deprivation. Tested by me personally. It's simple - you work more, you get more money. Even three hours a day can provide a beautiful life, but only if you have already grasped everything. At the initial stage, you yourself want to have more and more before getting lazy and content with a couple of k greens a month. Although, we are all different. But I will give advice on this matter as well.

Well and the most, the sweetest
For the course, I attach proven cracks of programs that greatly expand our capabilities - premium VPN, the latest grabber / proxy checker, a script for copying sites (phishing for stellack, other software and other purposes), a program for extracting emails from sites and social networks, an email checker for validity and preparation of the mailing base. With description and instructions.

The training is carried out personally by me, the second lecturer is my friend and a specialist in self-regulation of PayPals, Amazon and, as it sometimes seems to me, everything that is registered. He will help me. I guarantee constant support, discussion and collective problem solving. Thanks to this, you will finally find your own direction in which you will improve further, exchanging experiences with classmates. Flooding is strictly prohibited in work chats - money does not like unnecessary conversations, I will not allow anyone to confuse the working mood. But the lamp atmosphere is provided in separate smoking rooms, where we can all talk about our own things as in the good old days.

Remember, buddy, karzh is the hardest path to easy money. The chair in the auditorium is softer, but look as if your fifth point does not go numb ?
The first enrollees will be added to the private group immediately upon payment, where I will begin to advise and answer questions even before the start of training. Hurry up to join the ranks of professionals in order to fight for the future of carding and win it back from scammers. See you in the ring ??

My pride in this training is a fundamentally new approach to the stick and coverage of topics that I did not notice in the training of others - interactive, crypt logs, IP mining using shodan, OVPN hacking. Plus, this training includes my personal experience, and everything that was borrowed from other trainings in the form of an idea was significantly revised through the prism of my experience. Much has been added, much has been excluded. The quintessence of your own tests and the quintessence of information from other trainings - this is such a potion. Videos, by the way, will also be. I can even slightly open the curtain, these will be videos on prepaid cards and breaking through the BA holder.

And I also share non-standard views in it. I think it would be appropriate to insert here a preface to the lecture on the stick so that it is clear what I am talking about.

"We all know that working schemes do not like disclosure like daylight vampires - it is life-threatening for them. But I propose to go from the opposite. Let's simulate the situation. What will happen if my thoughts on a stick become mass public knowledge? - what methods of work, what will this mean for further updates from the side of the stick? Here I catch a good idea - by killing schemes, the mass character entails exactly the stirring in the offices of the security officers of the office with which we work. So if our actions entail opposition, why not turn it to our advantage?

And so I brought this thought to the original question - can the publicity of my developments change the behavior of the stick in the direction that we need?

In one of my lectures, I already mentioned that antifraud artificial intelligence works on the principle of detecting deviant behavior, anomalies and, on the contrary, typical patterns. I propose to hit the stick in the most vulnerable place - to confuse it, doing what 90% of all carders do not do, who, thanks to the same actions, can be seen as a flock of brown hamsters on white snow. And if I expand my approach by all of these 90%, or at least 85, what will be left to the PayPal? How to identify abnormalities that do not exist, how to identify carder intentions in a person, if he acts the same way as thousands of honest users? There is only one thing left - to tighten the rules and introduce additional checks, which will inevitably entail an outflow, but not only of carders, but also of those honest users whom we will pull with us. And then the stick will only have to compare the losses - from carders and from falling ratings. I assure you that the former will be the lesser of evils. And then the system will stagger. "

After that, it would then be obvious to ask, what are the prospects for carding in your opinion and what will be the trends?

The main trend in carding, which can be traced, in fact, from its very inception, is a departure from pure carding to its symbiosis with adjacent faces - first of all, with hacking, and secondly, with traffic and spam. This is the rare case when a blend is more prestigious than a single.

Basically, what is a clean carding? If we are talking entirely about distillate, then first of all, PayPal self-registration and airpods hammered into Ebay pop up before our eyes. Yes, if there were a monument to carding as a phenomenon, it would certainly be the letters PP and an installation in the form of a spiked order. This is a thing of the past. Carding is indeed dying, but in the same sense, to the same extent that we are all living and mortal organisms by definition. We are getting old. Sometimes successfully delayed but irreversible processes are going on inside us. Tightening the nuts on the side of anti-fraud systems is very similar to this aging. It can take a long time, a very long time, but it is a one-way road. Exactly what is the end.

However, the realization of this does not prevent me from believing that it is by no means too late to join the get-together. Join in, take your own (please note that there is an abyss of irony here), remembering that carding, as a highly volatile movement, lives in the moment. As Jesse Livermore seems to have said, the long-term is a bad advisor in current affairs, because in the long-term we are all dead. Here is a carding that complements the hack will die last. And the pure does not have long. In order not to philosophize slyly, I even dare to name specific figures - two years and the threshold for entering a clean carding will become so high that everyone who can afford this pleasure will be exceptionally smart and without that wealthy - so much so that they will no doubt prefer a hack to it ... It is here that the door between the past and the present will finally slam shut.

By pouring in now, you can create a reserve for the future - to insure yourself against the ending at a broken trough through constant self-development, through the analysis of ongoing (and NOT occurring, which is also very important) processes in the car, through expanding your understanding, deepening technical, computer knowledge.

If you approach this in good faith, the revelations that overtook you will be a guarantee that you will provide a decent old age not only for yourself, but also in absentia for your grandchildren. I mean, if you understand where, how and why money comes from here, you will understand how to get it. In my teaching, I show the diagrams I owe to thinking outside the box. Of course, I was not always so "smart". I remember how inflexible I approached everything, how I did not understand anything, I could not distinguish part from the whole - at first, moving away from the template is like letting go of the wheel of a bicycle with both hands, sitting on it for the first time in my life. Now I remember this and understand - the carding is really a difficult art, after all, there is something in our "professional" qualifications that understands it in the table of ranks above the janitor. But when you poke the same buttons every day, you really stop feeling the difference. Do you think - how am I different from the cashier in the top five? Does it make a big difference - punching goods or driving them in? Here you are, another argument in favor of self-development. It should be welcomed in any way.

The main thing is not to be sprayed on 10 areas at once. A very important skill is to concentrate on the details, while not missing the big picture - to look at the specifics, but globally. This is exactly what I said about the part and the whole. Otherwise, you risk, roughly speaking, losing the forest for the trees.

As I say, the approach determines the income. This is a full-duplex link, that is, it works equally in both directions. It will never be too late to join the Karzh if you find the right approach. This is what I teach my wards, I want to convey this to those who have been in the subject for a long time.


Tell me, have you ever thought that someday you will leave carding? Have you outlined certain roads for yourself in the white business, a "compensation plan"?

I thought about it, but I never came to any final idea. Probably, my time has not yet come to think about this, I am still in this stream, with my head in the Darknet. I feel that I have not finished my mission here yet.

But of course, I cannot boast that I have no way out at all.

If it happens that I have to change my activity, I will go to trading. I already have experience in this area, for a long time I have been researching scientific papers on pricing mechanisms in markets, etc. This was enough for me to understand that this is my niche - which means that I will return to it when I'm done with the carding. But it seems to me that the final no, I will never tell him. Do you know what a carder and a commando have in common? - there are no former carders. :) My darknet past will appear from time to time, because it leaves its mark. On someone a stigma, but on someone just a small imprint, reminiscent of the knowledge that cannot be removed from the head even by surgery. And I’ll just miss you. For the emotions that the carding gives. I don't even know which spectrum they have more - positive or negative, but I will definitely miss. If it were not so, it is unlikely that I would have stayed on this topic for at least a week, even though it feeds well.


And now, like in an interactive RPG, it's your choice: give parting advice to subscribers or recommend the book that seemed most interesting to you.

I advise all your, your own and simply thinking subscribers, books by Taleb Nassim, "Black Swan" and "Antifragility". It was from them that I picked up the idea of a different look at the usual things.

P.S. Once again, I would like to express my deep gratitude to Bella for the interesting dialogue and respect to all subscribers who have read to the end.