UK Regulator Seeks Staff to Investigate Crypto Crimes


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The British National Crime Agency (NCA) is forming a special team to investigate cryptocurrency crimes in order to prevent fraud with virtual assets.

According to the vacancy published by the NCA, the agency is looking for six people to create a new team that will investigate crypto crimes. The Working Group will be part of the National Cybercrime Unit (NCCU) or the Digital Assets Unit.

The requirements for candidates are that they analyze various materials and suspicious transactions with cryptocurrencies, monitor blockchains, and interact with law enforcement and regulatory authorities. The NCA stressed that it intends to form a special team of "cryptocurrency investigators" amid the growth of cyber threats. The move proves the UK's intention to become a crypto hub, as local authorities continue to debate the creation of a regulated environment that protects the interests of users.

This year, the NCA has published several vacancies for hiring cryptocurrency specialists. So, in August, the NCA began selecting candidates for the position of an investigator to combat complex financial crimes where cryptocurrencies are used.

Recall that in the period from April 1, 2021 to March 31, 2022, the agency seized digital assets in the amount of $26.9 million, although it had not previously engaged in the confiscation of cryptocurrencies. The NCA has announced that it has strengthened measures to combat money laundering through crypto assets in order to reduce the damage caused by economic crimes.