Things to always remember, while working out of the city


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Working outside of your city is always problematic and expensive. But I hope everyone understands that it is better to go to another city than to work in your hometown. Everyone has their own priorities. If the road means freedom – we recommended packing up your belongings and go on a business trip.

Problem #1 is reaching your destination point while remaining unnoticed.

The first choice: You can easily RENT a car. The advantage is that in any state across USA, COPs can see that this is a rent-a-car if ever checking your license plates. In other words you don’t have to worry about any unpaid tickets or registration problems. According to statistics RENT-A-CARs get pulled over the least. The main problem is that when you go far, crossing some middle-America states, you will encounter (as we call them) "COPS-VILLAGERS". These individuals always live in middle states where the crime rate is low and having nothing better TO DO they will gladly give you sh*t for no reason. For example if your plates are from FLORIDA and you are in COLORADO I assure you that for exactly this reason the VILLAGER COP will stop you. And then you will have to explain where you’re going and what for. As we already noticed for a long time, the intellectual development and critical thinking abilities of these villagers equals to "0". At times we even think that they get recruited exactly due to the lack of these qualities. Meaning the dumber the COP - the more stupid questions s/he will ask and accordingly it will be harder to explain anything to him/her. If they hear an accent, s/he will automatically - hold you for a TERRORIST, therefore we recommend entrusting the driving of the car to someone with the most pure English. These villager cops, having understood that you are not from here, will try all forces to find any way to search your car. We had many cases that after being stopped by one of these idiots, many more came to the rescue (his rescue that is) – they come in packs because, as I’ve said, they have nothing better TO DO. And so, many times some of the cretin-helpers are К9 units.... К9 is the same stupid COP but with a DOG!!! The dog will sniff all of your car and you. They are not looking for MSR or Credit cards, they are searching for drugs. As we have recently found out - for middle states cops cars with out-of-state registration are of special interest due to trafficking of drugs from WEST COAST to EAST COAST. That is exactly the reason they stop you in the first place and then.... as God gives… whatever they find – that’s what they’ll take you for.

In conclusion ... It is better to avoid long distance trips. Or hide everything really well and have a good story all ready about where you’re going and what for. Also, do not forget that practically all of the RENT-A-CARS have built in GPS transmitters; therefore, the company you rented the car from, has a full log of where and when you were.

The Flight.

During the flight you show your documents and there is a probability that TSA (TSA - the security service of the airports) can look through your luggage. And only God knows how they would react to a found MSR.

When you fly you leave a trace. Therefore we recommend studying the map of the US planning a trip as follows. For example ... You plan to go to TEXAS. There are 3 large cities, in Texas: San Antonio, Dallas and Houston. And so you fly to San Antonio, get a RENT-A-CAR drive to Houston. This enables you to work in 2 cities and depart unnoticed from the third. They will be looking for you in the cities where you have worked. For an even greater safety you can send the MSR by mail to eliminate the probability of being arrested in the airport. When purchasing your tickets always remember that: buying the ticket on the day of departure or directly before the flight - YOU AUTOMATICALLY GET INTO A FILTER FOR REVEALING POTENTIAL TERRORISTS. In other words ... I know it sounds ridiculous, but believe me it is true. If you have bought the ticket on the same day - you will see on the ticket "0000" on the left side of the ticket (this differs in each airline company). These "0000" is a special airline mark that you have bought the ticket directly before the flight, you are flying without luggage or your last name matches with a last name of someone who the forces are looking for. And therefore, as soon as TSA workers check your ticket at the checkpoint they will see these "0000" and they will examine you and your luggage with special vigilance. NEVER BUY THE TICKET ON THE DAY OF THE FLIGHT!!!!!

We hope this will help you during this hard time.

All our articles are written personally by us from our personal experience.

Specially for
(c) Omen DeadMouse TEAM
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Nice tips. I was on my way to Illinois last week and I stopped myself from packing my msr. Next day air is a lo simpler than coming up with a story about why you have an msr.