The FSB reported on distributing malicious software in Telegram Moskvich


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The FSB stopped the activities of a Muscovite who was involved in the distribution of malicious software via Telegram. This was reported to TASS by the press service of the Federal Security Service of Russia for the city of Moscow and the Moscow region.

"The Federal Security Service of Russia for the city of Moscow and the Moscow region has stopped the illegal activities of a resident of Moscow born in 1990, who was involved in the distribution of a computer program deliberately intended for unauthorized destruction, modification and copying of computer information," the press service said.

Moskvich found malware buyers through the site it administers. "To purchase the program, the client had to contact the resource administrator in the Telegram messenger. After receiving information about the payment made, the seller sent the buyer a file containing the software, the activation key and an explanatory video," the special service added.

A criminal case was opened against the Muscovite under Part 2 of Article 273 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (creation, use and distribution of malicious computer programs committed out of self-interest). The sanction of the article incriminated to him provides for a penalty of up to five years in prison.