The activities of an organized group of fraudsters who seized millions under the pretext of charitable contributions were exposed


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Under the procedural guidance of the Prosecutor General's Office prosecutors, seven members of the organized group were informed of suspicion of fraud (Article 190 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine).

According to the investigation, a woman in 2023 organized a fraudulent scheme for seizing funds of Ukrainian citizens under the pretext of charitable contributions to a charity fund to help low-income segments of the population. It attracted 6 more residents of Zhytomyr and Kyiv regions to this activity.

The "charitable foundation" created by her operated in the form of call centers. Their operators provided citizens with deliberately false information about charitable projects that need to be transferred funds. The money received from citizens as charitable contributions was then distributed among the participants of the organized group.

Currently, 17 victims have been identified, who suffered damage totaling more than 700 thousand UAH. Other victims are being identified. According to preliminary information, the amount of damage caused is about UAH 11 million, since this amount of funds was withdrawn from the charity fund's accounts for other purposes.

Law enforcement officers conducted 35 searches on the territory of the Kiev and Zhytomyr regions, during which objects and documents of evidentiary value in criminal proceedings were seized.

Now six members of the organized group have been given preventive measures, and the issue of choosing a preventive measure for another suspect is being resolved.

Pre-trial investigation is carried out by investigators of the Main Investigation Department of the National Police of Ukraine with operational support of employees of the Criminal Investigation Department of the National Police of Ukraine.