Thanks to Sberbank, the leader of an organized criminal group engaged in illegal circulation of bank cards was detained


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Sberbank helped to stop the activities of a criminal group, whose members organized a printing house to issue fake Kyrgyz ID-passports for issuing bank cards on them. This was reported to CNews by representatives of Sberbank.

At the request of the bank, the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in Moscow opened a criminal case on the grounds of a crime under Part 2 of Article 187 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation ("Illegal turnover of payment funds"). Thanks to the joint work of Sberbank employees and the internal affairs bodies, the identity and location of the criminal was established.

As a result, the organizer of the crime (a Russian citizen) he was arrested. More than 700 fake ID-passports of citizens of the Republic of Kyrgyzstan, equipment for their production, money, communications equipment, bank cards and much more were seized from him. An investigation is underway, and the bank's employees are helping law enforcement officers establish all episodes of illegal activities of organized crime groups.

Stanislav Kuznetsov, Deputy Chairman of the Executive Board of Sberbank: "This is not the first time that our close cooperation with the internal affairs bodies has contributed to the elimination of organized crime. This time, we stopped the activities of a criminal group that issued fake ID passports for citizens of the Republic of Kyrgyzstan to receive bank cards using them. The payment means could later be used by intruders to organize fraudulent schemes against Russian citizens. It is already clear that the detainee acted on an industrial scale, and now we continue to provide maximum assistance to law enforcement agencies in order to reveal all the details of the crimes committed."