bank cards

  1. Tomcat

    5 main scams with bank cards - carding: how to avoid becoming a victim of carders

    Thefts of money from payment cards have decreased over the past year, but have become more sophisticated. First Deputy Head of the Bank of Russia Main Directorate for the Central Federal District Ilshat Yangirov revealed the five main ways in which fraudsters empty citizens’ cards and told how...
  2. Tomcat

    Preventing fraud with bank cards - carding

    Every year the number of bank card users is growing incredibly. And this is not surprising, because the payment of wages in many enterprises is carried out using this particular banking service; a considerable number of people store and use their savings using a small plastic card, considering...
  3. Tomcat

    The expert spoke about the types of fraud with bank cards - carding

    Expert Stekolnikov: vigilance remains the main way to protect against fraud with bank accounts. The average amount of thefts from citizens bank accounts, according to the Bank of Russia, increased by 30% in 2022; over the past year, more than 13 billion rubles were stolen from clients of credit...
  4. Tomcat

    Dropper involuntarily: how not to become an accomplice in a fraudulent scheme with bank cards

    The methods of scammers to steal money from the population are becoming more and more sophisticated. Criminals not only develop illegal schemes for withdrawing funds from bank cards, but also integrate dummies—droppers—into their strategies. Most often, the least financially literate and at the...
  5. Tomcat

    A gang of carders who stole more than 20 million from Russians bank cards has been arrested

    Employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and representatives of the company BI.Zone, which works in the field of cybersecurity, caught a gang of hackers who stole more than 20 million rubles over five years. from bank cards of Russians using the Faketoken malware. The organizer confessed...
  6. Tomcat

    The police detained skimmers who stole money from bank cards

    The attackers copied data from 150 cards of Sberbank clients in one day by installing skimming equipment on one of the ATMs in Moscow. At the time of harvesting, the criminals were detained by the police. The Main Directorate of Economic Security and Anti-Corruption (GUEBiPK) announced the...
  7. Tomcat

    Can you tell me your phone number? Carders have learned to steal money from bank cards, knowing only the victim’s phone number!

    Experts from the antivirus company ESET have identified several cases of money theft through online banking applications. At the same time, the scammers did not even need to find out information about the victims’ bank cards - they gained access to the account by creating duplicate SIM cards...
  8. Tomcat

    How money is stolen from bank cards. Working schemes.

    Have you issued a bank card? Congratulations, you are being targeted by scammers. If you think that no one will deceive you, danger can creep up unnoticed: a harmless call on a familiar bank number can easily turn out to be fatal. Even a simple situation like selling a smartphone through an...
  9. Tomcat

    How carders steal money from your bank cards: 11 main schemes

    Approximately every fourth bank card holder is at risk of financial fraud. As a rule, attackers use social engineering methods, and Russians transfer money to them and give out personal data voluntarily. Forbes talks about 11 common methods scammers use In July, NAFI experts found that every...
  10. Tomcat

    How money is stolen from bank cards

    A learning experience for readers. Carders have many tricks to get into our virtual pockets. They use stolen personal data, hack personal accounts on bank websites, and link the card to another phone number. Fortunately, we are often able to protect our money. Readers of Tinkoff Magazine told...
  11. Tomcat

    How to copy bank cards

    After yesterday's story about the theft of money from my Sberbank card by cloning the card, I decided to understand how this happens. And, frankly, I was shocked by two things: that even a schoolchild could easily create a copy of a card and that the United States is simply a paradise for...
  12. Tomcat

    What you need to know about paying with bank cards online

    I saw that many carders (including the author of the topic) have no idea how paying with bank cards on the Internet works. Guided by conjectures and assumptions, rather than facts, the author concludes that Sberbank cards are the most vulnerable to fraud on the Internet. Therefore, I decided to...
  13. Tomcat

    Common misconceptions about bank cards

    Having worked for a long time in the field of banking software, and in particular on all kinds of electronic payments, together with my colleagues I compiled a mini-FAQ on the topic of bank plastic cards. Many questions are obvious, but some can be quite obscure. In Russia, the plastic card...
  14. Tomcat

    How bank cards affect the economy and why the bitcoin will not take off

    Of most interest are the publicly published internal rules of the Visa and Mastercard payment systems for the first time. Despite the fact that formally the rules are the same in all countries, in reality they differ in the West and in Russia in small but fundamental details. A little theory. In...
  15. Tomcat

    We create a royal form for accepting bank cards

    In this article, I will give recommendations on creating payment forms that will compare favorably with the forms of your competitors. Each recommendation item will be accompanied by a code example. You can see a full code example, including adaptive layout, implementation of validation...
  16. Tomcat

    “Expired cards”: how to extend the validity period of bank cards and is it possible to make them unlimited?

    I work on card payment applications and terminal technologies, and today I would like to talk about extending the validity period of bank cards. Many of us use several chip plastic cards, which on average have a validity period of 3-5 years. This limit is set by the issuing bank and is...
  17. Tomcat

    Fear, hate and tokenization of bank cards in Google Pay

    We have developed a feature for an Eastern European bank, thanks to which a customer can connect a card to Google Pay directly in the app. Five participants were involved in the project: we, the bank, Google Pay, an integrator, and a token service provider. The last three had white spots in the...
  18. Father

    How we learned to do without cash: a brief history of bank cards

    A bank card is as familiar as a smartphone: most people have it, and millions of people use it every day. However, it is the "card" that is gradually becoming a relic of the past, giving way to the same smartphones as a means of payment. But credit cards were not always plastic either. And what...
  19. Father

    Evolution of bank cards: from metal to metal

    All new technologies are based on knowledge and analysis of where they came from and how they have changed over time. When we start creating an object recognition engine in Smart Engines, we seriously delve into the history of this object and its evolutionary path of development. This...
  20. Father

    Sentry introduces the world's first bank cards with integrated OLED screens

    Fintech company Sentry Enterprises has introduced the world's first bank cards with integrated OLED panels. The firm launched the Radiance platform, which allows issuers to offer unique features, including OLED screens embedded in cards. Konica Minolta is engaged in the production of OLED...