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Knowledge1's Guide to Teslin

Knowledge1 (duh)
[email protected]
[email protected]

***** This file was written for use on quixer.com, your legal fake id resource center. *****
***** Knowledge1 has no affiliation with or benefit from quixer.com. Im just that nice.*****

Everyone is talking about teslin. So, lets examine what it is, how to use it, etc, etc.

1. Teslin

Read: www.teslin.com

Teslin is a funny plasticy-paper material. Why do you care about this? Well, once laminated
teslin looks and feels a LOT like PVC, the material credit cards and some drivers licenses are
made out of. Furthermore, the new California license truly IS made out of teslin.

The beauty to teslin is the fact that a normal printer can print on it, and then it becomes a
PVC card. You now longer need a PVC printer to get PVC results.

How do you do this? Well, the procedure is quickly outlined below, but we'll need to modify
this a bit depending on your setup.

1. Print your finished template on the teslin.
2. Cut it to the correct size (careful--teslin stretches)
3. Place in the teslin laminate (known as a butterfly pouch)
4. Run through a laminator.

At the end of this, you get a stiff card that really could pass for PVC. It tends to be a bit
floppier though, so you may want to do some of the tricks below.

2. Sounds great. Now what?

Well, teslin comes in several varieties, but we'll look at just two of them.

Regular teslin is available many places. This teslin can run through your laser printer,
or your dye-sub printer (Alps). If you put it in you inkjet, the paper will suck up alot of
the ink, and it will look very dark and runny.

If you own an inkjet, the teslin you are looking for is called IJ-1000 Inkjet teslin. However,
few places carry it, and its very expensive, upwards of 4 dollars a sheet.

3. I have an inkjet. This sucks.

Well, not entirely yet. You can slip a transparency between the teslin and its laminating pouch
and it will be held in there pretty well. What this means is that you can run your inkjet
compatible transparency through your printer, cut it out, PayPal it on the teslin, and laminate them
both inside the butterfly pouch. Looks pretty nice, and is readily do-able. I like to hit it with
some spray glue because bending it with the transparency in there can sometimes make it un-PayPal.

4. Great. What else?

Well, now you can print out your template, and get it in a pvc-type card. What about holograms?
Well, once you've made your holograms (see my hologram guide) we need to get them in/on the card.

Several options here.
1. Place the hologram backwards on the inside of the butterfly pouch. You can pre-make a big batch
of them, and just use them whenever you need to. (My choice)
2. Place it on the transparency
3. Place it on the teslin (only if you actually print to the teslin)
4. The outside of the package.
What? The outside? It comes right back off!
Well, not quite my dear friend. Real IDs have them in the "overlaminate" on the card.
The overlaminate is a very thin piece of plastic holding the holograms on the surface of the card,
bonded well to it. It also serves to keep the ink from getting rubbed off too easily.
If you want to be really authentic, place the holograms on the outside of the pouch after lamination
and hit it with a spray glue, PayPal an overlaminate on there, and re-laminate. Bonds well and makes
the card even stiffer. If you dont have the overlaminates (available lots of places), you can fake it
with hairspray and spray enamel. See my pvc howto for full methods here.