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Program to create and print a printer seals, stamps, cash checks. Forms of official licenses, permits, licenses, certificates, diplomas, certificates, medical and other certificates, diplomas, sick leave (now 500 documents!)

1.Kassy 0.72 pro Program Kassy - a database of cash registers with the possibility of printing out test checks.
Also in the program may print a check of any of vysheprechislennyh cash registers. Printed in the program check there will be little different from the printing of checks at the cash register, thus you are given the opportunity to see the checks above CMC. The program is easy to use and with it you can easily pick up a cash register with the best opportunities for you and the price!

2.Stamp 2.5 We offer you a computer program to create Stamp seals and stamps! This program allows you to quickly and easily create a print of any complexity. To create a print does not require a well-known computer program is easy to use and it can take advantage of each! Ready mock press can be printed using the printer on any paper and clearly see as the fulfillment of the press, and for greater visibility program is designed with features that had smeared print. Ready layout printing can be combined with virtually any equipment to create seals. We hope that the possibility Stamp Program can help you quickly and accurately develop a decent print for your business.
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