Some funny logs with stupid ripper.


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Here is little story: Person addigned Ripper status on CSU.
Same happend with him on CBIZ, coz we do it allways (person who tagged as ripper on CSU - got same on CBIZ and vice-versa).

Im recieving message from him:

Session Start (1223956:micronicro): Fri Mar 11 15:38:08 2011 0200
[15:38] micronicro: hello
[15:38] micronicro: are you here?
[15:38] micronicro: wtf?! why i am in ripper status?
[15:38] micronicro: i was offline for a few days
[15:38] micronicro: and now i connected to
[15:38] micronicro: and saw that i am in ripper status
Session Close (micronicro): Sat Mar 12 02:40:00 2011 0200

I dont not answer coz i dont like to spend time to same story called "it wasnt me". So ive just ignored it.

Today got this convo:
[06:34] micronicro: hello
[06:34] micronicro: are you here?
[06:35] Ninja: yes
[06:35] micronicro: so now i am back from my trip, could you tell me what is going on with my account? why i am in ripper status?
[06:35] micronicro: in
[06:36] Ninja: nickname?
[06:36] micronicro: micronicro
[06:38] Ninja: so u said u dont have account on csu, right?
[06:38] Ninja: coz i see one week ago u wrote me this
[06:38] Ninja:
[15:38] micronicro: are you here?
[15:38] micronicro: wtf?! why i am in ripper status?
[15:38] micronicro: i was offline for a few days
[15:38] micronicro: and now i connected to
[15:38] micronicro: and saw that i am in ripper status
[15:56] micronicro: and what is the way the back now for me? and sorry for my tone, your majesty! i don' have account in, check icq numbers (my 646416461), or LR number (my U1332891)
thats why i am angry, because there are one more micronicro in sorry again for any unliked tone, but understand me please. thanks

[06:38] micronicro: yes, i know that there are one micronicro in csu
[06:39] micronicro: but it is not me
[06:39] micronicro: yes i wrote it to you
[06:39] micronicro: sorry for not very nice tone, but i was a little bit angry after this
[06:40] Ninja: tell me honestly
[06:40] Ninja: im looks like stupid?
[06:41] micronicro: you said that there are claims in csu that i am ripper. if there are icq number given, could you please show me this post? (copy-paste or somehow)
[06:41] micronicro: no you are not looking stupid for me
[06:41] Ninja: u think i do not keep logs
[06:41] Ninja: or maybe forgot what u contacted me

[23:32] micronicro: could u help me? i am micronicro in and in in i cant remember my password and email which i have registered. for proof i can pm u in that i am micronicro. is it possible to do something?

[06:41] Ninja: And i didnt answered u.
[06:41] Ninja: So why the fuck you trying to lie to me?
[06:44] micronicro: listen, why you think i am lieing you? you think it is hard to register to again? yes i wrote it too, what you copied now and that was because i found out that in csu is one more micronicro, thats why i was asking it. this story sucks. ok i don't ask you again to get back to
[06:44] micronicro: just tell me
[06:44] micronicro: what was the claim in csu
[06:44] micronicro: about micronicro
[06:44] Ninja: lol
[06:44] Ninja: u're the stupidiest ripper i ever seen
[06:45] micronicro: what the fuck?
[06:45] micronicro: man
[06:45] micronicro: i can't take a look in csu
[06:45] Ninja: i dont have time for rippers
[06:45] Ninja: coz my time valuable.
[06:45] micronicro: so you will not tell me what was wrong with micronicro?
[06:45] Ninja: if u have nothin more to say - i will put u to ignore list
[06:45] micronicro: just who was ripped
[06:46] Ninja: u said u dont lie.
[06:46] Ninja: U said 5 mins ago what u dont have account on csu
[06:46] Ninja: ive showed u what u claimed what you DO HAVE account on csu.
[06:46] Ninja: so get lost, ripper.
[06:46] Ninja: u're on ignore list.

Its pure luck what this stupid ass, who said he dont have account on csu, contacted me in past with this convo:
[23:32] micronicro: could u help me? i am micronicro in and in in i cant remember my password and email which i have registered. for proof i can pm u in that i am micronicro. is it possible to do something?

Why those fuckers sometime so dumb but DAMN - they act PUSHY.


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lol funny story !
Bye Bye micronicro 3njoy lif3 ! =)